La magistrate Vidya Mungroo-Jugarnath a rayé l'accusation provisoire qui pesait sur l'avocat Akil Bissessur ce mardi 28 mars. Il faisait face à une accusation provisoire de possession de drogue synthétique pour la distribution. L'homme de loi avait été arrêté le 19 aout 2022 à Palma au domicile de sa compagne Doomila Moheeputh.
La magistrate, dans son ruling, a égratigné l'enquête policière qui, dit-elle, est truffée d'irrégularités.
“In light of result of the FSL, coupled with the explanations of the Applicant that the drugs which have been secured have been planted, the police had a duty to investigate into the version of the Applicant. Their failure to do so, in the face of the very serious allegations made by the Applicant, is incomprehensible and unreasonable. It raises doubts about the fairness and impartiality of the police”, écrit la magistrate.
Et d'ajouter : At the time of arrest the police did not have the results from the FSL nor had they recorded the defence statements of the Applicant. This is understandable given the short span of time within which they had to bring the Applicant before a court of law and the limited resources available to the police. However, the situation is no longer the same. The police are now in possession of the version of the Applicant as well as forensic evidence. The police have totally neglected the explanations of the Applicant and six months after the arrest, have failed to verify his version."
Toutefois, la magistrate précise ceci : "I deem it fit to open a parenthesis here to say that this Court is well-aware of the scourge that drugs are in our society. The present decision is not to be in any way interpreted as condoning the behaviour of people who deal in drugs nor is it synonymous to sympathy for the perpetrators of criminal offences. The present ruling is also not to be construed as an attempt to reprimand the police in the conduct of their enquiry nor does it make any findings on the veracity of any allegations made by either party. Neither does it make any findings on the breach of any right of the Applicant as guaranteed under the Constitution. However, it does call upon the police to exercise their powers diligently and in accordance with the principles established under the law."
D'autre part, la Poursuite devra prendre une décision dans le cas de Doomila Moheeputh également. Cela suite à l'arrêt de la magistrate. La compagne de l'avocat devra à nouveau se présenter au tribunal de Bambous le 19 avril 2023.
Ci-dessous le ruling dans son intégralité :

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