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New Mauritius Hotels: découverte d’une fraude de Rs 115 millions

Rs 115 millions. C’est le montant d’une fraude découverte à New Mauritius Hotels Limited (NMH). Dans un communiqué émis ce lundi 21 mars au matin, la direction de la compagnie explique que la fraude a été commise la semaine dernière « par des personnes dont l’identité est encore inconnue » et que l’affaire a été référée à la police.


L’argent a été transféré en deux tranches sur des comptes se trouvant à l’étranger. Les institutions bancaires ont été informées de l’existence de ces transactions. « The fraud was perpetrated through devious electronic means and impersonation. It resulted in two transfers to a foreign bank which were executed without arousing any suspicion in the first instance », peut-on lire dans le communiqué. Le conseil d’administration de NMH déclare qu’une équipe d’auditeurs fait actuellement un relevé des comptes de la compagnie. Il concède que cette fraude impactera négativement le chiffre d’affaires du groupe. Ci-dessous le communiqué : The Board of Directors of New Mauritius Hotels Limited wishes to inform the shareholders and the public in general that a fraud of some Rs115m has been committed last week to the detriment of the Company by persons whose identities are still unknown. The fraud was perpetrated through devious electronic means and impersonation. It resulted in two transfers to a foreign bank which were executed without arousing any suspicion in the first instance. Once detected by management, the Board of Directors, as well as the Banks through which the transfers were made, were immediately informed of the fraud and the matter was reported to the Police for investigation and action. All possible steps are being taken, both in Mauritius and overseas, to try and recover the stolen moneys. However, as a matter of prudence, an appropriate provision is being effected in the Company’s accounts which will impact negatively on the performance of the second quarter. Notwithstanding the occurrence of this unfortunate fraud, the results for the full year are expected to show substantial improvement over last year’s.

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