The Minister of Financial Services Roshi Bhadain announced in press conference on Thursday, that a reimbursement formula for the Super Cash Back Gold clients who invested more than Rs 1 million in the investment plan of the former BAI.
Clients are offered two options namely the repayment of their capital spread over five years (without bonus) or secondly the reimbursement of 75% of their capital and the payment of bonuses. Those who choose the second option will receive 50% of their payment in cash. The remaining 50% will be in the form of shares in the National Property Fund (NPF).
Those who invested in the Bramer Asset Management, namely 3,149 persons highlighted the Minister, will also be reimbursed. However 200 of them will have to wait because their cases were referred to the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) for investigation. “These 200 cases are considered suspect. We do not know where the money they invested comes from [in the Bramer Asset Management],” said Roshi Bhadain.

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