News on Sunday

MCB innovates with new services

MCB touch & pay

The Mauritius Commercial Bank (MCB) is again in the frontline with innovative services. The Bank will soon launch several new services with the aim of simplifying the daily lives of its customers, with always more security.


Alain Law Min, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), MCB Ltd, states that the world of payment is constantly changing and new technology is bringing these modifications both globally and locally. In this context, he argues that the MCB will continue to innovate by offering a variety of solutions for payment.

Touch and Pay

Till date, 642,000 Debit MasterCard have been issued to replace the old Maestro debit cards. In order to save customers time, avoid their card manipulations and simplify everyday life, the MCB will be launching within a few days Touch & Pay.

This will help customers to make purchases up to Rs 500 by just placing their MasterCard on the payment machine to validate their transaction. The daily limit for such a payment is Rs 1,000. At first, this new service will be available at KFC network as from 15th January. It will then be deployed at operators around the country.


Since it began its operations in June 2013 to September of 2017, around 150,000 MCB customers have subscribed to Juice. Juice users will soon discover its brand new look to be even more ‘user-friendly’ and to offer an optimized experience in navigation terms.

In addition to the possibility of making payments, withdrawing money at an ATM without a debit card, or having access to PayPal for online purchases, the application will include shortly simplified functions, including fingerprint identification, or modification of the daily transfer limit. Among the new features, there will be payment by QR code. Customers can scan the QR code to make any payment.

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