Blog fr [Blog] Coup de gueule - 1 er-Mai politique : entre illusions de foule et réalités électorales <span>[Blog] Coup de gueule - 1 er-Mai politique : entre illusions de foule et réalités électorales</span> <span><span lang="" about="/users/edinally" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">Eshan Dinally</span></span> <span>sam 27/04/2024 - 09:50</span> <div class="field field--name-field-main-picture field--type-image field--label-hidden field--item"> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/node_content_picture/public/crowd.jpg?itok=gQOqWq2k" width="1280" height="720" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" class="img-responsive" /> </div> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field--item"><p>La grande parade du 1er-Mai approche à grands pas et avec elle, l’inévitable spectacle de duels d’ego entre les leaders des deux blocs en présence, surtout en marge des prochaines élections générales. Le MSM et ses acolytes tout comme l’alliance PTr-MMM rivalisent d’ingéniosité pour gonfler leurs rangs, dans une bataille où la taille de la foule est présentée comme le principal baromètre de popularité. Alors que c’est tout à fait faux.&nbsp;</p> <p>Mais derrière cette bataille pour attirer les foules se cache un jeu bien plus complexe et subtil. On assiste à un véritable cirque politique, où chaque camp déploie une stratégie désespérée pour convaincre les électeurs de l’étendue de son soutien populaire.&nbsp;</p> <p>Et que dire de nos chers leaders politiques, qui semblent parfois vivre dans une bulle spatio-temporelle où les méthodes politiques des années’ 60 et 70 sont toujours à la mode ? Ils continuent de jouer à un jeu archaïque, ignorant les changements sociétaux et technologiques qui ont transformé le paysage politique.&nbsp;</p> <p>Alors que la majorité de la population préfère suivre les discours politiques depuis le confort de son salon, les leaders persistent à investir des sommes astronomiques dans la mobilisation et le transport de partisans, comme s’ils étaient restés figés dans les années’ 60.&nbsp;</p> <p>Mais dans cette course effrénée vers les sommets de la popularité, les politiciens oublient un détail crucial : la réalité. Entre le 1er-Mai et les élections, beaucoup d’eau coulera sous les ponts de la politicaillerie. Le paysage politique peut changer plus rapidement que les promesses électorales.&nbsp;</p> <p>En politique, comme dans le désert, les mirages sont monnaie courante. Si aujourd’hui une alliance peut se targuer d’attirer la plus grosse foule, demain elle pourrait bien se retrouver dans le rouleau compresseur de la défaite. Les foules peuvent être impressionnantes, mais les urnes sont impitoyables. Comme le soulignait si justement George Orwell : « À une époque de tromperie universelle, dire la vérité devient un acte révolutionnaire. »&nbsp;</p> <p>Les leçons du passé sont pourtant là pour nous rappeler que les rassemblements en fanfare ne garantissent en rien une victoire électorale. Pourtant, les leaders politiques le savent mieux que tout le monde. Prenons un exemple récent. Pas plus loin qu’en 2014, l’alliance PTr-MMM avait mobilisé les foules, jusqu’à imaginer un score de 60-0.&nbsp;</p> <p>Elle avait toutefois vendu la peau de l’ours avant de l’avoir tué car comme une baleine bleue, l’alliance MSM-PMSD avait surgi pour l’écraser. En seulement un mois, l’engrenage rouge-mauve avait été enrayé par des grains de sable, dont certains étaient inattendus, à l’instar du projet de IIe République, allusion au « requin blanc », entre autres.&nbsp;</p> <p>Rien ne dit que cette année, la route du MSM et de ses partenaires ne sera pas parsemée d’embûches. Bien que Pravind Jugnauth promette « de mettre K.-O. » ses adversaires ! Entre six et neuf mois, du 1er-Mai aux élections générales, c’est beaucoup trop long en politique. L’engrenage orange risque d’être exposé à une tempête de sable avec des conséquences très graves. Pour cela, le leader du MSM ne doit pas être trop confiant et baisser la garde car il risquerait d’encaisser un violent uppercut. Navin Ramgoolam et Paul Bérenger n’ont pas encore dit leur dernier mot.&nbsp;</p> <p>Si la foule compte peu à l’ère numérique où les meetings sont retransmis en direct, les leaders politiques doivent soigner leurs discours pour convaincre, surtout la masse silencieuse, sur leur projet de société pour les cinq ans à venir. Pour cette raison évidente, ce 1er-Mai, nos chers politiciens ne devront pas rester figés dans le passé comme des fossiles et continuer à nous servir les mêmes platitudes usées jusqu’à la corde.