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Voici la Une de News on Sunday de ce Vendredi 18 octobre 2019

Christian Monjou : “Success is a firm’s worst enemy”

Innovation and leadership works hand in hand and is predominant in today’s world. Lecturer-Researcher at Oxford University, Christian Monjou was in the country for a conference organized by Blast BWC for its 15th birthday. In an interview with News on Sunday, the renowned speaker elaborated on various aspects of leadership and innovation. For him, the only way to emerge from a crisis is through leadership.


Ocean of Promises

Election or Auction?

As the day of election is nearing, it is raining freebies and political parade of pre-election promises. One of the battle lines that seems to be emerging is old-age pension. With all the giveaway strategies, it seems we are more in an auction with the highest bidder as the winner. Experts argue that political leaders must not only make promises but also show how they are going to finance these cascade of promises.

Electoral campaign

Politics taking over the economy

The electoral campaign is in full swing. While the public eagerly awaits the publication of the manifestos of the main alliances, electoral promises about popular measures currently dominate the scene, some more enticing than others. But no one is talking about how to tackle economic challenges ahead, especially in vital sectors like tourism, manufacturing and financial services.

Prof. Dhanjay Jhurry : “We will collaborate with industries to work on our innovation”

Next month, 10th November, we will be celebrating the World Science Day for Peace and Development. We hardly connect Science with Peace, but these two factors are intertwined. The theme for World Science Day for Peace and Development 2019 will be devoted to “Open Science, Leaving No One Behind.” I met an expert, none other than the Vice-Chancellor at the University of Mauritius, Prof. Dhanjay Jhurry, to get an insight on the topic of science.


A synergetic approach to family business

Polytol, a family business founded in 1987, celebrates 32 years of existence this year. Abdus Samad Sohawon and Tariq Sohawon, the heads of Polytol, embark the readers on the journey of their company’s success.

Colic in babies

How to cope with this condition

Your baby is heathy but still cries a lot. This situation can be very much stressful. You need not to worry, as your child might be suffering from colic. Baby colic, also known as infantile colic, is a temporary condition. Dr. Faeza Soobadar, Senior Consultant Paediatrician and Neonatologist at Wellkin Hospital, provides some vivid explanation on this condition.

Shalini Jugessur Sumputh

Young leader advocates for IT innovation and skills

Far from developing cold feet to take up challenges coming her way, Shalini Jugessur Sumputh, who joined Accenture in 2009, has recently been appointed as Centre Lead for Accenture Technology Mauritius. Leading a group of 120 people, the bold professional shares with us her pathway, her achievements and her projects in the pipeline.



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