Le gouvernement a institué un Fact-Finding Committee (FFC),qui sera présidé par l’ancien juge, Paul Lam Shang Leen, pour faire la lumière sur les circonstances entourant la disparition de 16 kg des 135 kilos d’héroïne saisis au port en mars 2017. C'est ce qui ressort d'un communiqué émis par le secrétariat de ce FFC.
Ce comité d'enquête a pour objectif d’enquêter et de déterminer si toutes les procédures y compris celles de l'article 58 de la Dangerous Drugs Act 2000 ont été respectées. Le public est aussi invité à déposer devant le FFC. Les audiences se déroulement à huis clos.
Le Premier ministre, Pravind Jugnauth, avait estimé «very disturbing» la disparition de cette quantité de drogue des Casernes centrales, supposées être l’endroit le plus sûr du pays.
Les 16 kilos d’héroïne faisaient partie des 135 kilos saisis au port en mars 2017. La drogue était dissimulée dans des compresseurs. Il a été, par la suité, noté que 16 kilos manquaient à l’appel.
Lors d’une Private Notice Question (PNQ) au Parlement en juillet dernier, le ministre Mentor, sir Anerood Jugnauth, avait affirmé ne pas être satisfait des explications que le commissaire de police, Mario Nobin, lui avait fournies.
Ci-dessous le communiqué du secrétaire du FFC :
The Government has set up a Fact Finding Committee chaired by Mr P Lam Shang Leen, former Puisne Judge, to enquire into the circumstances surrounding the alleged discrepancy in the weight of drugs seized and secured by the Anti Drug and Smuggling Unit of the Police and Customs on the 09 March 2017 re OB 909/2017 ADSU.
The terms of reference are as follows.
Discrepancy in the Weight of Drugs.
1. To investigate and determine whether all procedures, including those under section 58 of the Dangerous Drugs Act 2000 and Part VIII of the Police Standing Order No. 138, have been complied with by the police in securing the exhibit in case OB 909/2017 – ADSU.
2. To enquire and determine whether, in relation to the exhibit secured by the police in case OB 909/2017 – ADSU, all the procedures have been complied within the chain of custody of the exhibit during its movement from the Police to the Forensic Scientific Laboratory (FSL).
3. To enquire and determine whether all applicable procedures have been complied with the FSL on receipt of the exhibit secured by the police in case OB 909/2017 – ADSU.
4. To enquire whether there is any discrepancy in the weight of the drugs secured as an exhibit by the police in case OB 909/2017 – ADSU and the drugs remitted to the FSL for analysis and to enquire into the cause/s of the discrepancy, if any.
5. In the event that it is determined that there has been a discrepancy under Terms of Reference 4, to enquire whether there has been any failure, shortcoming or wrong doing on part of the Police, FSL or any other person in connection with the drugs secured by the police in case OB 909/2017 – ADSU and situate the responsibilities thereof.
6. To enquire and report on any matter incidental or ancillary thereto.
7. To make appropriate recommendations.
The Committee invites persons who have credible information on the subject or wish to depose before the Committee, to inform the Secretary in writing, together with a brief statement on the specific issue which he/she wishes to bring to the attention of the Committee and this not later than 26 October 2018 at the address given below:
Mr. P Ramchurn
Secretary Fact Finding Committee
Court House, Commercial DivisionPope Hennessy Street
Port Louis.
The Committee welcomes any recommendation concerning the seizure, chain of custody and safekeeping etc..of exhibits.
Those who wish to be heard by the Committee will be required to furnish their full name and address (profession, residential and electronic) and a contact number so that they may be informed by the Committee of the date and time at which they may be invited to depose.
The hearing will be carried out in camera.
For further information, please contact the Secretary of the Committee on 59249478 during office hours or by mail to the following address:-poramchurn@govmu.org.
P Ramchurn
Secretary Fact Finding Committee.
15 October 2018.

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