Blog fr [Blog] Pour une Intelligence Artificielle éthique et bienveillante <span>[Blog] Pour une Intelligence Artificielle éthique et bienveillante</span> <span><span lang="" about="/users/quotidien" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">Defi Quotidien</span></span> <span>ven 28/03/2025 - 11:41</span> <div class="field field--name-field-main-picture field--type-image field--label-hidden field--item"> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/node_content_picture/public/thiruthiraj_a_pather.jpg?itok=dBwvXoRC" width="1280" height="720" alt="" title="Thiruthiraj A. Pather Stratégie d’Entreprise, Intelligence Stratégique et Coaching en Lerdership" typeof="foaf:Image" class="img-responsive" /> </div> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field--item"><p>Selon Michael Haenlein et Andreas Kaplan, reconnus internationalement pour leurs travaux sur la transformation digitale, l’IA se définit comme « la capacité d’un système à interpréter correctement des données externes, à apprendre à partir de ces données, et à utiliser ces apprentissages pour accomplir des objectifs et des tâches spécifiques grâce à une adaptation flexible ». Cependant, comme le souligne Stuart Russell, expert de renommée mondiale en IA, il n’existe pas de ligne de démarcation claire pour dire : « Ce logiciel est de l’IA, et cet autre ne l’est pas ». Aujourd’hui, pour reprendre les termes du philosophe américain John Searle, nous utilisons une IA faible, c’est-à-dire limitée à l’exécution de tâches spécifiques, alors qu’une IA forte, dotée d’une conscience et capable d’agir seule, demeure au stade de la théorie et de la recherche.</p> <p>L’IA fascine nos sociétés car elle représente un véritable moteur de transformation, suscitant des espoirs considérables pour le progrès de l’humanité. Mais il serait illusoire et mal avisé de ne voir que le revers positif de la médaille, car l’IA présente également des dérives et des dangers majeurs.</p> <p>C’est dans cette perspective qu’en février dernier, faisant suite aux sommets de Bletchley Park en novembre 2023 et de Séoul en mai 2024, la France a accueilli le Sommet pour l’action sur l’Intelligence Artificielle (IA), afin de garantir, à l’échelle internationale, « un développement responsable et éthique de l’IA, plaçant la confiance au cœur de son essor », face aux risques et dangers multiples qu’elle présente.&nbsp;<br /> À l’issue de ce sommet, 58 pays, dont la France, la Chine et l’Inde, ainsi que l’Union européenne et la Commission de l’Union africaine, ont signé la « Déclaration sur une intelligence artificielle durable et inclusive pour la population et la planète ». Cette déclaration est axée sur trois principes, dans le respect des cadres nationaux et internationaux : la science, les solutions et les normes.</p> <p>Les États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni ont, quant à eux, choisi de ne pas signer cette déclaration. Ainsi, lors de son intervention au sommet, le vice-président des États-Unis, J. D. Vance, a notamment souligné la nécessité de maintenir l’IA à l’abri des biais idéologiques et de la censure, et a mis en garde contre les réglementations excessives qui pourraient entraver le potentiel transformateur de l’industrie de l’IA. D’ailleurs, le président des États-Unis, Donald Trump, a signé, le 23 janvier 2025, l’ordre exécutif 14179, intitulé « Supprimer les obstacles au leadership américain dans l’intelligence artificielle », dont l’objectif est d’abroger toute politique restrictive existante en matière d’IA et de renforcer le leadership mondial des États-Unis dans cette industrie.</p> <p>Malgré l’initiative louable que représente le Sommet pour l’action sur l’IA, nombreux sont ceux qui estiment que la déclaration issue de ce sommet n’est qu’un ensemble d’effets d’annonce et de bonnes intentions, sans aucun engagement concret en faveur d’un véritable cadre réglementaire face aux dangers réels de l’intelligence artificielle. Cette critique prend d’autant plus de poids que les vidéos générées par l’IA, reprenant le visage et la voix du président français Emmanuel Macron, et publiées sur le compte Instagram de ce dernier en marge du sommet, démontrent clairement que l’IA est un outil à double tranchant.</p> <p>Certes, l’IA présente un potentiel immense de transformation pour le progrès de l’humanité. Elle permet, entre autres, d’automatiser des tâches répétitives jusqu’ici réalisées par l’être humain, de faciliter l’accès et la diffusion des connaissances et du savoir, d’accélérer les processus de recherche, de développement et d’innovation, ainsi que de booster la productivité et la compétitivité des entreprises et des économies qui la maîtrisent. La convergence entre l’IA, l’Internet des objets et l’informatique quantique ouvrira indéniablement de nouvelles possibilités et opportunités pour l’humanité. Néanmoins, l’IA, à travers ses capacités actuelles et futures, peut aussi représenter des dangers majeurs pour le bon fonctionnement et la sérénité de nos sociétés, et menacer les libertés fondamentales des individus.</p> <p>Sans un développement et une utilisation consciente, responsable et encadrée, l’IA pourrait entraîner la suppression ou la transformation massive d’emplois, alors même que le travail constitue un facteur clé d’intégration sociale. Elle pourrait, en outre, accentuer la marginalisation des individus, mais aussi celle des nations les moins aptes à maîtriser les enjeux liés à l’IA, aggraver la fracture numérique, renforcer la toute-puissance des entreprises et des individus contrôlant les outils d’IA les plus utilisés dans le monde, et générer une dépendance croissante des populations vis-à-vis de l’IA, avec pour conséquence une baisse des fonctions cognitives humaines (affaiblissement de la pensée critique, de la créativité, de la mémoire), la destruction des liens sociaux, l’isolement de certaines catégories de personnes, ainsi qu’une augmentation des troubles médicaux liés à cet isolement (par exemple : dépression et maladie d’Alzheimer).</p> <p>Par ailleurs, l’IA soulève de sérieuses préoccupations en matière de libertés fondamentales, notamment en raison des données personnelles qu’elle collecte. Elle pourrait contribuer à asservir les individus face à un État autoritaire, à travers par exemple des dispositifs de crédit social. La fuite ou la mauvaise utilisation des données personnelles peut aussi altérer le libre arbitre et les actions des individus. Des données personnelles ont ainsi déjà été exploitées pour influencer des votes électoraux ou discréditer des personnalités politiques.</p> <p>L’utilisation des outils d’intelligence artificielle pour créer des deepfakes et manipuler les pensées et les comportements humains est particulièrement préoccupante. Aujourd’hui, n’importe quelle personne mal intentionnée peut générer des contenus hyperréalistes, à moindre coût, dans le but de nuire à autrui, voire de détruire une personne. Ainsi, par exemple, les deepfakes sont de plus en plus utilisés par des escrocs pour tromper les seniors sur les réseaux sociaux. Ces techniques servent également à diffuser de faux messages relatifs à la santé et à promouvoir indirectement des remèdes qui peuvent s’avérer dangereux pour la santé de ceux qui s’y laissent prendre, sans oublier les faux contenus intimes qui prolifèrent. L’ampleur que prennent les deepfakes représente désormais une véritable menace pour les démocraties. Ils sont utilisés pour manipuler l’opinion publique, semer la confusion lors des campagnes électorales, ou encore alimenter la désinformation à grande échelle.</p> <p>Et que dire de ces entreprises, entrepreneurs et chercheurs qui semblent obnubilés par le transhumanisme, c’est-à-dire la volonté d’utiliser la biotechnologie, les neurosciences et l’intelligence artificielle pour créer des super-humains et, éventuellement, dépasser la finitude de l’homme, ouvrant ainsi la boîte de Pandore que tout esprit éclairé redoute ?</p> <p>L’IA n’est ni bonne ni mauvaise en soi. Comme le dit si bien Hobbes, « l’homme est un loup pour l’homme », et l’Histoire, tout comme le monde actuel, regorge d’événements qui nous rappellent les dérives et les atrocités dont l’être humain est capable. L’avenir de l’IA et son impact dépendront donc de ce que nous, humains, choisirons d’en faire. Voulons-nous d’une IA qui déstructure les liens sociaux et isole l’individu ? Voulons-nous d’une IA dotée d’une intelligence supérieure à celle de l’homme, voire consciente ? Voulons-nous d’une IA réservée à une élite, permettant à quelques-uns de dominer les autres ? Ou alors, souhaitons-nous une IA véritablement au service de l’humanité ?