Paving way for a Smart Digital Nation
Digital transformation is becoming vital in the public sector around the world. While in a report the World Economic Forum once called governments as “the dinosaurs of the digital age: Slow, lumbering and outdated”, Mauritius, which ranks 66th in the UN e-government Survey 2018, is aiming to embed the use of technology in the day-to-day life of every Mauritian. For experts, we do not have a choice but we have to align ourselves with digital transformation.
Young Professionals World Youth Skills Day:
Exploiting the abilities of the coming generations
The youth of today will be the leaders of tomorrow. The World Youth Skills Day is celebrated on 15th July. It is highly believed that the engagement of youth in sustainable development works is central to achieving viable, inclusive and stable societies. However, one main criticism our society faces is that the skills of our youth in this domain remain unexploited.
Declining productivity
The main causes
A recent report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) paints a rather bleak picture of overall productivity in Mauritius. Indeed, its analysis of recent productivity trends depicts a general slowdown compared to the 1990s. In addition, to achieve a growth rate of 5 to 6%, the report opines that the total factor productivity will have to rise to about 3 percent, which is much higher than the average TFP growth of about 1 percent observed over the last forty years! But is this achievable?
Professor Marc Serge Rivière: “Rise in school violence reflects the slipping of values”
Newly appointed president of English Speaking Union (ESU) and president of the Rotary Club of Port Louis, Professor Marc Serge Rivière has published 35 books in French and English and over 70 refereed articles in international journals. Historian and teacher of English and French, Professor Rivière has 45 years of experience in the field of education. He shares with us his views on the decline in English language among our youth, how to empower the youth and more.
Women of Wonder Awards Mauritius
High achievers who ace it independently
The Women of Wonder Awards, founded by CEO of Panache International Farzana Mayet, took place on Saturday 6th July at the Intercontinental Hotel, Balaclava. Aiming to give due recognition and show appreciation to women for their hard work and dedication, the award was offered to nine Mauritian women excelling in various fields.
Fighting chronic back pain
Regular physical activity helps towards recovery
If you have lower back pain, you are not alone. Both men and women are affected by low back pain ranging from dull to constant ache. Dr. Dhawal Nunraj, Sports Medicine doctor, sheds light on this medical condition which touches various persons.
Rajiv Seeras
The journey of an engineer into literary world
A business coach and consultant, Rajiv Seeras has released his first novel, “Last words of the magnate.” From an engineering background, Rajiv Seeras, an author today, has surprised many with this novel, which explores the pathway of a poor man towards gaining wealth. A thoughtful story that depicts the materialistic world we are living in.

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