News on Sunday

A New Supreme Court in 2019


New development is being forecasted in the judiciary system. One of the main developments will be the new Supreme Court. During the laying of foundation stone for the new building of the Supreme Court at Edith Cavell Street in Port Louis on Wednesday, the Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth revealed that this landmark project, as announced in the Government Programme 2015-2019, bears testimony to Government’s pledge to address the challenges facing the fast expanding judicial system and the ever increasing number of cases.


On this score, he expressed his gratitude towards the Government of India, which has provided grant assistance to the tune of USD 30 million for the construction of this state-of-the-art building.

Latest technology

The Prime Minister also announced that the various components of the Supreme Court project comprised a modern judiciary system with latest technology. They are namely: a modern computerised revenue collection system to better monitor payments of fines and other court fees and keep track of the progress of cases; implementation of the system of E-Courts and E-Law whereby in the future civil cases will be lodged electronically; setting up of a user-friendly database to keep citizens abreast of new Acts of Parliament, or amendments to existing legislations; and a new mobile application enabling citizens to check cause lists, recent decisions of the Courts of Appeal and Supreme Court, and also access E-Court services such as online payment of fines. By June 2018, this system will be available to the public.

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