</p> <p>Face aux dérives potentielles de l’IA, le choix ne peut qu’être clair pour tout être humain et tout décideur politique clairvoyant, capable de transcender les seules dimensions économiques et matérialistes. En effet, les frustrations exprimées par les peuples à travers le monde démontrent clairement que nous évoluons dans une société qui ne répond pas, ou ne répond plus, au désir de liberté, d’épanouissement et de progrès des êtres humains, malgré l’évolution exponentielle des technologies au cours des cinquante dernières années.</p> <p>Comme le dit si bien l’ancien Premier ministre français Dominique de Villepin, nous vivons dans un monde où les peurs de disparaître, d’être méprisé, d’être bafoué ou de perdre son statut sont exacerbées et cristallisées par certains pour satisfaire leurs intérêts personnels. La montée du populisme dans de nombreux pays est le reflet de ces peurs, de cette crise identitaire dont souffrent de plus en plus les peuples, alors même que l’humanité n’a jamais été aussi avancée ni aussi capable de résoudre ses propres problèmes.</p> <p>Le sociologue français Dominique Wolton estime que l’essor des technologies de communication et des réseaux n’a fait qu’accentuer « l’incommunication » et la crise identitaire. Un développement et une utilisation sauvage de l’IA ne feront qu’aggraver cette crise identitaire et ces peurs, mettant en péril la paix et la cohésion de l’humanité.</p> <p>Les nations de notre monde doivent donc agir de concert pour adopter un cadre éthique et juridique international garantissant que l’IA demeure au service de l’homme, c’est-à-dire un outil d’accompagnement dans sa quête d’épanouissement, et qu’elle ne se transforme pas en un instrument de domination ou de destruction.</p> <p>Même s’il l’ignore souvent, l’être humain est avant tout un être profondément social et spirituel, bien avant d’être un agent économique. Privé de ses dimensions sociale et spirituelle, et transformé en une simple machine perfectionnée par l’IA au service des impératifs économiques et matérialistes, l’homme ne serait plus qu’un être artificiel sans repères, voué à son autodestruction.&nbsp;</p> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-disqus field--type-disqus-comment field--label-hidden field--item"><drupal-render-placeholder callback="Drupal\disqus\Element\Disqus::displayDisqusComments" arguments="0=%5BBlog%5D%20Pour%20une%20Intelligence%20Artificielle%20%C3%A9thique%20et%C2%A0bienveillante&amp;1=http%3A//;2=node/170012" token="g8HGGl-_Ov-sO_WVV5k1Uzbybdbsj4tpC19P1fK3jwA"></drupal-render-placeholder></div> Fri, 28 Mar 2025 07:41:34 +0000 Defi Quotidien 170012 at [Blog] Mauritius needs long-term plans, essential for its security <span>[Blog] Mauritius needs long-term plans, essential for its security</span> <span><span lang="" about="/users/matchia" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">Dr Michael Atchia</span></span> <span>mar 25/03/2025 - 06:37</span> <div class="field field--name-field-main-picture field--type-image field--label-hidden field--item"> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/node_content_picture/public/food_thumb_.jpg?itok=_hySrBQZ" width="1280" height="720" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" class="img-responsive" /> </div> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field--item"><p>Action is needed as from now 2025 up to 2029 and, if need be, extended for full completion up to 2035 (during this and the next 5-year mandate).</p> <p>We produce only 30% of the food we eat. We import 70% including all rice and flour, poor Mauritius!</p> <p>We produce only 17.6% of energy we use from renewables (from sun, wind, hydro, biomass). We massively use the non-renewable resources, charcoal and petrol, which we import, the price of which will continue to rise until they suddenly become unavailable on the world market to little Mauritius. The present situation makes Mauritius dependent on exporters and makes the population vulnerable for the supply of the key product of food and energy.</p> <p>This is a call to our new, responsible, and proactive government to launch serious long-term plans and actions for Mauritius food, energy and water security, all essential for life! Specifically, this is an appeal to the PM and VPM, to the Minister in charge of energy (Hon P. Assisvaden) and the one in charge of agriculture and food security (Hon A. Boolell). Already we are implementing several small projects such as saving energy, producing your own food, etc.</p> <p>1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Energy security must be achieved through the vast replacement of petrol vehicles by electric ones, the electric metro covering the entire island and a major shift to renewables (sun, wind, hydro, biomass) for electricity production. (At present, see Le Défi Quotidien of 4.2.25: 82.4% énergies fossiles (importée : charbon et pétrole) contre seulement 17.6% renouvelable). The main equipment needed to produce electricity from the sun are solar panels, 100% of which we at present import. Studies have revealed that our situation with regards to wind and to sunshine is excellent, making it certain to achieve up to 100% renewables in a few years. There is also the huge benefit that, once installed and working, energy from sun and wind is free!!!<br /> As well as infrastructural changes, making it possible for people to work, study, take recreation, etc., close to where they live, hence for all to go to school or to work on foot or at best by cycle.</p> <p>The future of harvesting solar energy. Solar energy harvesting technology is increasingly utilized as an alternative to electricity generated by fossil fuel. While various methods of solar energy harvesting exist, they all fundamentally use the sun to perform work in a specifically desired way, thus eliminating the need for fossil fuel use altogether. The combined results of renewable energy production from sun, wind, hydro and biomass is the only future for the world and of course for us. We cannot miss that bus! Take the example of Denmark, which on some months satisfied 100% of all its energy requirements from wind and sun, with so much excess that energy is exported to Germany!</p> <p>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Food security through self-sufficiency (now standing at 70% imports and only 30% locally produced)<br /> At a time when entire sections of the planet are suffering from the extremes of climate change (roasting under extreme heat, freezing cold, intense hurricanes, floods and droughts, sea-level rise, etc.), under such a planetary emergency, each country, big or small, must play its part in combating climate change.&nbsp;</p> <p>The new government has stated very early its intention to do so. At present this remains a declaration of intention, with only a few actions started, such as the produce your own food project, Plan d’Urgence pour les Planteurs, etc. Apart from self-sufficiency in energy, achieving food security is an essential aim. Without it, if and when some basic products become rare, unavailable on the world market, cargo costs too high, our population could starve like the people of Gaza. The plan, of course, will include changes in diet to consume what we can produce and stock.</p> <p>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Water is life. Fresh water from nature (i.e., the rain cycle) is essential for all humans, animals and plants. We need to improve and efficiently manage water resources and water distribution and use. Water from nature in the form of rain, via rivers and reservoirs, via underground water, individually harvested by each family, via modern technologies such as cloud-seeding and seawater evaporation using massive solar and wind power. Already we are planning for reducing waste of water in distribution by a vast programme to replace leaking pipes.</p> <p>Budget implications: A substantial sum of money will ideally be put in every year’s budget from now (2025-26 budget) to 2035, to achieve these long-term goals. For this budget, we propose Rs 300 million for the energy security goal under the Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities; Rs 200 million under the Ministry of Agroindustry for food security through self-sufficiency; and Rs 100 million for fresh water management under the Ministry of Environment or that of National Infrastructure, since achieving that security will likely include building new reservoirs and new technical solutions.