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Conseil des ministres : les principales décisions

Le Conseil des ministres s’est réuni vendredi 21 octobre et plusieurs décisions ont été prises lors la réunion qui s’est tenue au Bureau du Premier ministre à Port-Louis.


Décisions prises par le Conseil des ministres vendredi 21 octobre :

  1. Cabinet has agreed to the recommendations of the Ministerial Committee set up under the Chairmanship of the Hon C.G. Xavier-Luc Duval, GCSK, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism and External Communications to ensure necessary arrangements to mark the elevation of Archbishop Maurice E. Piat, GOSK, to Cardinal, namely -
    (a) a Ministerial delegation, led by the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism and External Communications, would accompany the Archbishop;(b) the Terminal Expansion Fee, the Passenger Solidarity Fee and the Passenger Service Charge Fee would be waived for groups proceeding to Rome to attend the ceremony;
    (c) the Consistory at St Peter’s Basilica scheduled for 19 November 2016 and the Mass on 20 November 2016 would be covered by the MBC;(d) on the return of the Cardinal on 24 November 2016, an official ceremony would be held at the Airport; and
    (e) Government would provide necessary assistance to the Archbishop in Rome and for the holding of a Mass on 27 November 2016 at Marie Reine de la Paix.
  2. Cabinet has agreed to the recommendations of the Ministerial Committee on Electoral Reforms, chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism and External Communications, on the electoral system in Rodrigues, namely –
    (a) the current Mixed Member Proportional System would be maintained. However, five members, instead of six, would be elected under the Proportional Representation System.
    (b) The maximum number of candidates on the party list to be submitted by each political party, would be increased from 6 to 12 and continue to be in order of precedence.
    (c) Electors would continue to have two sets of votes, namely for candidates for the First Past The Post seats, and for parties for the Proportional Representation seats.
    (d) The threshold for the entitlement of parties to Proportional Representation seats would be maintained at 10%.
    (e) An anti-defection clause would be introduced so as to prevent crossing the floor and enhance stability in the system.
    (f) Provisions would be made for a gender neutral formula of at least one third candidates of the same sex for all political parties both for the local region election and the Island region election on the same basis as in the Local Government Act.
    (g) Temporary political quarters or camps (baz) in the vicinity of polling stations should be eliminated.
  3. Cabinet has agreed to the Minister of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport making the Road Traffic (Examination of Motor Vehicles and Trailers) Regulations to provide, among others, for the operation of the private vehicle examination stations, and the role of the Authorized Examiner and its mandate in ensuring that fitness tests are carried out in an efficient manner. With the coming into operation of the three private operators, substantial improvement in service delivery has been noted during the transition period. There are practically no queues at the vehicle examination stations and representations are minimal.
  4. Cabinet has taken note of development in the implementation of two components of the Road Decongestion Programme, i.e., the Phoenix-Jumbo-Dowlut Roundabouts, and the A1-M1 Bridge linking Coromandel to Sorèze.  The Due Diligence Committee has endorsed the project proposal submitted by the Korean Expressway Corporation for consultancy services for the design engineering, project management and supervision under a Government-to-Government agreement. The Report of the Committee was approved by the High Powered Committee, chaired by the Secretary to Cabinet and Head of the Civil Service.
  5. Cabinet has taken note that the Minister of Finance and Economic Development would make the Finance and Audit (Lotto Fund) Regulations for the management and operation of the Lotto Fund as announced in Budget Speech 2016-2017. The Fund would, inter alia, contribute to the financing of projects, schemes and events relating to -
    (a) sports, culture, leisure, heritage or arts development;
    (b) preservation and rehabilitation of historical and cultural heritage sites and structures; and
    (c) community development, education, and health.
  6. Cabinet has taken note of the status in the implementation of the Early Digital Learning Programme (EDLP) as announced in Budget Speech 2016-2017. The Programme is meant to develop digital literacy at the primary level, and transform the teaching/learning environment in line with educational reforms currently under way.  Educators and pupils of Grades 1 and 2 would be provided with tablets uploaded with relevant software and pedagogical materials. In this context, a team from EdCIL Ltd, a Government of India enterprise, recently visited Mauritius to assess the state of play in the primary sector, and assist in the development of a total solution package in terms of technical expertise, pedagogical support, project governance, capacity building, and hardware and maintenance.
  7. Cabinet has agreed to the Minister of Health and Quality of Life making the Public Health (Importation of Dead Bodies by Medical Institutions for the Purposes of Medical Studies) Regulations to make it mandatory for any person or medical institution to apply to the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life for the importation of a dead body for educational purposes.  When the dead body or the remains would no longer be required, the person in charge of the institution shall arrange for its safe disposal under the supervision of the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life.
