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Finale of the ‘Right Word’ Competition: Students of Forest Side SSS grand winner

The semi-finals and finals of the ‘Right Word’ Competition, organised by the English Speaking Union in collaboration with Greenwich University Pakistan, were held on Tuesday 21st March 2017 at the Greenwich University Pakistan in Ebene. Four schools qualified for the semi-finals namely Mahatma Gandhi Secondary School Solferino, Royal College Port Louis, Dr Maurice Curé State College and Forest Side SSS (Girls).


In the semi finals round, Mahatma Gandhi Secondary School Solferino won against the Royal College Port Louis while the girls from Forest Side SSS won against the Dr Maurice Curé State College. It is in an exciting atmosphere that the finale of the competition took place between Mahatma Gandhi Secondary School Solferino and Forest Side SSS (Girls). The participants as well as their friends, teachers and guests present were focused and absorbed into the game, which indeed required deep concentration, probably the best term to describe this event.

The students had to find the correct word within a time frame. They were given the meaning of the words and the alphabets that constitute the words. Deliberately given in a distorted form, participants thus had to rearrange the alphabets in order to find the appropriate word in 60 seconds. After much brain work, the students from the Forest Side SSS (Girls) brilliantly won the match. 

Right Word’ Competition

Forest Side SSS (Girls) was represented by Hemshika Woodit, Shivaranjani Veerapen, Vijaya Lakshmee Yadav and Haani Roosaye. The team captain Hemshika confided that the competition was quite challenging. “It was tough. We are so happy to have won the first place. We have learned many new English words thanks to this competition. This competition requires good preparation and practice as well as good team work and team spirit,” she said. The Forest Side SSS team explained that they have been practising for this competition for nearly a month. “We practiced everyday and during recess time. This victory was also possible thanks to our teacher Mrs Mohit who has tremendously helped us.”

As for the students of the Mahatma Gandhi Secondary School Solferino, namely Nishka Mohitram, Balaram Ghoorun, Poorvashi Gungabissoon and Karan Thakur, they said that they were quite disappointed, being at second place. “This competition was really interesting and pushed us forward to develop our capabilities. However we are quite sad to not have won the first place but we are very happy for our friends at Forest Side SSS. Overall it was an enriching experience as we got to learn so many new words,” confided Nishka Mohitram, the team captain. 

In her opening speech, Marie-France Roussety, President of the English-Speaking Union, stated that the aim of the ESU was to provide a platform for students to display their various talents, be it with showcasing their oratory skills, demonstrating their spelling skills or displaying their knowledge of English.  

“There is a substantial experience gained by students for taking part in this competition. Such exposure will enable you to train your brain to think fast and to enrich your vocabulary and spelling” said Mrs Roussety.  “I am certain that everyone present has learnt many new words and will always remember this experience!,” said Marie-France Roussety.

The initiator of this competition, Darmalingum Veeraragoo, who acted as the moderator of the competition, explained that the competition aims at helping students to enrich their vocabulary and improving spelling. “We covered words from different spheres. The words we selected for the competition can be used while speaking as well as in writing. We know that students do not read much these days but this competition allows them to build up a good stock of words.” Darmalingum Veeraragoo added that 250 words were introduced in the competition this year. 

All semi-finalists, runner-up and winners received prizes from the English-Speaking Union and from Ms Tahira Ahmed Khan, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Greenwich University Pakistan.  This 2nd edition of the Right Word competition for Form V Students was organised by the English Speaking Union, in collaboration with Greenwich University Pakistan, in the month of March 2017, with 32 schools that took part in the first stages of the competition.   

Example of words students had to find during the competition

1. (of words) written from right to left and from left to right in alternate lines

Inappropriate Word:   O O N O T U R E S P B D H

Appropriate Word:  BOUSTROPHENDON

2. An excellent performance in a game or race

Inappropriate Word:   R I L E B N D

Appropriate Word:  BLINDER

3. A minor accident with no serious damage

Inappropriate Word:   D E E F E N R E B N D R

Appropriate Word:  FENDERBENDER

4. Excessive admiration of Shakespeare

Inappropriate Word:   R T O L A R D A Y B

Appropriate Word:  BARDOLATRY

5. Denoting a person achieving a speed of 100mph or a score of 100 or more

Inappropriate Word:   P O N T U

Appropriate Word:  TON-UP

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