</p> <p>Knowing our combativity and initiative, we surely will gradually achieve this self-sufficiency in basics (rice and flour, grains and chicken &amp; meat or replacement crops, energy, and fresh water, without forgetting medical supplies, and basic equipment, either locally manufactured or imported from reliable suppliers and transportation regionally and nationally, within our region and the rest of the planet. As well as communications with each other, with and from government, with our Indian Ocean and African neighbours and with the rest of the world.</p> <p><strong>Dr Michael Atchia</strong></p> <p><strong>(Ex Programme Director, UNEP; Ex President, Mauritius Academy of Science &amp; Technology; D.Sc. University of Salford, Manchester, UK; co-author of Environmental Management, John Wiley, 1995)<br /></strong></p> <p><strong>22nd March 2025</strong><br /> &nbsp;</p> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-disqus field--type-disqus-comment field--label-hidden field--item"><drupal-render-placeholder callback="Drupal\disqus\Element\Disqus::displayDisqusComments" arguments="0=%5BBlog%5D%20Mauritius%20needs%20long-term%20plans%2C%20essential%20for%20its%20security&amp;1=http%3A//;2=node/169848" token="L6UbBj07NbkYN84VhzhFTCaxBur82PVC8-xGyJ2MyqI"></drupal-render-placeholder></div> Tue, 25 Mar 2025 02:37:01 +0000 Dr Michael Atchia 169848 at [Blog] Gaza: A call to all 192 STATES of the planet, including Mauritius, to pressurize Israel to end this genocide, NOW <span>[Blog] Gaza: A call to all 192 STATES of the planet, including Mauritius, to pressurize Israel to end this genocide, NOW</span> <span><span lang="" about="/users/matchia" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">Dr Michael Atchia</span></span> <span>mar 25/03/2025 - 06:11</span> <div class="field field--name-field-main-picture field--type-image field--label-hidden field--item"> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/node_content_picture/public/palestine_thumb_.jpg?itok=WVaLNCXV" width="1280" height="720" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" class="img-responsive" /> </div> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field--item"><p>Destruction of humanity through wars, genocides, epidemics, famines, natural catastrophes, technology, nuclear bombs, and soon through climate change and global warming if our planet’s reaction fails to control these.<br /> <br /> God help us! We cannot, as humans, be indifferent and do nothing while this genocide is happening.<br /> 50,000 Palestinians have been killed since October 2021, including over 20,000 women and children.</p> <p>The government of Israel today continues its attempted genocide against the Palestinians. This is A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY, FOR WHICH Israel, its PM NETANYAHU, and Government WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE—by making people move as soon as they settle, bombing and destroying all schools, hospitals, and recently the one fertility clinic, and by starving the 2-million-strong population. And today, they have arranged to frighten all inhabitants of GAZA with the destruction of their means of life and death if they do not move elsewhere, as per Trump’s plan.<br /> <br /> The Arab states of Qatar, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and others, the European Union, the USA, India, and China, with the full backing of the UNITED NATIONS, CAN NOW IMPOSE the second phase of the peace plan: release ALL Israeli hostages, release ALL Palestinian POLITICAL PRISONERS, START THE RETREAT of Israel from Gaza, so then the RECONSTRUCTION CAN BEGIN! People can stop being assassinated and start rebuilding their habitats and lives.<br /> <br /> If you had to forecast which leader of any of the 194 countries of the world could be the new 21st-century HITLER, would you have thought of the Jewish leader of Israel?<br /> <br /> Brazil’s president, Lula da Silva, speaking at the 37th African Union Summit, compared Israel’s actions in the war against Hamas to the Holocaust, in which Nazis killed six million Jews. “What is happening in the Gaza Strip with the Palestinian people has no parallel in other historical moments,” but “it did exist when Hitler decided to kill the Jews.” The UN Security Council, the ICJ, the EU, Egypt, and other Arab states voiced their concern about a possible coming genocide of the people of Gaza by Israel. After almost 50,000 deaths, nothing is being done. Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders pursue their elimination policy.<br /> <br /> Hitler gave as a reason the need for more space for his people (Lebensraum). Israel specifically wants the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza—if necessary, by first destroying all housing infrastructure, hospitals, schools, water, and food supplies, and on 13th March 2025, THE ONLY FERTILITY CLINIC IN GAZA, thereby starting the elimination of the people of Gaza—men, women, and children.<br /> <br /> With the first phase of the agreement between HAMAS and ISRAEL at this historical moment in mid-January 2025, we saw a possible end to an attempted genocide and, hopefully, the start of the rebuilding of a nation.<br /> Then, last week, bombardment and further clear genocidal acts against the Palestinians started again. By Israel, with American arms, American money, and the blessing of their President DT.<br /> <br /> LET US REMIND OURSELVES AGAIN AS TO WHAT A GENOCIDE IS. An absolute crime against humanity. It is the deliberate and systematic destruction, completely or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group. It is inhuman, immoral, illegal, and completely unacceptable. It involves violence against people simply because of their differences.<br /> <br /> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;1945: After Nazi Germans exterminated more than five million Jews during WWII, from 1941 to 1945, the Jewish people settled in Palestine and built a strong, new state of Israel.<br /> <br /> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;1993: After the Hutus massacred 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus in Rwanda in 1993, the Tutsis rebuilt Rwanda as one of the cleanest and best-run African states.<br /> <br /> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;2025: After the attempted genocide by Israel of the Palestinian people in Gaza, from 1948 till now, but mainly during the last 15 months when Israel destroyed most schools, most hospitals, most housing, most roads, most production systems, and attempted to starve the population, Gaza/Palestine can now reconstruct and rebuild their homeland.<br /> <br /> Now we witness the end of the continued non-recognition of Palestine by Israel. The ‘imprisonment’ of the Palestinian people till today, denied return to their land, denied the two-state solution—one being an independent Palestine. A process of independence for Palestine, Gaza, and the West Bank. A difficult process that needs the support of all states of the REGION AND OF THE WORLD. A process that Hamas can help by dissolving itself under its present armed forces constitution and reforming itself as, for example, the PPP (Palestine Political Party), devoted entirely to rebuilding Palestine and its efficient governance.<br /> <br /> We mourn the 50,000 Palestinians, including 20,000 WOMEN and CHILDREN killed in the last 24 months, also more than 100,000 people injured, and the more than 12,000 missing. We also mourn the toll on Israelis killed, numbering 1,200. And we are grateful for the release of hostages held by Hamas, as well as political prisoners from Israeli jails, which started on 19th January and is to be followed for the next six weeks. We witness the 10,000+ Palestinians going on foot, donkey carriages, lorries, vans, and cars back to their villages or towns to see their houses—in 80% of cases, destroyed and reduced to rubble by Israeli bombs and missiles. A sad tragedy of human wickedness.<br /> <br /> Now, of course, the UN agencies and all nations in the area (Egypt, Doha, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and others) as well as those outside, are starting a huge help movement to feed the Gaza people (reduced to starvation by Israel in its genocide attempt) and start the reconstruction of habitats, schools, hospitals, production and commercial structures, roads, and communications, etc. In fact, to rebuild all.<br /> <br /> All states must now support and indeed put pressure on Israel and Hamas FOR A CEASEFIRE NOW and fully implement the ceasefire and agreement. Then the rebuilding of Gaza can start in earnest.