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Affaire Roches-Noires : «The prosecution has failed to establish one of the elements of the offence of conspiracy...», conclut la Cour

«We are of the considered conclusion that the prosecution has failed to establish one of the elements of the offence of conspiracy, that is, that there was an unlawful act. Hence, at the close of its case, taken at its highest, the prosecution has not established a prima facie case against the accused parties». 


C'est la conclusion des magistrats Raj Seebaluck et Bibi Razia Jannoo-Jaunbocus, siégeant en Cour intermédiaire, dans leur «ruling» rendu ce vendredi 13 septembre. Ils ont ainsi rayé les accusations pesant sur l'ex-Premier ministre, Navin Ramgoolam, et deux ex-hauts gradés de la polie, Rampersad Sooroojbally et Dev Jokhoo, dans l'affaire Roches-Noires.

Ci-dessous le «ruling» :


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