Megh Pillay a adressé jeudi 10 novembre une lettre à Air Mauritius dans laquelle il a soumis sa démission comme directeur du « board » de la compagnie nationale d’aviation et celui des filiales où il siégeait.
Megh Pillay, limogé du poste de CEO d’Air Mauritius vendredi 28 octobre, ne participe donc pas à la réunion du « board » qui se tient depuis 10 heures. Dans sa lettre, il estime qu’il n’est pas approprié pour lui de siéger sur le conseil d’administration de la compagnie nationale d’aviation.
La lettre de Megh Pillay
Dear Board Directors
The majority shareholders of both Air Mauritius Holdings Ltd and Air Mauritius Limited had nominated me as Director and I was unanimously elected by their respective General Meetings of Shareholders.
I came to a major disagreement with the non-executive Chairman of the Board on an issue of corporate governance by refusing to yield to the pressure to annul disciplinary proceedings against a subordinate employee whom the non-executive Chairman had appointed as a permanent employee of Air Mauritius Limited. The said employee had challenged my integrity and authority and acting upon legal advice, he was convened by Management to give his explanations before an independent Disciplinary Committee. Unfortunately, whatever is reproached to me did not meet with the same procedural fairness.
As the majority shareholder has now made clear its position on the termination of my appointment as Chief Executive Officer, I deem it inappropriate for me to continue to serve as Director of both companies.
I am, accordingly, tendering my resignation as Director on the Boards of the following Subsidiary Companies:
- Mauritius Estate Development Corporate Limited
- Pointe Cotton Resort Hotel Company Ltd
- Airmate Limited
- Air Mauritius Holidays Limited
- Mauritius Helicopter Limited
May I add that it has been a great honour to lead once again the Executive Leadership team of top professionals and all the hard-working capable women and men constituting the administrative, technical and operational teams that make of the Air Mauritius Group a successful airline and a national pride.
I wish you all plenty more success as you move on.
Best regards
Megh Pillay, C.S.K.
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