<br /> <br /> Dr. Michael Atchia<br /> (Past Programme Director, United Nations)<br /><br /> 25th March 2025</p> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-disqus field--type-disqus-comment field--label-hidden field--item"><drupal-render-placeholder callback="Drupal\disqus\Element\Disqus::displayDisqusComments" arguments="0=%5BBlog%5D%20Gaza%3A%20A%20call%20to%20all%20192%20STATES%20of%20the%20planet%2C%20including%20Mauritius%2C%20to%20pressurize%20Israel%20to%20end%20this%20genocide%2C%20NOW&amp;1=http%3A//;2=node/169846" token="waOLJD9ZmAFU6dftMsd0QTQ2HMPI-cyw0skTq905wic"></drupal-render-placeholder></div> Tue, 25 Mar 2025 02:11:19 +0000 Dr Michael Atchia 169846 at [Blog] Remembering my friend, Siram Sakaram <span>[Blog] Remembering my friend, Siram Sakaram</span> <span><a title="Voir le profil utilisateur." href="/users/guest" lang="" about="/users/guest" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">guest</a></span> <span>jeu 13/03/2025 - 21:31</span> <div class="field field--name-field-main-picture field--type-image field--label-hidden field--item"> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/node_content_picture/public/siram_thumb.jpg?itok=M6un0IJT" width="1280" height="720" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" class="img-responsive" /> </div> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field--item"><p>I usually write on topics of public interest but this article is a personal one. At 6 pm on 5th March I returned from my daily stroll at Trou- aux-Cerfs where I go to breathe the fresh air, admire nature and chat with people whom I happen to know. My wife told me to sit down and relax. I immediately apprehended that something untoward was coming. Then she broke the heart-piercing news: Siram was no more.</p> <p>I was completely devastated. &nbsp;Our friendship dates back to the days when we were doing our HSC classes at Bhujoharry College. Like our classmates, we were the first cohort of adolescents of post-independence Mauritius. &nbsp;We all had dreams and aspirations for our newly independent country and for ourselves. Our conversations usually revolved around themes like “mauritianism”, the need for a post-colonial Mauritian culture and the sense of belonging to a budding nation.</p> <p>Those were the "années de braise". A revolution was brewing in Mauritius. A bunch of young intellectuals, fresh from universities, inflamed our imagination with ideas and speeches on concepts heretofore unknown and unspoken: anti-communalism, patriotism, oneness as a nation, human brotherhood, struggle against social injustice and inequality, meritocracy and the building of a just society. With their long hair, “pattes d'éléphants” and flowery shirts, they toured the island, mobilized the masses and disseminated their leftist ideas and ideology. &nbsp;</p> <p>While for most of our friends, these ideas were a source of inspiration and we were in sympathy with the developing political movement, we, however followed it from&nbsp;</p> <p>afar. Siram, on the other hand, threw himself head and soul in the emerging political maelstrom. He related to me his first encounter with the historical leader of MMM. It was in 1971. He was returning from tuition when, still in his shorts, he barged into a meeting that was being held in the municipal hall of Quatre Bornes. The discussions hovered around the eventual participation of MMM in the forthcoming bye-election at Triolet. The name that was being floated for candidature was that of another fiery leader, Dev Virahsawmy. Siram, who was sitting at the back, rose up and proposed the name of Paul Bérenger. He stated that this would give a strong signal in favour of “mauritianism” which was a cardinal principle of the party. At the end of the meeting, Bérenger, as always with his legendary moustache and leather jacket, beckoned Siram and told him to wait. "Jeune homme, come with me". He took him in his car and brought him home. There he gave him a bunch of books on Marx, Rosa Luxembourg, Frantz Fanon, Samir Amin and other revolutionary thinkers. He told him to read them and return him without fail.</p> <p>Another anecdote that he used to relate to me was about the emblem of MMM which was in peril at some point of time. That was in 1993 or so. There was an important schism in the party when the MMM was kicked out of government and some heavy weights decided to stay with the ruling party. They formed the RMM and attempted to appropriate the quasi-sacred symbol of the MMM. A case was even lodged in court. Like all sincere members, Siram was gripped with the fear of losing it. He spent the night perusing the constitution of the party and finally came up with a solution. Early in the morning he phoned Paul Bérenger and informed him that as per the constitution of the party, it is the assembly of delegates which has the prerogative to decide on matters relating to emblem. As a result, an assembly of delegates was hastily called and the majority voted to keep the existing emblem. This, and other occasions where Siram had been helpful to the party, endeared him to the leader. This was not without consequences as jealousy was created that finally led to his alienation from the party.&nbsp;</p> <p>All these anecdotes he related to me later in life because after our studies our paths diverged. Like many other classmates, I joined the public service whereas others joined the teaching profession and others still carved out a career in different fields.&nbsp;</p> <p>Siram became a teacher in a prestigious institution and in parallel pursued his political career as a prominent member of MMM. &nbsp;He rose up to become the Mayor of Quatre Bornes (and he would say, "once a mayor always a mayor", thus echoing the words of our GP teacher, Oomashankar Hawoldar who had also occupied the post once). He was one of the youngest candidates to be fielded by his Party in 1983 when he lost by a narrow margin. In 1996 and 2000, he was returned as a successful candidate representing constituency number 16. As a member of the legislative assembly, he made his mark. &nbsp;If I am not mistaken, he was among the first one to raise the subject of ocean economy and the first one to speak on the necessity of having a second university in Mauritius.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;<br /> After my retirement I began to write some articles for the local press. This was the thread that helped to reunite us. He contacted me and we began to meet regularly to converse around a glass of coffee or a lunch. Later we were joined by Trilock Dwarka with whom we shared (and I still do) a strong bond of friendship as we had sat on the same bench at college. For long hours we would reminisce about the past, share, memories, discuss about the political and economic situation, make jokes etc. Siram was always a jovial man and possessed a good sense of humour. I remember one day in the past I met him accidentally and learning that I was not yet married, he said “Eyta to pa encore maryer . Taler to pou bizin met solde la". He was also proud of his two sons, both of whom are top professionals in their respective fields.&nbsp;</p> <p>The last time we met, the three of us, was shortly after the general elections. We met to celebrate the thumping victory of the Alliance for Change. Siram was more than jubilant because right from the beginning, starting with the meeting at Mare D'Albert, he had predicted a 60/0. His experience in the field enabled him to appropriately gauge the mood of the people.&nbsp;</p> <p>Furthermore, he had invested himself thoroughly in the campaign at Number 18 where he accompanied the 3 candidates, especially Arvind Boolell, and supported them in every nook and corner of the constituency. That was his last battle. Coincidentally, it was at this last meeting of ours in a coffee house at Curepipe that he informed us of his health problems. One night he felt suffocated and had to be rushed to hospital. The doctors diagnosed a cardiac complication and they put him on the waiting list for operation. We were flabbergasted because we knew that he was leading a healthy ilifestyle. He went for long walks with his dog every morning, went to swim regularly at Flic en Flac and had a strong preference for bio-products. It was him who used to advise us on types of food to eat to maintain our health.<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> His operation having been carried out successfully, we looked forward to meet again as usual. On 3rd March, he called me from the hospital. He told me that he would be discharged in a day or two and we could meet at his place. He added "continuer ecrire. To ena 1 bon coup de plume". Little did I realize that these were the last words that I would hear from him.<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> I feel an immense sense of loss.