&nbsp;</p> <p>Les discours enflammés et les attaques personnelles ne suffisent plus à masquer l’absence de véritable vision politique. Comme l’a écrit Samuel Beckett : « L’habitude est une grande sournoise. » Les grands meetings sont comme un spectacle de cirque : beaucoup de bruit, peu de substance, et parfois un clown qui finit par remporter la mise. Ou encore, c’est comme une grande kermesse où les politiciens rivalisent pour voir qui peut raconter les plus belles histoires à faire bondir les partisans, pendant que la masse silencieuse regarde, sceptique, en se demandant si elle doit rire ou pleurer.&nbsp;</p> <p>Nos politiciens devraient se rappeler que la foule n’est pas dupe. Dans ce contexte électoral, ceux qui seront applaudis dans les salons ne seront pas ceux qui auront le mieux chauffé la foule, mais ceux qui auront proposé des solutions tangibles aux défis auxquels le pays est confronté. Dans ce jeu d’illusion et de bluff, ce sont les électeurs qui détiennent les cartes. Ils ne se laisseront pas duper par des promesses vides et des discours creux. Comme le disait si sagement George Bernard Shaw : « Les politiciens sont les mêmes partout. Ils promettent de construire un pont même là où il n’y a pas de fleuve. »</p> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-disqus field--type-disqus-comment field--label-hidden field--item"><drupal-render-placeholder callback="Drupal\disqus\Element\Disqus::displayDisqusComments" arguments="0=%5BBlog%5D%20Coup%20de%20gueule%20-%201%20er-Mai%20politique%20%3A%20entre%20illusions%20de%20foule%20et%20r%C3%A9alit%C3%A9s%20%C3%A9lectorales&amp;1=http%3A//;2=node/157632" token="rijbMRLNEpXDUIwlEdsdnebN255giek8go-FyiuhuBk"></drupal-render-placeholder></div> Sat, 27 Apr 2024 05:50:34 +0000 Eshan Dinally 157632 at [Blog] The world’s moral failure in Gaza <span>[Blog] The world’s moral failure in Gaza</span> <span><a title="Voir le profil utilisateur." href="/users/guest" lang="" about="/users/guest" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">guest</a></span> <span>mar 09/04/2024 - 13:58</span> <div class="field field--name-field-main-picture field--type-image field--label-hidden field--item"> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/node_content_picture/public/gaza_17.jpg?itok=ykFEpl__" width="1280" height="720" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" class="img-responsive" /> </div> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field--item"><p>The situation in Gaza cries out for a broad coalition of countries committed to a just and permanent peace.</p> <p>The body of one of the World Central Kitchen humanitarian workers killed this week in Gaza in an Israeli air strike (Anas-Mohamed/</p> <p>The relentless siege on Gaza is a dark reflection on humanity. Well over 100,000 Palestinians have been declared killed, injured or missing over the past six months and the overwhelming majority are innocent civilians who bear no responsibility for Hamas’ appalling attack on October 7th 2023.</p> <p>The United Nations Security Council has finally passed a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire and the immediate release of hostages held by Hamas. Now, all UN member states—particularly Israel’s political and military allies—must do everything in their power to ensure that the resolution is implemented in full as soon as possible.</p> <p><strong>Lethal combination</strong></p> <p>For Gazans who survive Israel’s military assaults, a lethal combination of displacement, hunger and disease awaits. Israel’s blockade of humanitarian supplies, food and clean water has made life in the enclave a nightmare. Aid agencies report mothers giving birth without anaesthetics, babies dying from dehydration and malnutrition and sickness ravaging entire communities. With no one in Gaza safe from massacre, we have reached the threshold of population-scale annihilation.</p> <p>The trauma is now reverberating across the whole region. Gazans are haunted by post-traumatic stress disorder and grief and more than one million children are in dire need of psycho-social support. The latest devastation adds to the suffering inflicted by Israel’s 18-year-old blockade of Gaza. And in the west bank Palestinians face multiple threats, from unconstrained settler violence and forced displacement to the constant threat of arbitrary detention. At the same time, more than 100 Israelis are still held hostage by Hamas, in contravention of international humanitarian law, prolonging the pain felt by their families and those of the civilians killed on October 7th.</p> <p>Worse may come if Israel defies warnings from its closest allies and moves ahead with its plans for an assault on Rafah, which is currently host to 1.5 million people, including more than 600,000 children. Many of those seeking refuge in this border city have already endured the trauma of multiple displacements over the past half-year. A full-scale Israeli military incursion must not be allowed to happen.