On the 7th April, the World Health Day 2018 will be celebrated. The theme for this year is “Universal health coverage: everyone, everywhere” and the slogan is “Health for All.” In this 70th anniversary year, WHO is calling on world leaders to live up to the pledges they made when they agreed the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, and commit to concrete steps to advance the health of all people. This means ensuring that everyone, everywhere, can access essential quality health services without facing financial hardship.
Mauritius being a welfare state, we have access to free health, yet our country is ranked on top when it comes to some illnesses. Vice-president of Private Medical Practitioners Association Dr Mohamad Isshaq Jowahir provides us an insight into the situation in Mauritius. “Health is surely free in Mauritius and accessible to everyone. But it is also true that we are a small island with prevalence of hypertension and diabetes. The situation is alarming. In the future, it is forecast that 50% of our population will be diabetic. Besides, today, our youth is already being patients of hypertension and heart problems.”
According to the doctor, the main reasons for the common diseases are the changes in lifestyle. “There was a time when children and elders used to be very active. Children used to jump around and play. Elders used to walk a lot. But now children spend time in front of their television, laptops and with their mobiles. On top of that, parents feed them with fast foods. Even our food intake has changed. There was a time when we used to have unadulterated foods and now, it is more processed foods.”
The doctor advises the local people to bring a change in their lifestyle if they want to enjoy a healthy life. “Eat healthy and do exercise, this is the key for good health.” He also asks the government to review their manifesto. “Lots of times, governments have mentioned about having a family doctor but nothing concrete has been seen yet. Having a family doctor for 20-30 families can be a means to fight diseases like diabetes and hypertension.”

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