Junior Chamber International (JCI), a local NGO working towards creating positive change through active citizenship, launches their annual competition known as the JCI Mauritius Ten Most Outstanding Young Person Award on Thursday.
It is a platform to promote the achievement of young people aged 18-40 in Mauritius. Project Director Alisha Hingun says that it is important to think about the economic responsibility of the country. Without the foundation of a culture that takes youth development into account, today’s leadership is doomed to a dark future.
JCI Mauritius is therefore inviting leaders of today to come forward and participate in this award to showcase their contribution to the world as socially responsible citizens, engaged in economic and social development of the country.
There are 10 entry categories that participants can choose from: Business, Economic and/or Entrepreneurial accomplishment, Political, Legal and/or Governmental affairs, Academic leadership and/or accomplishment, Cultural achievement, Moral and/or Environmental leadership, Contribution to children, World peace and/or Human rights, Humanitarian and/or Voluntary leadership, Scientific and/or Technological development, Personal improvement and/or accomplishment and Medical innovation.
Winners of this competition will be potential candidates for the Ten Most Outstanding Persons of the World. They will have the opportunity to participate, in November 2018, in the international competition of this award. There will be an international awarding ceremony during the annual world congress of JCI, this year in Goa, India. A special website is available for any additional information:http://toyp.jcimauritius.org/. Participants have till 5th of May to submit their application.

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