Les chevaux Maxamore et Aspara ne pourront participer aux courses pour une période de six mois. Ces deux coursiers qui avaient remporté chacun une course le 12 et le 26 mai respectivement ont été disqualifiés et suspendus.
C'est ce qui ressort d'un communiqué du Mauritius Turf Club ce vendredi.
Cette décision a été prise après la détection d’un produit illicite dans leurs échantillons d’urine et de sang d’après-course.
Conséquence de cette décision : l'ordre de l'arrivée dans les courses auxquelles avaient participé Maxamore et Aspara a changé. Ce sont maintenant Gameloft et Rebel Alliance qui ont été déclarés vainqueurs.
Ci-dessous le communiqué du MTC :
The Mauritius Turf Club (MTC) Racing Stewards today inquired into reports received from Quantilab that stanozolol and 16-beta-hydroxystanozol had been detected in the post-race blood and urine samples taken from MAXAMORE after it won Race 2, The Le Prix Pierre Hugnin (990 metres) on 12 May 2018 and ASPARA after it won Race 2 The “Pets Concern-Treating Your Pet as A Family Cup” (1500 metres) on 26 May 2018.
Evidence was taken from Trainer Mr. Gilbert Rousset and MTC Veterinary Officer Dr Marie-Claire Domaingue. Mr. G. Rousset acknowledged that stanozolol and 16-beta-hydroxy-stanozolol were both illicit substances as defined in the Mauritius Turf Club Rules of Racing.
Acting under the provisions of Rule 206(b):
• MAXAMORE was disqualified as the winner of Race 2 The Le Prix Pierre Hugnin (990 metres) on 12 May 2018 and placings adjusted to read: 1 st GAMELOFT (I. Poullis) 2 nd SKY HIGH FLYER (A. Balloo) 3 rd FREDDIE FLINT (D. David) 4 th DEALER’S CHARM (B. Louis)
•ASPARA was disqualified as the winner of Race 2 The “Pets Concern-Treating Your Pet as A Family Cup” (1500 metres) on 26 May 2018 and placings adjusted to read: 1 ST REBEL ALLIANCE (R. Oliver) 2 nd CHESTER’S WISH (J. Allyhosain) 3 rd OUZO (J.P.van der Merwe) 4 th EUROKLIDON (K. Ramsamy)
Pursuant to Rule 208A(4)(b)(b) which states: When an illicit substance is detected by an analyst approved by the Club in a sample taken from a horse at any time- Shall result in that horse being automatically suspended from racing for a period of 6 months from the date the illicit substance is detected.
• MAXIMORE was suspended from racing for a period of 6 months effective from 22 May 2018 and will expire at midnight 22 November 2018.
• ASPARA was suspended from racing for a period of 6 moths effective from 1 June 2018 and will expire at midnight 1 December 2018. As these matters are subject to an ongoing Police investigation, the Racing Stewards adjourned these inquiries to a date to be fixed to allow for the completion of the Police investigation and the subsequent receipt of the Police report into these matters.

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