Bold, inspired, intelligent, multitalented. Mauritian women are full of skills. Over the past five decades, they have increasingly been on the front line, tackling issues and contributing to various spheres of society. Let us take a look at female representation across major areas of society.
According to the ESI Gender Statistics 2014, Mauritius held the 106th position out of 142 countries compared to the 98th position the previous year according to the Global Gender Gap Index (GGI) of the World Economic Forum. The GGI seeks to measure gender equality across four key areas: economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, health and survival and political empowerment. However, on a more positive note, the Gender Statistics revealed that “the proportion of women in the most senior positions has increased from 19% to 45% over the past 15 years.”
Constitutional posts
For the first time since it became a republic, Mauritius elected its first woman President in 2015. Dr Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, a life-long scholar and researcher acceded to the presidency following general elections. The year before, Mrs Maya Hanoomanjee, former Health Minister, became the first woman to preside over debates of the National Assembly as Speaker in 2014. With Mrs Monique Ohsan-Bellepeau as Vice-President, three of the top constitutional posts in Mauritius are held by women.
TOP 100 COMPANIES The Gender Statistics 2014 reveal that the active women represented 45.3% of the female population aged 16 years and above compared to 75.2% for men. It further tells that 77% of women worked in the tertiary sector.
- The President of the Republic – Dr Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, GCSK, CSK, PhD. On 05 June 2015, Dr (Mrs) Gurib-Fakim was sworn in as the 6th President and the First woman President of the Republic of Mauritius.
- Vice President of the Republic – Monique Ohsan Bellepeau, GOSK. She was appointed as Vice President on 12 November 2010.
- Speaker of the National Assembly – Maya Hanoomanjee, GCSK. In December 2014, the National Assembly elected Mrs Maya Hanoomanjee as its new Speaker. The first woman to hold this job.
- Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research - (Mrs) Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun
- Minister of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare - (Mrs) Marie-Aurore Marie-Joyce Perraud
- Minister of Social Security, National Solidarity and Reform Institutions - (Mrs) Fazila Jeewa-Daureeawoo
- Superintendent of Police – Smriti Sawoky
- Assistant Superintendent of Police – Liseby Théodore
- Assistant Superintendent of Police – Gladys Arlanda
- Deputy Commissioner of Prisons – Mrs G. Aubeeluck
- Assistant Commissioner of Prisons – Mrs M. A. Nelson
- Secretary for Foreign Affairs – Usha Chandnee Dwarka Canabady
- Senior Chief Executive, Tourism and External Communications – Kan Oye Fong Weng Poorun
- Senior Chief Executive Energy and Public Utilities – Nirmala Devi Nababsing
- Senior Chief Executive, Health and Quality of Life – How Cheey Lan How Fok Cheung
- Prime Minister’s Office (National Development Unit) – Asha Devi Burrenchobay
- Tourism and External Communications (Tourism Division) – Premila Roy
- Health and Quality of Life – Iona Melanie Oree
- Public Infrastructure and Land Transport (Land Transport Division) – Mylavadee Mudaliar
- Prime Minister’s Office (Home Affairs Div.) – Devi Chand Anandi Rye Seewooruthun
- Tourism and External Communications (External Communications Division) – Maheswaree Madhub
- Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research – Nema Devi Goorah
- Industry, Commerce and Consumer Protection (Industry Division) – Rajwantee Ramrukheea
- Mrs Shaheda Peeroo (Puisne Judge)
- Mrs Ah Foon Chui Yew Cheong (Puisne Judge)
- Mrs Nalini Matadeen (Puisne Judge)
- Mrs Bibi Rehana Mungly-Gulbul (Puisne Judge)
- Mrs Deviyanee Beesoondoyal (Puisne Judge)
- Mrs Nirmala Devat (Puisne Judge)
- Ms Rita Teelock (Puisne Judge)
- A. D. Narain (Ms) (Puisne Judge)
- G. Jugessur-Manna (Mrs) (Puisne Judge)
- S. B. A, Hamuth-Laulloo (Mrs) Deputy Master and Registrar and Judge in Bankruptcy
- Mrs K. Bissoonauth (Acting Vice-President, Industrial Court)
- Mrs R. D. Dabee (President, Intermediate Court Criminal Division)
- Mrs R. Seetohul-Toolsee (President Intermediate Court (Civil)
- Mrs A. Ramdin (Vice-President Intermediate Court Civil Side)
- Ms N. Ramsoondar (Vice-President, Intermediate Court (Criminal)
- Ms W. V. Rangan (Magistrate Intermediate Court)
TOP 100 COMPANIES The Gender Statistics 2014 reveal that the active women represented 45.3% of the female population aged 16 years and above compared to 75.2% for men. It further tells that 77% of women worked in the tertiary sector.
- Executive Director at the Taylor Smith Group, and Director on the boards of most of Taylor Smith Group companies – Heba Capdevila-Jangeerkhan
- Managing Director of Total Mauritius Ltd – Anne-Solange Renouard
- Managing Director of Engen Petroleum (Mauritius) Ltd – Joan N. Njoroge
- Chief Executive Officer of Lottotech Ltd – Michelle J. Carinci
- Chairman of Esquel Group – Majorie Yang
- Managing Director of SICOM Group – Karuna Bhoojedhur-Obeegadoo
- Managing Director of Lafarge (Mauritius) Cement Ltd – Anne-Brigitte Spitzbarth

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