</p> <p><strong>Azize Bankur</strong></p> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-disqus field--type-disqus-comment field--label-hidden field--item"><drupal-render-placeholder callback="Drupal\disqus\Element\Disqus::displayDisqusComments" arguments="0=%5BBlog%5D%20Remembering%20my%20friend%2C%20Siram%20Sakaram&amp;1=http%3A//;2=node/169394" token="cgmfwS1bC_4oSKYdTjkKjHUgo7Xq-dHqCikLy06axWI"></drupal-render-placeholder></div> Thu, 13 Mar 2025 17:31:54 +0000 guest 169394 at [Blog] From Gujarat to Mauritius : Gandhi, Modi, Atchia <span>[Blog] From Gujarat to Mauritius : Gandhi, Modi, Atchia</span> <span><span lang="" about="/users/matchia" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">Dr Michael Atchia</span></span> <span>mer 12/03/2025 - 13:44</span> <div class="field field--name-field-main-picture field--type-image field--label-hidden field--item"> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/node_content_picture/public/michael_thumb_.jpg?itok=tqNiP5Ru" width="1280" height="720" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" class="img-responsive" /> </div> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field--item"><p>From Porbandar town in Porbandar province, came the most illustrious son of India, Mohandas K. Gandhi, the Mahatma Gandhi.On his way to South Africa, Gandhi made a short stop in Mauritius (from 29 October to 15 November 1901). He was welcomed by fellow countrymen from Gujarat, who had settled as traders in Mauritius and who organised his stay in the colony, including my grand-father A.I.Atchia.&nbsp;</p> <p>Despite his main mission being South Africa, Gandhi enquired about the conditions of life of people of Indian origin living and working in Mauritius and met many of them. Seeing their dismal condition, Gandhi asked Manilal Doctor (1881-1956) an Indian-born, London educated lawyer to go to Mauritius to represent the Indo-Mauritians in court and increase their awareness about human rights. He edited a newspaper here and later travelled to other countries including Fiji and Aden. Gandhi’s lessons on nonviolence and his fight for human rights were then and remain now an example for the world!&nbsp;</p> <p>From Vadnagar village in Mahesana province comes Narendra Modi, longtime Premier of the State of Gujarat, responsible it is said for the economic miracle of Gujarat and then Prime Minister of the REPUBLIC OF INDIA SINCE 2014, as leader of the BJP. He came to Mauritius for the first time – as chief guest on the occasion of the anniversary of our independence- on 12th March 2015. And again today 12th of March 2025 as CHIEF GUEST TO THE 57TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE INDEPENDENCE OF MAURITIUS. Since Modi took over in 2001, Gujarat’s economy has vastly improved and continues to do so. As PM of INDIA, he has made numerous reforms both economic and structural as well as playing a vital role in world affairs.&nbsp;</p> <p>From Barbodhan Village, Surat province came many traders and other migrants to Mauritius, including Major Atchia (Amode Ibrahim Atchia) a local pioneer in the field of technology : hydro-power at Réduit (1906), solar energy (salt-making at Roche-Bois), wind energy (for pumping sea-water) as well as in pre-fabricated concrete, ice-making and, with his chain of cinemas, in the entertainment field. Other families included the well-known names of Rawat, Kalla, Jeewa, Patel, Ghanty. They either sailed from the port of Surat or from Bombay to come here, as from the mid-19th century. From early times Barbodhians were interested in trade and commerce and travelled to foreign lands, undertaking long sea voyages.&nbsp;</p> <p>People left Barbodhan in the early 19th century to settle in Burma, where they established many businesses and were great entrepreneurs. Then from the 1840s many other emigrants from Barbodhan came to Mauritius, ‘where they were later responsible for introducing hydroelectric power, as well as being involved in other trading and business concerns. The first Muslim mayor in Mauritius was originally from Barbodhan’.</p> <p>Despite the fact that Barbodhan is only a small village, its people have made valuable contributions in societies around the world. Some common surnames attributed to the village and still found in MAURITIUS are :Atcha/Atchia/Attcha ; Adiya/ Adia/Arya ; Nalla, Kala/Kalla ; Patel/Patail; Ghanchi; Essa/Esa/Isa; Rawat/Ravat; Raja, Rajah, Rajjab; Jeewa/Jeeva/Jiva, Jina; Makda, and Mulla; Attan , Ameji; Shah, Shaikh; Gulzar…</p> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-disqus field--type-disqus-comment field--label-hidden field--item"><drupal-render-placeholder callback="Drupal\disqus\Element\Disqus::displayDisqusComments" arguments="0=%5BBlog%5D%20From%20Gujarat%20to%20Mauritius%20%3A%20Gandhi%2C%20Modi%2C%20Atchia&amp;1=http%3A//;2=node/169347" token="G2mMSbEUP2jbHbW1dXqXm3jve8bw0R9iJdFhTq1-i3g"></drupal-render-placeholder></div> Wed, 12 Mar 2025 09:44:38 +0000 Dr Michael Atchia 169347 at [Blog] L’Indépendance de notre pays : une nouvelle ère ? <span>[Blog] L’Indépendance de notre pays : une nouvelle ère ?</span> <span><span lang="" about="/users/kelahee" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">Khalil Elahee</span></span> <span>mer 12/03/2025 - 09:11</span> <div class="field field--name-field-main-picture field--type-image field--label-hidden field--item"> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/node_content_picture/public/blog_thumb_0.jpg?itok=WHA-C8et" width="1280" height="720" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" class="img-responsive" /> </div> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field--item"><p>Le 12 mars 1968 marque l’Indépendance de notre pays. Aujourd’hui, 57 ans après, dans le sillage des élections du 10 novembre 2024, peut-on croire en l’émergence d’une nouvelle ère, qui serait même plus significative que le passage au statut de République du 12 mars 1992 ?</p> <p>1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Peace, Justice and Liberty</p> <p>Contrairement à 1968, ou même à 1992, il y a un sentiment d’unité nationale qui est plus prononcé partout dans le pays, au-delà des différentes classes sociales. Il est même assez fort parmi les jeunes qui s’identifient davantage comme des « Mauriciens ». Certes, le 60-0 historique du 10 novembre était aussi un vote sanction, pour ne pas dire de dégout vis-à-vis de l’ancien régime, beaucoup plus qu’il incarnait une adhésion à l’alliance qui gouverne aujourd’hui. Mais en réagissant aux révélations de Missier Moustass à travers le dernier scrutin comme elle l’avait fait, une large masse silencieuse définissait aussi ainsi ce qui pouvait unir tout un peuple.&nbsp;<br /> Nous sommes liés par une vision, des valeurs et une volonté commune qui se résume parfaitement dans les paroles de notre hymne national. Jean George Prosper avait trouvé les mots justes, mais le mérite revient également au Comité qui devait choisir sa soumission pour en faire ce qui est l’un des plus beaux textes pour un hymne national. Le Motherland nous unit, car qui parmi nous n’est pas sensible à la « sweet », « beauty » et « fragrance » de ce pays ? Le rêve d’un seul peuple et une seule nation se construit chaque jour autour de notre foi inébranlable dans la paix, la justice et la liberté comme piliers de notre vivre-ensemble. « Beloved God » est invoqué dans le Motherland, une prière qui reflète cette croyance en Dieu qui est si visible dans notre pays. Cela ne l’empêche nullement d’être un État séculier démocratique comme l’affirme notre Constitution.&nbsp;</p> <p>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Souveraineté</p> <p>Au-delà de la politique partisane où un élan d’unité dépassant les tentatives de divisions communalistes a finalement primé lors des dernières élections, il y a aussi, depuis peu, un attachement à notre souveraineté qui s’exprime beaucoup plus ouvertement. Le combat pour la cause des Chagos ne date pas d’hier, mais les récents développements tant juridiques que diplomatiques ont ramené un peu de fierté à notre identité de « Morisien » au sein d’un village global soumis à tant de bouleversements géopolitiques. N’est-ce pas une autre victoire de notre revendication de souveraineté sur les Chagos lorsque nous entendons le mot « lease » mentionné dans la conférence de presse à la Maison Blanche tenue par Trump et Starmer ? Fierté aussi, sans tomber dans aucune arrogance, en tant qu’Africain lorsque nous avançons vers la fin de la décolonisation du continent, tout au moins théoriquement.