</p> <p><strong>Haunting failure</strong></p> <p>I write these words as someone who looked into the eyes of young Palestinians while preparing the 1996 UN report The Impact of Armed Conflict on Children. Speaking to children in refugee camps, we promised that their suffering would end. Not only have we failed to make good on that promise; we have left an even more hostile world for children who happen to be born Palestinian. I carry this haunting failure with me.</p> <p>I also write these words as a member of the Elders, the group of independent global leaders that I co-founded with my late husband, Nelson Mandela, and which was chaired in its early years by Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the former UN secretary-general Kofi Annan. Madiba (Mandela) gave us a mandate to work for peace, justice and human rights worldwide and he always considered Palestinian liberation to be key to achieving a just and free world for all. How can any of us speak credibly of universal human rights and the international rule of law when we permit brutality and occupation to continue for decades?</p> <p>Amid such despair and lack of moral courage by those with the power to stop the current carnage in Gaza, I am proud of the exceptional leadership that South Africa has shown in bringing a complaint against Israel for violating the genocide convention at the International Court of Justice. The ICJ’s preliminary ruling, on January 26th, and the additional measures ordered on March 28th, explicitly condemn the atrocities taking place in Gaza and are unambiguous about the steps Israel must take to protect innocent Palestinians, including unhindered provision of humanitarian assistance at scale.</p> <p>Israel and the countries providing it with military and financial assistance must heed the court’s findings and adhere to their obligations under international law. But we are not helpless in the face of this monumental suffering. As members of one human family, we have an ethical duty to speak out against these injustices in our own circles of influence. We can wield power through our own individual and community activism. With our votes and protests, we can—and must—demand accountability from our political leaders.</p> <p><strong>Overwhelming need</strong></p> <p>Here is what we must demand. First, additional humanitarian land routes urgently need to be opened to meet the overwhelming need for life-saving aid. The safety of aid deliveries must be guaranteed at all times. Air drops and the recently proposed maritime corridor are insufficient and must not be allowed to absolve Israel of its own responsibility to civilians in Gaza.</p> <p>Secondly, world leaders must use military and financial leverage to compel Israel to cease its violations of international law and comply with the ICJ’s orders. All countries providing military assistance to Israel should immediately put these shipments under review and set new conditions for future provision. Those that continue supplying arms are enabling the carnage and may be complicit in war crimes.</p> <p>Thirdly, decision-makers must provide full financial and political support to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees. Many donors have rushed to suspend funding for the organisation, pending the outcome of investigations into Israel’s allegations that some UNRWA staff participated in the October 7th attack. This premature, disproportionate response is now irresponsibly endangering the rights and wellbeing of millions of Palestinian refugees. The Israeli government has made no secret of its desire to dismantle UNRWA once and for all. Will we allow it to become yet another casualty of the war?</p> <p>The situation cries out for concerted action by a broad coalition of countries committed to a just and permanent peace that enables Israelis and Palestinians to co-exist under conditions of mutual respect, self-determination, dignity and security. Palestinian and Israeli lives and security are of equal worth. If this fundamental truth does not prevail on political leaders and ordinary citizens, we will continue to forsake generations of innocent children.</p> <p><strong>GRAÇA MACHEL 5th April 2024</strong></p> <p><strong>Republication forbidden—copyright Project Syndicate 2024, ‘The world’s moral failure in Gaza’</strong></p> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-disqus field--type-disqus-comment field--label-hidden field--item"><drupal-render-placeholder callback="Drupal\disqus\Element\Disqus::displayDisqusComments" arguments="0=%5BBlog%5D%20The%20world%E2%80%99s%20moral%20failure%20in%20Gaza&amp;1=http%3A//;2=node/157059" token="SO-nmhAjnXQs-s2mD0A8KkdnA8sMtJCpBKJPVOuRlgo"></drupal-render-placeholder></div> Tue, 09 Apr 2024 09:58:47 +0000 guest 157059 at [Blog] Gudhi Padwa : A joyous start to the New Year <span>[Blog] Gudhi Padwa : A joyous start to the New Year</span> <span><a title="Voir le profil utilisateur." href="/users/guest" lang="" about="/users/guest" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">guest</a></span> <span>mar 09/04/2024 - 