InnovEd 2018, the flagship initiative of the National Productivity and Competitiveness Council (NPCC) that aims at inculcating a culture of innovation among young students, culminated with an award ceremony earlier this week at the Octave Wiéhé Auditorium, Réduit.
The current edition of InnovEd, which was launched in February this year, saw the participation of some 44 secondary institutions and the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD) centres. These institutions were represented by more than 450 students spread across a total of 72 teams.
InnovEd 2018 focused on the theory of Multiple Intelligences and attracted participation from students in six distinct categories namely Interactive Media, Cultural Heritage, Language and Publishing, Design, Visual Arts and Performing Arts.
InnovEd 2018 showcased an array of online learning materials on creativity as well as innovation that included puzzles, games, quizzes, lesson plans and self-assessments that were aimed at both students and teachers. Another innovation in the 2018 edition included the ability for students to access these learning materials through mobile devices.
According to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the NPCC, Mr. Deepak Balgobin, AI will have a big impact on jobs and we need to respond promptly to the constant evolution around us.
“The world is changing and this change is extremely dramatic and very fast. In fact, when we talk about the world of tomorrow, we are not talking about some time in the far future. We are literally talking about the very next day. In reality, today is the first day of the future,” Mr. Balgobin pointed out in his speech at the award ceremony.
He also made direct references to global figures such as Apple founder, late Steve Jobs and Ford Motor Company’s founder, late Henry Ford, who both changed the face of their respective industries through their innovative approaches.

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