&nbsp;</p> <p>Nous ne pouvons nier également le fait que face aux pressions du quotidien, exacerbées par un contexte économique post-électorale difficile, beaucoup de nos compatriotes ne sont pas conscients, ou même interpellés, par rapport au retour des Chagos à notre souveraineté. D’où la facilité avec laquelle certains, y compris des politiciens, se laissent berner par l’appât de quelques milliards de roupies comme location pour la base de Diego Garcia. Mais la cause Chagossienne demeure un élément potentiellement fédérateur pour le peuple mauricien tout entier. Il faut rappeler ici l’intérêt que soulève la perspective d’un développement océanique durable sur notre zone économique exclusive de plus de 2,3 millions km2, dans le contexte de la création d’un vrai État-océan d’une superficie marine mille fois celle de ce qui existe comme terre ferme. Une nouvelle ère est possible même si ce sera difficile lorsque nous réalisons la visée de quelqu’un comme Trump qui se régale à l’idée d’un bail de 140 ans sur une partie de notre souveraineté. Nous existe-t-il d’autre alternative que la résistance ? Même l’Europe, le Canada, le Royaume-Uni et d’autres alliés des USA l’ont compris…</p> <p>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Etoile et la Clé</p> <p>Il se peut que l’épreuve de la lutte pour notre souveraineté soit ce ciment dont nous avons besoin pour construire non seulement la nation de demain, mais aussi pour nous transformer en une vraie Etoile et Clé de l’océan Indien. Les visites d’État de Modi et de Macron programmés prochainement doivent être des vitrines pour le monde entier de découvrir que Maurice peut devenir l’un des meilleurs endroits pour vivre sur une planète où les crises et les incertitudes sont partout ailleurs. En attendant, probablement, un Premier ministre britannique officiellement chez nous, un événement qui n’est jamais arrivé dans le passé. Les cyniques diront qu’ils y verront aussi le fléau de la drogue qui fait rage, la sécheresse qui sévit ou encore toute une panoplie de problèmes que nous ne connaissons que trop. Ils n’ont pas tort, mais n’y a-t-il pas aussi chez nous une détermination à changer pour le meilleur la situation où nous sommes aujourd’hui ?</p> <p>Il y a des jeunes qui partent et croient que l’herbe est plus verte ailleurs, mais n’y a-t-il pas autant ceux qui demeurent et qui sont persuadés que, par la Grâce divine, leur destin est dans leurs mains ? Quelques années après l’Indépendance, mais aussi tant de fois dans l’histoire depuis le départ des Hollandais qui pourtant avaient donné à Maurice son nom, notre pays a su se réinventer. Rien n’est impossible si nous œuvrons ensemble « lamin dan lamin » misant sur nos qualités, nos acquis et sur les faveurs que Dieu nous a données, du sourire mauricien à notre sens de débrouillardise en passant par la beauté naturelle de notre pays.</p> <p>Avec la victoire 60-0, tout en reconnaissant et respectant le fait qu’il y a ceux qui n’ont pas voulu un changement, l’occasion est unique afin de mettre en chantier une nouvelle République. Le mini-amendement constitutionnel et autres reformes proposées avant les élections ont eu le plébiscite populaire, mais il faut aller plus loin dans la transformation pour de bon de nos institutions. Dans le respect de la démocratie, il faut au plus vite engager toutes les parties concernées dans un processus large visant à faire entrer le pays concrètement de plain-pied dans la deuxième moitié du millénaire.&nbsp;</p> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-disqus field--type-disqus-comment field--label-hidden field--item"><drupal-render-placeholder callback="Drupal\disqus\Element\Disqus::displayDisqusComments" arguments="0=%5BBlog%5D%20L%E2%80%99Ind%C3%A9pendance%20de%20notre%20pays%20%3A%20une%20nouvelle%20%C3%A8re%20%3F&amp;1=http%3A//;2=node/169310" token="WuZ_RbHd1_jYQsPazkCghRd9g_nObO2aNEIzbrP41UA"></drupal-render-placeholder></div> Wed, 12 Mar 2025 05:11:03 +0000 Khalil Elahee 169310 at [Blog] Commonwealth Day: Together We Thrive <span>[Blog] Commonwealth Day: Together We Thrive</span> <span><a title="Voir le profil utilisateur." href="/users/guest" lang="" about="/users/guest" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">guest</a></span> <span>lun 10/03/2025 - 12:32</span> <div class="field field--name-field-main-picture field--type-image field--label-hidden field--item"> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/node_content_picture/public/ambassadrice_thumb.jpg?itok=_MoWvJPy" width="1280" height="720" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" class="img-responsive" /> </div> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field--item"><p><strong>By H.E. Charlotte Pierre British High Commissioner to Mauritius</strong></p> <p>Today, we are celebrating Commonwealth Day, bringing together some 2.7 billion citizens from 56 countries in the spirit of shared values across Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Americas, the Pacific, and Europe. This year is the 76th anniversary of the Commonwealth. Over nearly eight decades, the Commonwealth Family has shown strength and resilience in overcoming challenges to build free, democratic, peaceful societies.</p> <p>On Commonwealth Day, we celebrate this strength and resilience, as well as the history, rich heritage and cultural diversity that unites us across borders. As His Majesty King Charles III said at the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in October 2024, his first as Head of the Commonwealth: “together, we represent a third of humanity, with all the splendidly diverse complexity that this entails. And yet we know and understand each other, such that we can discuss the most challenging issues with openness and respect.”</p> <p>The theme of this year’s Commonwealth Day is “Together We Thrive”, a theme which aligns to the values of peace, unity and equality which are so important to Mauritius and to the UK. These values are important if we are to reach our shared goal of a future rich with opportunities, and resilient to the challenges confronting our world today. At last year’s Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting, the UK announced a package of measures with four key objectives, embodying our commitment to ensuring that our community of nations will thrive.</p> <p>Firstly, the UK is helping to protect the countries most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, including Mauritius. The climate crisis is the greatest challenge our generation faces. The path to economic progress is only possible if we are able to collectively pursue and implement climate solutions which deliver tangible and measurable results. In Mauritius, we are providing support through the Commonwealth Climate Finance Access Hub, working with local experts to deliver national action on climate change. The UK has also been supporting Mauritius in its climate agenda through the Taskforce on Access to Climate Finance. In partnership with Mauritius, the UK is mobilising finance, strengthening climate policy and driving capacity building, having seconded two senior experts within the Ministry of Finance. We are also working closely with the private sector and business leaders in Mauritius, who have a crucial role to play in this fight.</p> <p>Secondly, we are working collaboratively to boost intra-Commonwealth trade and investment and increase shared prosperity. The UK-Mauritius trade relationship is worth Rs 70 billion (£1.2 billion) annually. Mauritius is one of the UK’s ten biggest markets in Africa, while the UK remains Mauritius’s second biggest export market. We continue to drive growth together through the UK-Mauritius Strategic Trade Partnership, launched in 2023. Last month, we were thrilled to welcome His Majesty’s Trade Commissioner (HMTC) for Africa, John Humphrey, to Mauritius. The Commissioner’s visit reflects the UK’s commitment to increase the scope and scale of our trade and investment with Mauritius for mutual growth, across different sectors – from financial services (the remaining international banks in Mauritius, HSBC and Standard Chartered, are British), education to the green economy. By removing trade barriers and making trade smooth, we will accelerate sustainable growth within the Commonwealth. Sustainable economic growth, aligning closely with our climate goals and work, is fundamental to create opportunities and jobs.</p> <p>Third, we want to empower young people by increasing access to education and skills. As a global leader in education and research, one of the UK’s top priorities is to improve access to higher education and skills training for all young people, especially for women and girls. One of the ways we are achieving this is through education partnerships between governments and institutions. Most recently, we have launched a partnership between the MCCI Business School and the University of London. And the UK university branch campuses (Middlesex University, University of Central Lancashire and Glasgow Caledonian University) here in Mauritius mean Mauritian students can obtain a UK degree/qualification without leaving the country. It also reinforces Mauritius’ ambition to be a regional education hub for Africa as the offer extends beyond Mauritius.