Rashid et Yasmine Dilmahomed, les parents de Fateemah, tiennent à exprimer leur profonde gratitude envers toutes les personnes qui les ont soutenus durant l'épreuve difficile qu’ils traversent. Leur fille, âgée de 21 ans, a été amputée de la jambe droite après que ses pieds ont été broyés dans un escalator au centre commercial Grand Baie La Croisette, samedi dernier.
Ce matin, Fateemah a été transférée d’urgence en Inde pour recevoir des soins médicaux spécialisés à Chennai, dans l’espoir de sauver sa jambe gauche.
Dans un message adressé ce soir, Rashid et Yasmine Dilmahomed remercient chaleureusement le Premier ministre Navin Ramgoolam, son épouse Veena, le ministre de la Santé Anil Bachoo, le député Eshan Juman, le ministre Shakeel Mohamed, ainsi que le personnel soignant de l’hôpital du Nord. Ils expriment également leur reconnaissance envers toutes les autres personnes et organismes qui leur ont apporté leur soutien, sans oublier les nombreux Mauriciens qui ont prié pour le rétablissement de leur fille.
Ils lancent un appel à continuer ces prières : « Please continue to PRAY for our child's recovery... PRAY for our child to stand up again!!! », écrivent Rashid et Yasmine Dilmahomed.
Voici leur message complet :
“Gd evening my beloved people of Mauritius.
We left for Chennai today Monday 25 Nov for the treatment of my child organised by the Government of Mauritius...we thanked the ALMIGHTY for saving my child and we accept the test HE put us through. Its the worse thing that can happened to a parent. It's unbearable.
My foremost thanks to Hon Prime Minister Hon N.Ramgoolam who is doing his level best to save my child left leg and give her a better medical treatment..to Lady Veena..who is such a humble and adorable woman...to the Minister of Health Mr Baichoo..Hon Eshan Juman who has accompanied us Day n night since this tragedy and the SCE of MOH Mrs Seewooruttun.The Directors of Health Services namely Dr Mrs Gungadin and Dr Dinasing..the staff of MOH in Ebene...the High Commission of India...the medical and non medical staff of the SSRN Hospital..the RHD of SSRN Dr H.Reesaul..MS Dr Mrs Catherine...my lovely team...the SAMU Staff ....
the fire fighters...the Police...those who helped at the time of the accident directly or indirectly especially Mr Reaz Dhonye and the GBLC team.
Our thanks also goes to the Cabinet of Ministers...EACH AND EVERY Minister who visited my child in hospital and some came to our home. They could not withhold their tears...we thank Hon Minister Shakeel Mohamed..the lead Counsel Me Arshad Gassita and Al ihsaan organisation for their unflinching support.
Our thanks goes of course to our people ..family ..friends...who are standing up for us in such tragic moment....who backed us by prayers irrespective of any religion 🙏 AS ONE PEOPLE AS ONE NATION !!!
Please continue to PRAY for our child recovery..PRAY for our child to stand up again !!!!
My Fateemah is a brilliant and wise young woman who never gave up when challenges came her way....She was a student of Dr Maurice Cure SSS and this speaks by itself how DMC girls are.
She is married to Turhan Dogansoy and she settled in her husband country...Holland. On 10 Dec she was supposed to go back to her home in Holland with her husband...on 27th November will be her 3rd Wedding Anniversary...😥
Our heartily recognition goes to Dr Mrs Auckloo and her assistant nurse Ramdin who are taking great care of my child from Mauritius up to Chennai...we thank also the Air India crews.
Nothing can repay the Doctors who attended Fateemah..Dr Periacarpen..Dr Bhomah...Dr Ramsaha..Dr Mrs Ballah amongst many other doctors who were present. Indeed this is a very noble profession!!!
We would like to share a few pics of the lovely moments of her life with the people of my beloved country and to citizens of the world....
Yasmine and Rashid Dilmahomed
Mum and Dad of Fateemah

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