News on Sunday

Leader of the Opposition suspended for two sessions

The leader of the Opposition, Xavier-Luc Duval, has been suspended for the two forthcoming sessions of the National Assembly following a motion proposed by the Prime Minister, Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, at the sitting of Tuesday 24 October.


The move followed a verbal dispute between Duval and the Speaker, Maya Hanoomanjee, during supplementary questions time on the Private Notice Question. The PNQ was addressed to the Minister of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport, Nando Bodha, on the Metro Express project.

The leader of the Oppposition wanted to know the following: the latest feasibility study and financial forecasts; Environment Impact Assessment report on the Transport Industry; signed contracts with Larson and Toubro and Rites Ltd and Price Waterhouse Coopers Report on the transport industry; and also to indicate proposed changes in the bus routes and plans to prevent redundancies in the transport industry as a result of the implementation thereof.

In his reply, Minister Bodha said that that the Metro Express project will be viable and far from being a financial burden. On the contrary, it will bring a profit totaling more than 160 million rupees for the very first year. But the leader of the Opposition commented on the little impact it will have on traffic congestions. It is there that the Speaker intervened, by asking Xavier-Luc Duval not to comment but to put questions.

The situation became tense with comments being thrown from all over the place until the Speaker got on her feet and requested Duval to sit. The latter uttered a couple of inaudible words at the press gallery. It is then that the Speaker named the leader of the Opposition and asked him to leave.

Upon his refusal to do so, Maya Hanoomanjee suspended the house. It was noon. When the session resumed works, it was time for lunch. After resumption, the Prime Minister came with a motion blaming the leader of the Opposition and proposed that he should be suspended for two forthcoming sittings. The motion was put to vote and approved by the majority.


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