</p> <p>By investing in the youth, we are investing in the architects of the future who will lead change. Fourthly and finally, the UK is committed support democratic governance, human rights, and the rule of law. Last year, the UK and Mauritius both saw general elections in our countries, a powerful demonstration of our enduring and resilient democratic foundations. As Commonwealth democracies, we must continue to take proactive steps to strengthen, protect, and preserve our institutions for the long term. The Commonwealth is a family of independent nations, driven by a shared vision and collective courage to build a prosperous and greener future for our people and our children. It is only by continuing to work closely together that we can build a bright and sustainable future.</p> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-disqus field--type-disqus-comment field--label-hidden field--item"><drupal-render-placeholder callback="Drupal\disqus\Element\Disqus::displayDisqusComments" arguments="0=%5BBlog%5D%20Commonwealth%20Day%3A%20Together%20We%20Thrive&amp;1=http%3A//;2=node/169230" token="qeDkAsnPGRDkFFtMUtJtL59CTYkLOTr7dk9_5yeQ_JU"></drupal-render-placeholder></div> Mon, 10 Mar 2025 08:32:41 +0000 guest 169230 at [Blog] 100 days and the tyranny of the status quo <span>[Blog] 100 days and the tyranny of the status quo</span> <span><a title="Voir le profil utilisateur." href="/users/guest" lang="" about="/users/guest" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">guest</a></span> <span>sam 01/03/2025 - 09:11</span> <div class="field field--name-field-main-picture field--type-image field--label-hidden field--item"> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/node_content_picture/public/alliance_8.jpg?itok=IlDIehlj" width="1280" height="720" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" class="img-responsive" /> </div> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field--item"><p>A little more than 100 days have elapsed since the new government calling itself the Alliance for Change came into power in Mauritius. The concept of 100 days is usually used by pundits to make an assessment of the initial performance of the new political masters. Some appreciate the measures being taken whereas others point to stagnation.<br /> <br /> It is important to place this debate in a theoretical framework. &nbsp;In 1984 , the famous neo liberal economist, Milton Friedman and his wife, Rose, wrote a book in which they developed the concept of the 'Tyranny of the Status Quo’. According to them, in a democracy a newly elected government has a window of opportunity of six to nine months to bring about transformational changes. Passing this period, "the supposed mandate will vanish".<br /> <br /> This has nothing to do with ideology or belonging to the left or the right. It is in the very nature of administration and government. The Friedmans referred to the performance of the conservative President, Ronald Reagan, who, at the initial stages of his mandate in 1980, brought about tectonic changes such as reducing taxes by 25 %, slashing the top income tax from 70 % to 50 % and significantly diminishing the rate of public spending. &nbsp;After that, eye-popping measures failed to be initiated as "inertia set in". In the same vein, the socialist President, Francois Miterand, &nbsp;after his historic election in 1981, pushed forward a slew of revolutionary measures such as nationalisation of big &nbsp;banks and &nbsp;some &nbsp;industrial groups, of strategic importance, lowering the retirement age to 60, combating unemployment by expanding the public sector, announcing the reduction of hours of work to 35 per week by 1985, etc. Honing the importance of such foundational measures, especially with regards to nationalisation, he stated in a press conference that nationalisation would give to France "les outils du siècle prochain et les vingt dernières années de celui-ci" (Le President, Frank- Olivier Gesbert, 1990). Soon , however, &nbsp;he had to give up on new &nbsp;measures &nbsp;as conservative forces within his own party, calling themselves pragmatists, rallied to rein down the sails of transformation.<br /> <br /> In Mauritius, it seems that the first 60-0 government grasped the importance of the necessity of bringing transformational changes during the very first months of their mandate. They hastened to bring&nbsp;major constitutional amendments that make it quasi-impossible to clamp a state of emergency, to postpone general elections and cancel by-elections. Within a short span of time, they set up key institutions like the State Trading Corporation, the Indian Ocean Islands Commission and so on. Major reforms were undertaken to redress the economy and chart out a path for economic growth that resulted in the miracle of the eighties. But the government did not last long as it imploded in just 9 months .<br /> <br /> The question is: would the appetite for groundbreaking changes continue to be whetted had there not been the implosion? Not very certain as after the period of 9 months or so, the "status quo tyrants" , according to Milton and Rose Friedman, tend to regroup and &nbsp;gather force to clog the machinery. In their viewpoint, &nbsp;the</p> <p>resistance comes from what they call an " iron triangle " composed of beneficiaries (lobbies), bureaucrats and politicians... The defeated forces reorganize and from there on little gets accomplished ". The honeymoon period is over.</p> <p>It is hoped that the present government which is still enjoying a period of grace would not delay too much in initiating the promised fundamental changes without letting precious opportunities slip by. As Mitterand said: "Quand on est porteur d'une espérance, qu'on a gagnée sur des engagements, qu'on les respecte..."<br /> <br /> <strong>Azize Bankur</strong><br /> &nbsp;</p> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-disqus field--type-disqus-comment field--label-hidden field--item"><drupal-render-placeholder callback="Drupal\disqus\Element\Disqus::displayDisqusComments" arguments="0=%5BBlog%5D%20100%20days%20and%20the%20tyranny%20of%20the%20status%20quo&amp;1=http%3A//;2=node/168883" token="LbS7AVnUj5W2LA3CWh1NeEf9enzLQqXgZYB3jg8TCbc"></drupal-render-placeholder></div> Sat, 01 Mar 2025 05:11:34 +0000 guest 168883 at [Blog] Risk of prosecution for Israeli soldiers in third countries <span>[Blog] Risk of prosecution for Israeli soldiers in third countries</span> <span><a title="Voir le profil utilisateur." href="/users/guest" lang="" about="/users/guest" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">guest</a></span> <span>mer 12/02/2025 - 08:17</span> <div class="field field--name-field-main-picture field--type-image field--label-hidden field--item"> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/node_content_picture/public/soldat_2.jpg?itok=k5h9tYZG" width="1280" height="720" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" class="img-responsive" /> </div> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field--item"><p>Last year, on January 26, the international Court of Justice ruled that plausible genocide has been committed by Israel in Gaza. On the other hand, in November last, the International Court of Justice issued arrest warrants against the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defense Minister, Yoav Gallant, for war crimes an crimes against humanity.&nbsp;</p> <p>On the ground however , the crimes have been committed by none other than &nbsp;foot soldiers, generals and commanders. According to the latest figures from the Gaza Health Ministry, &nbsp;some 61, 000 people have been killed, 70% being women and children. It is a plain massacre of civilians. In addition, most of the residential blocks have been demolished, cultural centres, mosques and churches have been obliterated, hospitals, &nbsp;health centres and care facilities have been turned into rubble.&nbsp;</p> <p>Many soldiers have enjoyed participating in the terrible massacre to the extent that they have gone so far as to post their war crimes in social media. In TikToK they could be seen gleefully bragging about their egregious actions, displaying bodies of Palestinians as trophies, destroying toys of children who have been martyred exposing and joking about female victims' garments and underwear before setting fire to homes and apartments. That is why some have called them the Tik Tok soldiers. Little did they realise that these could serve as evidence for their horrific crimes.