News on Sunday

Yugesh Bundhoo : Awarded Best Global Peace Ambassador worldwide 

National 2nd Award Winner - Mauritius Council of Youth Leaders December 2018 with the Acting President.

Mauritius should be proud of this young man who is setting a trend by being a role model for the current and future generations through his hard work, determination and willingness to put Mauritius on the global platform. Recently awarded as Best Global Peace Ambassador Worldwide by Global Peace Chain in South Africa, Yugesh Bundhoo, a resident of Morcellement St André, shares this enriching experience with the readers of News on Sunday. 

Mr. Kamran Zafar, Executive Director, Global Peace chain - Yugesh Bundhoo, AMbassador Global Peace Chain Mauritius - Mr.Muhammad Ahmad, Program Officer, Global Peace Chain.
Mr. Kamran Zafar, Executive Director, Global Peace chain - Yugesh Bundhoo, AMbassador Global Peace Chain Mauritius - Mr.Muhammad Ahmad, Program Officer, Global Peace Chain.

28-year-old Yugesh Bundhoo, a Prison Officer by profession and a philanthropist, brings innovations and a new feature in the Mauritian Society as well as the SADC Region [Southern African Development Community]. In December 2018, Yugesh Bundhoo was nominated to be Global Peace Ambassador representing Mauritius on National and International Platforms. As Global Peace Ambassador, he reveals that each and every action of his encompasses the idea of the sustained well-being of all people, especially the most vulnerable. In collaboration with families, communities, and partners, he ensures that children/youngsters and elderly people enjoy good health, and engross in a lifelong learning process, experience the warm bath theory and earn respect from their surroundings. He envisions a prosperous society for the new generation by focusing on factors such as Peace, Education, Health and Empowerment. 

As Ambassador, his main responsibility is to cultivate the culture of tolerance, inclusivity and social peace building both on National and International Platform in educational institutions, interactive sessions with youth & civil society, community stakeholders, policy makers, heads of government, diplomats, influential community groups, religious scholars and community based organization. “I believe more than ever before that as the youth of today, we have a critical role to play in creating opportunities for our communities and the world. We should harness and channel our passion and hunger for change by taking risks.”

Global Peace Chain - Peace By Dialogue and Artwork.
Global Peace Chain - Peace By Dialogue and Artwork.

He was very much surprised when he was awarded the Best Ambassador worldwide. “I am proud to be a Mauritian and proudly represented Mauritius. I want to thank the Executive Director of Global Peace Chain for giving me this International Opportunity.” He confides that the award is about the level of involvement of an Ambassador in social activities and in promoting peace by dialogues – Organising Peace Camp, Peace Dialogues. He states that Mauritius has been ranked first in all activities and meeting all the objectives set by the Global Peace Chain. “Global Peace Summit united participants from more than 50 countries aiming to engage young peace builders in peace making process and amplify their voices for social justice. Global Peace Chain envisions building resilience, cultivating the culture of tolerance, inclusivity, interfaith harmony, co-existence, love & social peace building across the border through peace camps in educational institutions, interactive sessions, peace talks with society stakeholders, diplomats, ambassadors, influential community groups, UN officials, religious scholars and community based organization across the globe by engaging Global Peace Ambassadors.”

Yugesh at Global Peace Summit.
Yugesh at Global Peace Summit.

Social Activist 

Yugesh Bundhoo chose social work because he has a passion for working with and helping others. “I grew up in a home with generous and loving parents, but as I grew older, I realized that not everyone was as lucky to have such an experience. I want to provide that for children, families and adults. I wanted a profession where I am able to help empower individuals and families to find solutions, improve on changes in social policy, promote social justice, and pull communities together in a way that fosters both human and global well-being.  To truly make a difference and to be the change I want to see in the world, I must embrace it with my career. That is why I choose to be a Social Worker.” 

Yugesh Bundhoo participated in a panel discussion.
Yugesh Bundhoo participated in a panel discussion.

Yugesh is the Executive Director and Founder of the Alliance of Interconnected Young Volunteers Association (AIYVA), which helps in eradicating social vices for a better tomorrow and works towards building a better society. The young man argues that for any country to succeed, it needs educated, well-informed and responsible leaders and the best leaders are the youths. “The youth have to correct the mistakes and shortcomings of the previous leaders and completely change the outlook of that particular society. Youth have to do away with vices like corruption, being self-centered and greedy in leadership so that the citizens look forward to achieving development, gender equity and equal allocation of resources.” 

Forthcoming Projects for year 2019

For the year 2019, the young man and his team have a series of activities as follows: 

  • Free Pastry Courses for the general public
  • Sustainable Household Waste Management and Backyard Gardening 
  • Education for all – Ensure that all children go to school and are provided with necessary materials for their learning
  • Blood Donation – There are actually insufficient blood in the blood bank – take the responsibility to organize regularly blood donation for replenishment at the Blood Bank
  • Save Energy –Sensitization Campaign – Be a Muda Buster – With the currently hot temperature, it is noted through survey that people are not switching off electrical apparatus even when not in use
  • Promoting Healthy Eating and Exercise 
  • Continue with sensitization campaign against drugs and cigarettes.
  • Organizing National Peace Summit in Mauritius / Organising Peace Camps and Peace through discussion activities in all regions of Mauritius.
  • defi moteur


  • NOU LAKAZ - Le Grand Salon dédié à la Maison & au Jardin


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