News on Sunday

Bengali Film Festival

Artist Rashila Ramchurn PhD Artist Rashila Ramchurn PhD

Artist Rashila Ramchurn PhD student in Cultural Anthropology invites the public to her art exhibition on Bengali Film Festival at Rabindranath Tagore Institute, Ilot. She has painted the Bengali cinema to revive its great moments. She has painted great personalities such as Rabindranath Tagore and Satyajit Ray and posters of their films. 


The Rabindranath Tagore Institute (RTI) in collaboration with the High Commission of India and the National Film Development Corporation of India will organise a One-Week Bengali Film Festival as from 8 to 14 April 2017 at the RTI Auditorium. The event is a non-commercial activity and is free to the public.

The collaborators are Dr. Pavitranand Ramhota director of RTI and Film Director Ashutosh Deshmukh. In collaboration with RTI and Indian High Commission in Mauritius, they will present the Bengali Film Festival from 8-14th April 2017.

The event aims at raising awareness and provide exposure to the technical, aesthetic and cultural ambience of Bengali Cinema among the public, students and young producers. Five classic Bengali films (subtitled in English) will be screened to students and public at large.

Artist Rashila Ramchurn is pioneer of Street Art in Mauritius. she did her 1st Street Art in 2011 in front of her house where around 25,000 people saw her street art in one day. She holds a B.A. honours in Fine Arts, an MSc in social development and is completing her PHD in Cultural Anthropology.

Rashila Ramchurn has conducted several Street Art performances around the country and she has done national art events where many youngsters have painted along the street with her. Art is just a hobby for the young woman who works as an Art Educator at Goodlands SSS.


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