Mauritius and Kenya
A new era of strategic cooperation
The President of Republic of Kenya, Mr. Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta, is in Mauritius for an official visit for four days. During this visit, there will be the signature of six agreements in the fields of Education, Tourism, Arts and Culture, Special Economic Zones and Free Trade Zone. He landed on Tuesday and is leaving Mauritius on this Friday. So far, it has been a fruitful visit for both countries.
Dhaneshwar Damry: “Export of digital services will be a main driver of our economic growth”
Digital economy, Fintech, blockchain, cloud, all these terms still sound like Greek language to many of us. Dhaneshwar Damry, Chairman of Bhumishq, a company in the ICT sector based in Ebène, shares his views with News on Sunday on a number of business happenings in these fields in Mauritius.
Hire Purchases squeezing the nation under household debt
Buying on credit has become the norm of modern society. The increased availability of credit is responsible for higher levels of debt burden on households. Aggressive marketing campaigns and hire purchases have urged many families to indulge in debts. Shocking statistics from the Household Budget Survey: Analytical Report 2017 have revealed that some 40% of households are indebted in Mauritius.
Launching of the novel ‘The Sown’
Mauritian society inspires author AC BUX
Author AC BUX, Agnes by her real name, is in Mauritius for the launching of her first novel ‘The Sown’. Living in Melbourne with her family members of the two-legged and four-legged varieties, AC Bux is a regular contributor to the food blog, ‘Eat and Be Merry for Tomorrow We Die’. She is a freelance writer for a variety of e-zines and travel apps.
Saleem Rajaballee, teacher and amateur artist: Building a career out of own interests
Is it possible to capitalize on your passion on a part-time basis while exercising your profession? Certainly, it is. Meet Saleem Rajaballee, a young biology teacher who has studied painting on his own and makes money out of this new found passion.
Indian Ocean Island Games (J-98)
Let the countdown begin!
Mauritius is preparing to host one of the main events of the African sports calendar this year: the 10th edition of the Indian Ocean Island Games. The organizing committee met on Wednesday 10th April which also marked the 100 days-countdown to the IOSG which will be held from the 19th to 28th of July 2019.

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