The English-Speaking Union held its annual dinner on Thursday October 27th at the Golden Horse Chinese Restaurant in Bagatelle. The Chief Guests this year were Paramasivum Pillay Vyapoory, Vice-President of the Republic of Mauritius, and Sarojini Vyapoory. Formerly, Vyapoory was the Secretary of the English-Speaking Union. At the dinner, the President of the ESU, Mrs Marie-France Roussety, and the Master of Ceremony, Prof Serge Rivière, praised the Vice-President of the Republic for his active involvement in the ESU. As a Member of the Executive Committee, he helped in the running of numerous activities, including the training of Upper Form Students in public speaking skills, and the running of numerous workshops to promote the English language.
In her speech, the President of the ESU stated: “It is our firm belief that if we can capitalize on our English language heritage, we would be able to derive much personal benefits and we would improve our competitive edge on the world scene. There is therefore a dire need for sustained efforts on the part of everybody, at the collective level as well as at the individual level, to enhance our command of the English language, especially of spoken English.”

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