News on Sunday

Cabinet reshuffle : Roubina Jadoo-Jaunbocus minister, Fazila Jeewa-Daureeawoo Vice Prime Minister


As from this Thursday, the cabinet has known some new changes. Roubina Jadoo-Jaunbocus is the new Minister of Gender Equality, while Fazila Jeewa-Daureeawoo becomes the first ever woman to occupy the post of Vice Prime Minister. She is also the Minister of Local Government.


Moreover, Mahen Jhugroo leaves the Ministry of Local Government and gets the portfolio of Housing and Land. Besides, MP Gowkaran Oree, better known as Vikash, has been appointed Parliamentary Private Secretary (PPS). The latter was elected in constituency No. 4 [Port Louis/ Long Mountain].

It is to be recalled that the appointment of a new PPS and the new ministers come after Showkutally Soodhun’s resignation as Vice Prime Minister.

Fazila Jeewa-Daureeawoo : “A historical day”

After her swearing in, Fazila Jeewa-Daureeawoo states that it is a historical day for Mauritius as for the first time, a woman has been named Vice Prime Minister and she thanks the Prime Minister for his faith in women. “I am very pleased. It is a challenge.

The post of VPM has lots of responsibilities and I will assume the responsibilities vested upon me. We have a mandate of five years, the work needs to continue. I will give my best. I am a very positive person. I will bring my feminine touch to this post.”

It should be noted that Fazila Jeewa- Daureeawoo has been Minister of Social Security and Minister of Gender Equality in the past.

Roubina Jadoo-Jaunbocus : “A new step in my political career”

Appointed as Minister of Gender Equality, Roubina Jadoo-Jaunbocus reveals that it is a new step in her political career. “As a PPS, I have been working for my country. The work continues.

I will continue to persevere for my country and continue the good work of my colleague Fazila Daureeawoo. I will continue to address the issue of domestic violence.”

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