  8. Cabinet has agreed to Mauritius making a contribution of USD 15,000 to Belize for reconstruction works following widespread destruction caused by Hurricane Earl that recently hit the country.
  9. Cabinet has taken note of the activities that would be organised by the Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare on the occasion of the Universal Children’s Day 2016, commemorated on 20 November, namely a mini Olympiad with sport activities, fun games, a walk with children, a creativity workshop on the theme “violence among children and substance abuse”, and a workshop on music, sports, zumba, games and painting, and concerts. The theme retained this year is “Bann Zanfan, Anbasader Pou Zanfan”.
  10. Cabinet has taken note that a Mega Blood Donation would be held on 21 December 2016 on the Esplanade of Emmanuel Anquetil Building, Port Louis, to ensure that that there is no shortage of blood during the festive period of December 2016 and January 2017.
  11. Cabinet has taken note that the SADC Secretariat would hold the Technical Committees, and Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Coordinating Committee Meetings in Mauritius from 29 November to 1 December 2016.  The main objective of the Meetings is to discuss the implementation of the SPS measures, procedures and processes in the context of safe intra-regional and international trade facilitation.  Some 60 delegates from SADC Member States would participate in the Meetings.
  12. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the recent mission of the Attorney General to London where he participated in the Meeting of Law Ministers and Attorneys General of Small Commonwealth Jurisdictions. The theme of the Meeting was “The rule of law and sustainable development”.  The topics discussed included –
    (a) the activities of the Commonwealth Secretariat in the legal field;
    (b) mandate setting at the Commonwealth Secretariat;
    (c) advancing the Sustainable Development Goals;
    (d) disaster response laws;
    (e) climate change and national law; and
    (f) cybercrime.
    The Attorney General also had a working session with Mr G. Rivlin, QC, Consultant engaged by the Commonwealth Secretariat to assist Government with the drafting of the Police and Criminal Evidence Bill.
  13. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the recent mission of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade to Reunion Island, where he attended the Comité Economique INTERREG and discussed ongoing and potential projects under the following areas of cooperation -
    (a) smart agriculture;
    (b) development, research and innovation in the Indian Ocean;
    (c) economy and enterprise; and
    (d) renewable energy.
    He also signed a Convention-Cadre to operationalise the INTERREG V Indian Ocean 2014-2020 Programme.
    The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade also had a bilateral meeting with Mr Sorain, Préfet de la Réunion, on the issue of visa granted to business people and professionals, cooperation and exchanges in the field of security, and surveillance of our maritime zones, and assistance in the reconstitution of the livestock in Rodrigues.
  14. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the recent mission of the Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research to Japan where she participated in the 13th Science and Technology in Society (STS) Forum. The theme of the Forum was “Vision for the Future Society and the Roles of Science, Technology and Innovation”. The STS forum aims at providing a platform for open discussions on an informal basis, and help build a human network that would, in time, resolve new and emerging problems through the application of science, technology and innovation.
  15. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the recent mission of the Minister of Health and Quality of Life to India.  The Minister was invited as Chief Guest at a mega medical camp organised by RK HIV/AIDS and MRTL in Surat, where over 300,000 persons were screened and examined.
    During his visit, the Minister of Health and Quality of Life had meetings, among others, with -
    (a) the Artemis Medicare Services Limited (Artemis Hospital) in Delhi with a view to enlisting its support for the setting up of a state-of-the-art neurosurgery unit in one of our hospitals;
    (b) the Hospital Services Consultancy Corporation Limited, a Government of India undertaking, in the setting up of the Cancer Hospital; and
    (c) the Ambani Group of Hospitals on the treatment of bone marrow and cancer care.
  16. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the recent mission of the Minister of Health and Quality of Life to the Principality of Monaco where he, in his capacity as Chairperson of the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) of the Africa WHO Region, attended the Third High-Level Meeting of Small Countries organised by WHO Europe.  The theme of the Meeting was “Health and Sustainable Development - the inherent advantages of small countries”.  The Meeting focused on the strategic objectives of Health 2020.
    In the margins of the Meeting, the Minister of Health and Quality of Life had discussions with representatives of the Foreign and Health Ministry of the Principality of Monaco, with whom he explored avenues of cooperation in the field of medicine.
  17. Cabinet has taken note of the reconstitution of the Professional Architects’ Council.
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