Barrister Raouf Gulbul was the guest of the Radio Plus Grand Journal on Thursday. He responded to the allegations against him before the Commission of Inquiry on Drugs. He said that he is handling the whole episode professionally.
Regarding the allegations made by ex-convict Jacharee Bottesoie that Mr. Raouf Gulbul would have proposed Rs 5 million to him if he chose not to make allegations against the drug dealer Rajen Velvindron, Raouf Gulbul said that it is simply an allegation. “Anyone can face an allegation made against him…. Velvindron was never my client. I have never met him, neither communicated with him. During my career I have never defended Velvindron,” he said.
Raouf Gulbul explained that the Central CID first interrogated him and Rajen Velvindron on this case in 2003. “In 2014, I was candidate for the elections and again the case resurfaced. Today in 2017, we are again hearing about this case. I would prefer that the police considers and investigate in the new elements in the case.”
Regarding the allegations made by drug trafficker Parveeza Jeeva that Raouf Gulbul had asked her to change her version of facts to the police after her arrest in 2005, the lawyer said that the he had asked for an inquiry on the allegations. “This case dates back to 2005 and the allegations were made in 2010. The Supreme Court as well as myself had requested an investigation on that. The higher officials of the police did their investigation and submitted the conclusion to the DPP’s office. But why in my case, when the DPP’s staff decided that there is no case against me, why can’t we accept it instead of challenging it? We are in a country where the rule of law prevails and we must respect that,” he said.
Commenting on the fact that he defended both Parveeza Jeeva and Peroomal Veeren, laywer Raouf Gulbul said that he acted as their lawyer during different periods. “I appeared as their lawyer for the same case but not for the same matter. He highlighted that he has never been booked of breach of ethics. “The last time I spoke to Peroomal Veeren was in February 2010 in the exercise of my profession. I told him what I had to and since then I have never spoken to him.”
Lawyer Tisha Shamloll, summoned by the Commission of Inquiry on Wednesday, also made several allegations against Raouf Gulbul. She said that Raouf Gulbul and Noor Hussenee and herself went to Reunion Island together in 2013 and that Mr Gulbul should disclose the true reason of their trip. Commenting on the matter, the lawyer said that there is no mystery surrounding the trip. “In fact the Passport and Immigration Office has confirmed the arrival and departures dates. And the trip was for professional reasons.”
Before the Commission, Tisha Shamloll also said that she was working as Raouf Gulbul’s Junior and wherever he was, she was also present. “Miss Shamloll had her own Chambers. There has never been a junior attached to my Chambers. There have been cases in Court where we appeared together and where she was qualified as junior,” stated the lawyer.
Tisha Shamloll also said that she had received instructions from her Senior, Raouf Gulbul, to make a deposit of Rs 5,000 into the bank account of Faizal Hussein, an Indian national convicted of drug trafficking. “I defended Mr Hussein so as to review his sentence. I found valuable ground to act as his lawyer and defended him. Following that, my role was over,” explained Raouf Gulbul. He added that he never sent Tisha Shamloll, as she alleged before the Commission, to India to meet with Faizal Hussein. “Faizal Hussein said that it is a member of his family who gave him the money. I never gave instructions to make any deposit in his bank account,” claimed Raouf Gulbul.
He also defended himself regarding the allegations made by Tisha Shamloll that they had a very close and personal relationship. “My relationship with Miss Shamloll has always been strictly professional. I cannot interpret what she has said before the Commission.” Regarding the alleged text messages of intimate nature, Raouf Gulbul said that the words used in the text messages should be interpreted in the context they have been used. Tisha Shamloll also alleged before the Commission of Inquiry that the relationship she had with Raouf Gulbul came to an end because he was obsessed and jealous. “I am waiting to go before the Commission to comment on this and I will do this in public and not in closed session.” He explained that if someone has made false allegations before the Commission of Inquiry, that person shall answer for that. He underlined that all allegations made before the Commission of Inquiry cannot be used to prosecute a person. “Section 12 of our law says that no evidence given before a Commission shall be admissible against any person in any civil or criminal proceeding.”
Regarding the financing of his electoral campaign, Raouf Gulbul revealed that all the money came from legitimate sources. “The money was clean and never came from any drug trafficker or convicted drug dealers.” Raouf Gulbul also commented on the leakage of information in the press, regarding the allegations made by Tisha Shamloll, prior to being mentioned before the Commission of Inquiry. “In this matter, my lawyer Gavin Glover has sent a letter to the Commission.”
Raouf Gulbul said that he does not intend to resign as president of the Gambling Regulatory Authority (GRA). He said that he remains confident and trusts that all the allegations will subside as they have no substance.

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