Central Water Authority’s services targeted
More than 30,000 complaints monthly
The debate on whether the Central Water Authority (CWA) needs to be privatised or requires a strategic partner is again on the cutting edge of deliberations. With a forecast on an increase of 62%, the debate is getting more intense. In its ‘Turnaround Report’ 2016, it has been clearly highlighted that the entity receives more than 30,000 complaints on a monthly basis. For a public entity that has been criticised for poor service for decades, how could it ask for an increase?
Economic progress
Foreign labour playing a key role?
The Prime Minister recently stated, during the laying of the foundation stone ceremony of the forthcoming Chebel-Sorèze link road, that the country faces a shortage of manpower. Does it mean Mauritius will have to depend, for a long time to come, on imported labour to sustain its economic development?
Paucity of language skills hinders student performance
PSAC 2017 Examiners’ Report
2017 saw the introduction of the Primary School Achievement Certificate (PSAC) examination. Following this first exercise, the Mauritius Examination Syndicate released this month its examiners’ report of the examination papers. On the overall, the reports indicated that students have difficulties in expressing themselves in writing, answer open-ended questions and think critically.
Sanjiv Mulloo:“We need to come up with executive strategies to build the future”
Sanjiv Mulloo has been the Chairman of the National Productivity and Competiveness Council (NPCC) since 2015. As defined by the NPCC Act, the organisation is entitled to stimulate and generate productivity in all sectors of the economy. In the interview that follows, the Chairman explains how things have evolved within the organisation and how they are promoting innovations as well as creating the leaders of tomorrow.
Miss University Africa Mauritius 2018
Alexandrine Belle-Etoile: A pleasure to gaze at
Her tall stature and confidence on stage has been her biggest weapons in the battle for the Miss University Africa Mauritius 2018 crown. Alexandrine Belle-Etoile, the crowned queen, will represent Mauritius at the pageant of Miss University Africa 2018.
Mauritius Research Council
World Intellectual Property Day 2018: Women as driving force for innovation
Sensitise and educate people on the importance of Intellectual Property (IP) but also celebrate the courage of women, their creativity and their contribution in the development of the country. This was the aim of the conference organised by the Mauritius Research Council on Thursday 26th April in the context of the World Intellectual Property Day.
DENISE & DEAN: Building a Bright Future
What struck us immediately about this South African couple was just how outgoing, open and happy they were upon meeting us for the very first time for this interview. Only four months into their new journey in Mauritius, together, with their lovely little daughter Emily, it becomes clearly noticeable, immediately, about how excited they are to be on this adventure; ready to give their all into making a beautiful, full and thriving life on the island. We met them last week on the west coast, and over a round of iced-coffees and iced-teas, this is what happened…

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