News on Sunday

African Economic Platform: Mauritius at the centre of a new African agenda

The African Economic Platform two-day forum starting from the 20 to 21 March 2017 was held at Westin Turtle Bay Resort & Spa, in Balaclava with the participation of various political leaders, intellectuals, business leaders, civil society and the private sector discussing global issues pertaining to the development of Africa.


Speaking about the Platform, Foreign Affairs Minister Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo pointed out that it will create an avenue for dialogue and will enable participants to reflect on ways to accelerate Africa’s economic transformation through the implementation of Agenda 2063 which is a strategic framework for the socio-economic transformation of the continent over the next 50 years. 

The AEP focused on the role of the private sector in generating investment, promoting industrialisation and strengthening intra-African trade. Other themes on the agenda included: Higher education sector for skill development, research and innovation; and Governments ensuring the implementation of fiscal and macro-economic policies for economic transformation. 

An initiative driven by Africans, the AEP aims to provide the policy space for Africans across sectors to set their own agenda and explore realistic continental and global opportunities and options for implementing this agenda. The Platform will operate within the framework of the implementation of the African Union Agenda 2063 and other progressive decisions and programs designed to promote African integration and development. 

In a statement to the press on Wednesday at the closing ceremony of the inaugural AEP meeting, Pravind Kumar Jugnauth said he was proud that that this landmark event has started here, on our small island. He expressed his appreciation for the interest shown by AU Member states to take Africa to another level of development.

“The African Economic Platform (AEP) is undoubtedly the flagship project of Agenda 2063 of the African Union,” said the Prime Minister while reiterating that Mauritius will stand shoulder to shoulder with its African brothers and sisters.

“We have always believed in the Africa strategy and we are closing this historical and successful first AEP conference with a renewed resolve to work together for the development of Africa,” said the Prime Minister, adding that it is time for us Africans to walk the talk.

During the two-day meeting African Member states, prominent stakeholders from the African business community and academia had the opportunity to brainstorm on issues that are paramount to the economic transformation of Africa. The Prime Minister recalled that Africa needs over USD 200 billion annually over the next four years to meet its capacity building objectives whereas the FDI into the continent is merely around USD 60 billion. He also underlined the need for a master plan on air connectivity for Africa.

The Prime Minister also called for the creation of a vibrant single African market through the establishment of the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA), as pledged by African leaders to facilitate the flow of goods and services within Africa.

He pointed out that the “Make in Africa” theme be developed into the motto “Make Across Africa” so as to drive our industrial ambitions of creating a single market to sell our products.

As the manufacturing process starts spanning the continent, regional value chains will eventually develop and boost economic growth, he said. Pravind Jugnauth further added that the CFTA would no doubt contribute to unleash the huge trade potential of the continent and create the right conditions to mobilise both African and Foreign Direct Investment, with the ensuing positive spin on economic development, job creation and the fight against poverty.

He expressed confidence that the AEP, which is opening a new chapter in the history of the African Union, will help take concrete actions for the establishment of the single African Market by December 2017. This is a prerequisite condition for making Africa more self-reliant and economically independent and which will eventually meet the aspirations of the Africa agenda 2063.

“When Africa stands together in solidarity, when we start ‘Making across Africa’ for a single African market, we will see Africa rising. As leaders of the continent, it will be our responsibility to find innovative ways to finance this vision of a united and integrated Africa. Finance Africa should therefore be our next step,” he said.

According to the Prime Minister, poverty neither has a Face nor a Place in Africa, as the continent embarks upon people empowerment. Mr Pravind Jugnauth solicited the support of both the public and private sectors in this endeavour, recalling that the youth, the women who have always acted as pillars of our homes and societies need to be given prominence in our development plans for Africa and should not be left behind.

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