The Private Notice Question of the leader of the Opposition in parliament this week had a double focus: the road ahead for Mauritius following Brexit and if there is any risk of deterioration in Mauritian relations with the UK and the USA following the joint communiqué issued by both countries last Friday on the Chagos archipelago.
Sir Anerood Jugnauth did not budge on the sovereignty of Mauritius. He is determined to fight and does not rule out seeking an Advisory Opinion from the International Court of Justice of the Hague against the UK for having excised the Chagos territory from Mauritius prior to the country’s independence. The Prime Minister was applauded by the members of the House. The opposition through its leader Paul Bérenger confirmed its support to the position of Mauritius.
In his reply, the Prime Minister said: “On 14 June 2016, I stated that an exit of Britain from the EU will surely have consequences, not only for Mauritius, but for the whole world, especially those countries which have direct cooperation arrangements with the EU including the UK. I also stated that informal consultations have been held with the private sector on the possible fall-out of Brexit. These discussions are still ongoing and this issue is on the agenda of the next Joint Public-Private Sector Committee which I chair.”
At the meeting of Cabinet held on Friday last, it was decided to set up a Ministerial Committee chaired by the Minister of Finance to look into the whole Brexit issue. The Technical Committee is also examining the five principal options of Economic Partnership which UK may choose as a model for negotiation during the two-year transition period.
“In the eventuality that the UK would wish a change from the current Interim Economic Partnership Agreement model, Mauritius would have to enter into consultations with the UK over a new agreement safeguarding our trade interests,” said Sir Anerood Jugnauth.
Regarding the Chagos issue, the Prime Minister stated that relations between countries are of a permanent nature regardless of elections. “Our relations with the UK and the USA remain strong despite the communique issued by both sides on the Chagos Archipelago.”
The intention of Mauritius to seek an Advisory Opinion from the International Court of Justice should not be viewed as an unfriendly act since Mauritius is fighting for a legitimate cause, he added.
“Mauritius considered the threat from the UK and the US that the request for an Advisory Opinion from the International Court of Justice would cause lasting damage to the bilateral relations of Mauritius with both the UK and the US to be hostile and totally unacceptable and in breach of their obligations under international law,” stated Sir Anerood Jugnauth.
The Prime Minister has asked for a meeting with both the UK Prime Minister and the US President. “I firmly believe that it is only through a frank and constructive dialogue that we may find meaningful solutions.”

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