The report of the Commission of Inquiry on Drugs, along with the formulation of a National Drug Control Master Plan, is much awaited by the Government to consolidate the fight against drug scourge in Mauritius. This reply was given by the Prime Minister, Minister of Home Affairs, External Communications and National Development Unit, Minister of Finance and Economic Development, Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, to a Private Notice Question regarding the proposed elaboration of a National Drug Control Master Plan in the National Assembly on Tuesday.
Prime Minister Jugnauth pointed out that the Cabinet had agreed to the setting up of a Committee in September 2015 to look into the pertinent issue of drug scourge prevailing in the country. The Committee, he underlined, recommended a holistic and integrated approach to effectively address the drug problem and which could be achieved with the formulation of a National Drug Control Master Plan for Mauritius.
The Master Plan identifies the need for the following: A national body at the apex of Government with the authority to act as the national convener across all sectors involved; plugging of gaps in legislative framework; an intelligence sharing platform among the law enforcement agencies; strengthen structural and organisational operations of ADSU and Customs; accelerate actions against the emerging threat of New Psychoactive Substances (Synthetic Drugs); and focus on the rehabilitation and social reintegration of people who use drugs or those on treatment.

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