The Prime Minister announced the setting up of a Task Force very soon to inquire about the names mentioned in the Commission of Enquiry on Drug Trafficking Report. In a press conference on Thursday, Pravind Jugnauth stated that the Task Force will be chaired by the Director of the Independent Commission against Corruption (ICAC), Navin Beekarry.
He added that the Director General of the Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA), the Director of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), the Commissioner of Police, the Deputy Solicitor General and the Director of the Integrative Reporting Services Agency will be the board members of the Task Force. He explained that the Task Force will have the support of other officers and professionals who will assist in the investigations.
Pravind Jugnauth, who was accompanied by thirteen other ministers including the Minister Mentor Sir Anerood Jugnauth, explained that the new body will also inquire regarding the names of those who the Commission did not get enough information on. The Prime Minister said that the interministerial committee will study all the recommendations, including the names mentioned at the level of the ADSU, the police and the prison. On the same occasion, Pravind Jugnauth mentioned the several measures implemented by his government in order to combat drug trafficking in the country. He mentioned the amendments in the Income Tax Act, the amendments in the Prevention of Corruption Act, in the Finance Act 2018 which includes the Business Registration Act, the Civil Status Act and the Immigration Act. He added that his government is determined to continue its work to combat drug trafficking and to put a stop to drug mafia in the island. “Our aim is peace and order in the country and to protect our population, our youth, our families,” he said.

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