News on Sunday

Krishn Ramchurn: Creating a pool of young leaders

Krishn Ramchurn
In a fast developing environment, communication is a necessary tool to achieve success and develop your potential. An academic degree does not guarantee success. With his expertise, Krishn Ramchurn seeks to bring out the best in you. This interdisciplinary communication expert wants to revolutionise the field of verbal and non-verbal communication among the young generation. A certified John Maxwell Team (JMT) coach, speaker and trainer, Krishn Ramchurn is fully equipped and accredited to deliver workshops, seminars, trainings and keynote addresses on communication, leadership, sales and marketing, and personal growth. His areas of expertise include one-to-one coaching and trainings in communication skills, with the aim to:
  • show people how to connect with others
  • improve professional and social interrelations, and
  • empower introverts to express themselves in a clear, concise and precise manner
“I am a believer in personal development, and invest, on a daily basis, in my growth as a public and professional communicator. I also dedicate part of my spare time to training sessions on public speaking and personal growth for the benefit of high-school students,” he avers. Passionate about personal development and zeal about empowering young leaders, he has set up The Professional Communication Centre in 2015 and started to focus on delivering quality customised trainings, seminars and workshops in communication skills and personal development, namely in the following areas of expertise:
  • showing people how to connect with others
  • improve professional and social interrelations, and
  • empower introverts to express themselves in a clear, concise and precise manner
Kinds of training offered He currently offers trainings, for to a maximum of 20 persons, in communication skills. The upcoming training will focus around these themes:
  • Negotiating Your Way to Success
  • Effective Communication in Sales and Marketing
  • Effective Communication for Entrepreneurs
  • Successful Interview Skills
“I also provide one-to-one paid coaching to people with specific goal(s) in the field of public and professional speaking,” he says. Why trainings? According to the trainer, the ability to clearly communicate our intentions and our messages is vital to our success, irrespective of our age, gender, status or profession. “If you take a look at past and present successful people, the one thing they all have in common is that they are able to clearly and succinctly deliver their messages. These skills unfortunately do not form part of our academic growth, and unless they are developed through our parents and family, we end up cruising through our lives without the essential communication skillset that would ensure our success. The teaching I provide ensures that participants in my sessions are equipped to take on life’s challenges,” he explains. He affirms that the current Mauritian society does not practise personal development as it should be. “There is the constant social pressure to be, at the very least, a good academic performer and regularly acquire academic qualifications, but no emphasis is placed on life education, which we need more of, to succeed as we leave high school/university and join the working force, and as we transition into adulthood,” he reveals. Future projects Weekend seminars and workshops, in both communication skills and personal development will be organise as from February 2016. These sessions will be customized for:
  • College students
  • University students
  • Young professionals
  • Working professionals
During the first semester of 2016 as from 28th January 2016, there will be a seminar entitled “Masterminds in The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth and Intentional Living” for working professionals. What is to be a good leader? For Krishn, a leader is someone who motivates and empowers people in the organisation, and moves them to constantly deliver their best. “The good leader knows the way, goes the way and shows the way. If you can master this principle and apply it, you will be well on your way to achieve your goals. Young people have to first become aware of their potential, not only as academic students or new professionals, but as human beings who have the power to change their lives and the lives of people around them, if they choose to,” he states.
BIODATA From Engineering to Communications Krishn Ramchurn graduated from the University of Leeds, England in Electronic and Communication Engineering. He started his career as engineer for a local telecom service provider, and is transitioning to the field of public and professional communications. He is also a Competent Leader and Advanced Communicator Bronze with Toastmasters International, a world leader in communication and leadership development present in 135 countries aimed at empowering individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders.
Six codes of conduct He recommends the following six codes of conduct to young professionals looking to achieve success:
  • Love what you do. Make sure that you are doing what you love, only then will people around you see your passion and determination.
  • Have clear and smart goals – try to have no more than three – and have the end in mind as you work towards them
  • Evaluate your performance on a regular basis, and use the results and lessons to improve your next performance
  • Master your communication skills. This will allow you to clearly pass on your message and be understood. Start by joining a Toastmasters club.
  • Learn leadership skills. Start with studying the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell.
  • Breed leaders, and not followers. Think about your legacy: what will you leave behind as you move on.
  • Have your personal growth plan. You do not want to leave your growth to chance, or worse in the hands of another person.
  • salon



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