Sir Anerood Jugnauth does not fail to mesmerize his supporters. He made some surprise visits in Constituency No. 7 in the afternoon to encourage the candidates of L’Alliance Morisien. Supporters swarmed in the school yards to welcome him and click some selfies with him.
Satish Faugoo, candidate of L’Alliance Nationale, expresses his satisfaction for his Constituency, but at the same time, was a bit irritated about the fact that some candidates of the MSM were carrying on with their campaign with the voters near the voting centres, “when they are only allowed to greet them casually, according to the Electoral Code of Conduct”.
Jayendra Kumar, candidate of the MMM, got the opportunity to vote for himself in his Constituency. According to him, the population will not be surprised that the MMM will be in government after this election. “The population is tired of the current regime and they want militants in the government” he believes.
Number of electors : 43 993
Voters Turnout : 36 371
Percentage of abstention : 17.3%

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