The minister of foreign affairs Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo made his first public against the minister of financial services Roshi Bhadain. Talking to the press on Thursday morning, before his appearance at the Independent Commission Against Corruption, minister Lutchmeenaraidoo stated that he was a victim of Bhadain’s “KGB office which distorts information fed to the press.”
Lutchmeenaraidoo is being probed by ICAC regarding a euros 1.1 million loan he contracted with the SBM. He revealed that he is a victim of a campaign by Bhadain who wants to eliminate him politically. “I appear as being calm. And I’m going into ICAC. Why I am calm? Because today, is the second part of the conspiracy. Roshi Bhadain wants to finish my political career,” he stated.
Concerning his health condition, Lutchmeenaraidoo affirmed that he had a fungal infection in his lungs. “It was dangerous and it is still dangerous.” Hence, his repeated absences and hospitalisations over the past few weeks.
Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo provided an explanation on his one million euros loan and the 1.5% interest he was charged.
“The question is whether the finance minister has used his ministerial powers to get an advantage from the SBM. In 2006, I was in the opposition and I had taken a similar loan in dollars on more favourable terms and conditions (at 1% interest rate above the Lombard rate) than I did today as finance minister. I am a client of the SBM since 35 years. Whether I am in the opposition or the government, I have access to its private banking and banking services. It is a relation between the bank and its client,” he said.

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