Après sept ans comme le Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Sherry Singh lâche les commandes de Mauritius Telecom (MT).
Ce jeudi matin 30 juin, il a soumis sa lettre de démission au chairman de la compagnie, Nayen Koomar Ballah.
Selon nos recoupements, de « profondes divergences » avec le Premier ministre Pravind Jugnauth serait la raison de son départ.
« I am unable to continue without compromising my values and that is not an option for me », a écrit Sherry Singh dans une lettre adressée au personnel de MT.
Le CEO démissionnaire dit partir avec « le sens du devoir accompli ».
Ce matin, Sherry Singh a rencontré les membres du personnel de MT pour leur dire un dernier au revoir.
Voici le dernier message de Sherry Singh dans son intégralité :
My Dearest Colleagues,
It is with a heavy heart that I write what is going to be my last message to you as your CEO.
It has been 7 years of the most amazing times transforming our Company and Country together, for the better. We have earned the respect of our board, our clients and the population by consistently performing beyond expectations. We have shown maturity by balancing our commercial objectives with our social obligations. We have shown brilliance by being one of the most innovative companies even on the continent as recognized by the industry. We have shown our heart by standing by our country and people in the most difficult times like the lockdowns. And we have shown what can be achieved when a team plays as One!
We are today financially strong, commercially the reference, the No 1 company in terms of Innovation and Brand reputation, the No 1 in terms of infrastructure, the No 1 in terms of a “Great Place to work” and Corporate Wellness, No 1 in terms of number of International Awards from the industry and a reference in terms of our MUGA Social projects. One of my most important missions was to get the group to diversify to protect our financial health from short to mid-term shocks. Our strategy is to evolve the company from a pure Telco to now a Tech company stepping strongly in the Fintech and ICT Industries through Cloud based services. We enabled the Telecoms industry for the country and now we are going to enable the ICT industry in a meaningful way. Mauritius Telecom is now gearing up to its next level of growth.
I will unfortunately not be part of the next ride as I have submitted my resignation today. I am unable to continue without compromising my values and that is not an option for me. However, I want you to know that although I am leaving the company physically, I am not leaving you. One cannot leave those they have considered as family. I shall be by your side always.
It has been a great honour to work beside you. It has been a great honour to work for my country.
As I take leave, my blessings are with you and your families and I urge you not to forget to keep being your best always…I shall be watching.

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