</p> <p>In fact , after their round of duty in Gaza, some have gone for vacations to unwind in other countries without realizing that&nbsp;</p> <p>international law would apply with regards to their loathsome and inhuman actions committed in Gaza. Quite a few have had unpleasant surprises. The first occured in Cyprus. A case was filed against a soldier vacationing &nbsp;there. With mounting public pressure, the authorities started investigations. To avoid being imprisoned and judged, he was deftly smuggled by Mossad out of Cyprus. A similar case was filed against a soldier vacationing in Brazil. When investigations started, he fled to Argentina and from there to Israel. A similar scenario occurred in Sri Lanka and Thailand. Australia, on the other hand, &nbsp;refused visa to an Israeli national who had participated in the Gaza war while New Zealand requires Israeli tourists to declare whether they &nbsp;took part in the Gaza &nbsp;conflagration before any visa is issued to them.</p> <p>Behind the track of the war criminals, there is an organization, &nbsp;the Hind Rajab Foundation, named after a 6 year old girl whose body was found in a car, together with her relatives , ridden with 335 American- supplied bullets. The Foundation has already filed &nbsp;50 criminal complaints in different countries around the world for alleged war crimes against Israeli soldiers. It is focusing more on dual nationality soldiers as it is less complicated to bring a case against them in their countries of origin. Furthermore, the activists have compiled a body of evidence such as video images, social media posts, pictures of alleged crimes for 1000 soldiers which they have submitted to the International Court of Justice.</p> <p>The question is : will Mauritius, being a party to the Rome Statute and the Geneva Convention, exercise its universal jurisdiction by carrying out due diligence while delivering visas to Israeli nationals, especially when we know that all Israeli citizens have to serve in the army as reservists for some time ? According to Kenneth Ross, former director of Human Rights Watch, "Any authorized court anywhere in the world can prosecute them for crimes against international law".</p> <p><strong>Azize Bankur&nbsp;</strong><br /> &nbsp;</p> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-disqus field--type-disqus-comment field--label-hidden field--item"><drupal-render-placeholder callback="Drupal\disqus\Element\Disqus::displayDisqusComments" arguments="0=%5BBlog%5D%20Risk%20of%20prosecution%20for%20Israeli%20soldiers%20in%20third%20countries&amp;1=http%3A//;2=node/168284" token="ncSQ6K3Cae5U5KqfyFM_Dfv6RntUJYaGfb-BLOSaW9s"></drupal-render-placeholder></div> Wed, 12 Feb 2025 04:17:29 +0000 guest 168284 at [Blog] Friendship beyond cyclones <span>[Blog] Friendship beyond cyclones</span> <span><a title="Voir le profil utilisateur." href="/users/guest" lang="" about="/users/guest" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">guest</a></span> <span>mar 11/02/2025 - 09:31</span> <div class="field field--name-field-main-picture field--type-image field--label-hidden field--item"> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/node_content_picture/public/ambassadrice_ok.jpg?itok=5Jba8wRt" width="1280" height="720" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" class="img-responsive" /> </div> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field--item"><p>Le quai à Port Louis – so sunny in the day and so charming with the hotels’ lights and the guirlands in the evening – is a symbol of city life that warmly welcomes guests from all over the world. It is also a symbol of life that my compatriots – Soviet sailors from the cruiser “Dmitry Pozharsky” and expedition vessel “Sevan” – helped to restore on the island just 50 years ago. It was the first but critical test of our friendship.&nbsp;</p> <p>“Cette amitié a commence” just after the declaration of the independence of the Republic of Mauritius. On the 12th of March 1968, Moscow saluted the birth of a new independent state – Mauritius. Just in 5 days, on the 17th of March 1968, diplomatic relations were established between l’Union Soviétique et le Maurice. In 1972, Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam visited Moscow, and in 1974, when the cruiser “Leningrad” visited Port Louis, “le Premier minister a inscrit très sincèrement” the names of the Soviet sailors in the book of the Honorable guests: “They brought us the friendship of the whole Soviet people, and we have been so delighted with that.”</p> <p>This is why when, on the 6th of February 1975, le cyclone “Gervaise” stroke its blow against the island – depriving multiple neighborhoods of electricity, destroying the hospitals, killing hundreds of Mauritians, and leaving thousands in despair – we rushed to the rescue. The Soviet government sent a telegram to Port Louis – our deepest sympathies to the families of the deceased and injured. And right after giving orders to the ships' captains in the North of the Indian Ocean – you must urgently save Mauritius. Captains understood that there might not be enough fuel to reach the island and that the refuelers could not arrive on time, but they decided to take this risk. There was no time for hesitation – so they sailed at maximum speed. Mauritius needed their help urgently.&nbsp;</p> <p>And they did that – on the 15th of February, our ships came to Port Louis. The sailors have been working 24/7 – restoring power lines, “réparant les hôpitaux”, and donating blood for emergency operations. They gave away everything they could – medications, water, and food products from their réapprovisionnement maritime.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> Mauritians have been grateful for all that. They applauded the people from un pays du Nord who were helping them. They knew very well that it was a hand of friendship reached despite storms and distance. Mauritians worked hand-in-hand with our guys. There were translators who had studied in Russia, construction workers, and doctors. Our sailors knew neither English nor créole, but they understood each other without words.&nbsp;<br /> Yes, we felt it was our mutual sorrow and rescue operation. For the first time in the Cold War, Soviet, American, and French units rescued the island together.&nbsp;</p> <p>Now, it has become a symbol that nobody thinks about big politics when an enormous tragedy arrives. Just after the rescue operation had ended, the big powers started thinking that one needed to struggle for influence in the Indian Ocean.&nbsp;</p> <p>Why is it so important to remember that? Probably because now Mauritius is aiming at reforms de “grande ampleur”. People do not change, and their motives do not change as well. Soviet sailors still remember this rescue operation – crossing the Indian Ocean to help.&nbsp;</p> <p>We cannot act otherwise. Russians stand for each other, and we have always considered independent Mauritius our friend. Blood donated by our sailors made us brothers whom we are always ready to help.&nbsp;</p> <p>A 1975 declaration by Sir S. Ramgoolam made at the end of the rescue operation: “Soviet sailors brought us the friendship of the whole Soviet people. We thank them for their assistance and hard work,” it is about friendship tested in actual conditions – not talking but doing.&nbsp;<br /> “C’est pourquoi” the waterfront in Port Louis, with its lights and ships in the water, symbolises this never-ending friendship today.</p> <p>We filmed a documentary on that – we gathered the memories of the sailors and the locals, found in the archives unique photos and shooting – how we did that. We called this documentary “Friendship Beyond Cyclones”, and it will be our gift to Mauritius and its people for the 50th anniversary of the rescue operation. It was a trial during the great misfortune that we surmounted together.</p> <p><strong>Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Mauritius&nbsp;<br /> Her Excellency Mrs. Irada Zeynalova</strong></p> <p><br /> &nbsp;</p> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-disqus field--type-disqus-comment field--label-hidden field--item"><drupal-render-placeholder callback="Drupal\disqus\Element\Disqus::displayDisqusComments" arguments="0=%5BBlog%5D%20Friendship%20beyond%20cyclones&amp;1=http%3A//;2=node/168262" token="wcazGg_PVhqFmvuCWwpZ4l8U1Lce8ubIapCfzAKWpKg"></drupal-render-placeholder></div> Tue, 11 Feb 2025 05:31:17 +0000 guest 168262 at