10:01</span> <div class="field field--name-field-main-picture field--type-image field--label-hidden field--item"> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/node_content_picture/public/gudi_thumb.jpg?itok=V2f_PUS7" width="1280" height="720" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" class="img-responsive" /> </div> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field--item"><p>On April 9th, 2024, Marathi and Konkani Hindus celebrate the start of their new year, coinciding with the beginning of the month 'Chaitra' in the Hindu calendar. Maharashtra embraces this new beginning, while neighbouring states like Andhra Pradesh also mark their new year, known as Ugadi, on the same day. This connection between Gudhi Padwa and Ugadi highlights the unity among states with diverse cultures, traditions, and languages, yet united by similar lunisolar cycles. </p> <p><strong>Gudhi Padwa: Symbolizing fresh beginnings</strong><br />     <br /> During Gudhi Padwa, households raise a symbolic flag, known as a 'Gudhi,' on the right side of their exteriors. This flag comprises a long bamboo pole adorned with an upturned copper pot, or 'kalash,' and draped with either yellow or green fabric. <br /> Atop the kalash, one finds sugar crystals, neem leaves, and a twig of mango leaves, accompanied by a garland of flowers. The specific ingredients for the Gudhi have symbolic meanings. Sugar crystals represent sweetness in life, neem leaves signify the bitter aspects, and mango leaves symbolize the pleasant moments. Together, they represent the various experiences one encounters in life. As the term 'Padwa' denotes the onset of the lunar phase's first day. Together, 'Gudhi Padwa' signifies the ushering in of a new era and prosperity.</p> <img alt="Gudhi" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="d177879f-3ba6-43fa-a481-7288eb14c88d" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/Gudi%201%20ok.jpg" class="align-center" /><p><strong>Honoring tradition and legends</strong></p> <p>The Gudhi Padwa celebration is linked to Lord Brahma, the creator in Hinduism, who is believed to have created the universe and time on this day. The "Brahma Dhwaja" prayer is observed to honour his significant contribution to the world. <br /><br /> Moreover, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, the renowned Maratha king, began celebrating victories by raising ‘gudhis’ after defeating the Mughals in battle. Others believe ‘gudhis’ were raised to honour Lord Rama’s joyful return to Ayodhya with Sita and Lakshmana after defeating Ravana, making a time of widespread happiness.<br /><br />  </p> <img alt="Gudhi" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="d4de16d9-2358-40b9-8a84-a1f4ede8f75b" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/Gudhi%202%20ok.jpg" class="align-center" /><p><strong>Navigating Krodhi Naamsamvatsar: Anger in Focus</strong></p> <p>As we enter the New Year, known as "Khodhi Naamsamvatsar,” as per the new panchang,  Khodhi means Anger and Naamsmvatsar refers to the Year, it's crucial to understand its impact on our lives. Anger, a potent force, can bring both destruction and change. This theme urges us to reflect on our emotions and navigate them with resilience. While anger can be a force for positive change, it must be managed carefully to avoid harm.</p> <img alt="Gudhi" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="78a202b0-d9f3-4dfe-9452-4765aa1845c7" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/gudi%204%20ok.jpg" class="align-center" /><p>Let's use this year to cultivate mindfulness and compassion, addressing the root causes of our anger and seeking reconciliation. Drawing on ancient wisdom, let's confront our emotions with openness, transforming anger into wisdom and discord into harmony, ultimately finding peace within ourselves and in the world.</p> <img alt="gudi" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="30604fe9-b6cb-4b2d-b634-93bc60813874" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/gudi%205%20ok.jpg" class="align-center" /><p><strong>Join the celebration</strong></p> <img alt="gudi" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="e9e1e6e6-065e-4302-8fde-f3b0e1f58d56" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/Gudi%206%20ok.jpg" class="align-center" /><p>Join us at the Marathi Cultural Circle Bhavani Mandir for a vibrant celebration of Gudhi Padwa! The ‘Brahma Dhwaja’ prayer, Yaj and Panchang reading will commence at 09:30 am, accompanied by soulful Gudhi Padwa songs performed by the talented association members. Let's welcome the New Year with enthusiasm and togetherness. </p> <p>||Krodhi Naamsamvatsar Gudhi Padwa Abhinandan||                                                                                                                                             <br /><br /><strong>Manesha Ittoo</strong><br />  </p> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-disqus field--type-disqus-comment field--label-hidden field--item"><drupal-render-placeholder callback="Drupal\disqus\Element\Disqus::displayDisqusComments" arguments="0=%5BBlog%5D%20Gudhi%20Padwa%20%3A%20A%20joyous%20start%20to%20the%20New%20Year&amp;1=http%3A//;2=node/157047" token="HL5cryEBYF9Lu2tX5RC6Z_q-agr8f96JluLzPIVj8zI"></drupal-render-placeholder></div> Tue, 09 Apr 2024 06:01:51 +0000 guest 157047 at [Blog] In the context of the World Autism Awareness Day: Cri de Coeur of a Mother <span>[Blog] In the context of the World Autism Awareness Day: Cri de Coeur of a Mother</span> <span><a title="Voir le profil utilisateur." href="/users/guest" lang="" about="/users/guest" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">guest</a></span> <span>lun 08/04/2024 - 13:03</span> <div class="field field--name-field-main-picture field--type-image field--label-hidden field--item"> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/node_content_picture/public/autism_thumb.jpg?itok=2_ybnRYx" width="1280" height="720" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" class="img-responsive" /> </div> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field--item"><p>In 2007 the UN General Assembly declared April 2 as World Autism Awareness Day. Since that time the day has been marked by events and activities aimed at promoting an understanding of autism and making the world a more inclusive place for those living with this disability. The focus for this year is the alignment of autism awareness with the SDGs (Sustainability Development Goals) by highlighting stories of empowerment, challenges faced and victories achieved. The theme is: #Awareness #Acceptance #Appreciation- Moving from Surviving to Thriving</p> <p>Though the concept of autism was invented by the German psychiatrist Eugene Bleuer in 1911, it is only in the late eighties that the general public became aware of it through the mythical film Rain Man. In this eye-popping movie that has become a Hollywood classic, Dustin Hoffman plays the role of an autistic person endowed with an exceptional ability to master arithmetic and recollect dates and events with stupendous ease. While there are a few autistic persons graced with special abilities and talents like the towering actor, Sir Anthony Hopkins or the mythical film director, Woody Allen or the world chess champion, Bobby Fischer or simply the iconic Swedish environment activist, Greta Thunderbird, the reality remains that the vast majority of them are people with serious developmental disabilities who are widely misunderstood and face an uphill struggle to integrate society.&nbsp;</p> <p>Autism has been defined by the American Psychiatric Association as difficulty relating to and communicate with other people, indulgence in repetitive behaviours and repetition of phrases and having trouble functioning in different spheres of life. Now it is the term Autism Syndrome Disorder (ASD) that is more commonly used as it encompasses a slew of conditions and varying degrees of severity. It is more common in boys than in girls and, according to a study, the ratio is 4 : 1 (</p> <p>Parents are the first to face the daunting challenges of raising an autistic child and bear the brunt of coping with the multitudinous barriers that strew the lives of such children. Who can more poignantly express the trials and tribulations of a parent than a mother who has lived such difficult experiences? Below are a few excerpts from an article written by late Geraldine Aliphon, mother of an autistic child and founder of Autisme Maurice, the first organization in Mauritius to raise awareness of autism and offer specialized services to children with such conditions: "When the diagnosis was pronounced, I felt alone in the world. I kept asking myself...why me, why us, why my child? First, we had to explain to the family. Everybody tried to come up with their own interpretations. Some tried to look for antecedents in the family. Others tried to give false hope by suggesting that with time the child would improve, would talk and would be fine (though it is known that it cannot be cured as autism is not a disease but a disability with which one has to cope throughout life by learning techniques). Others started giving me so-called lessons on how to raise him, 'correct ' him while another supposedly well-meaning lady advised me pityingly to bring him to a witch doctor (longaniste) as the child has caught an evil eye and she cannot bear to see him like this.... The moral and physical exhaustion of having a hyperactive and autistic child is the cause of numerous conflicts at home and in the family. Some avoid us in order not to invite us to social gatherings and functions....we have faced a lot of negative remarks - like ' zenfan la pa normal sa ' - and disapproving looks from the public. Difficulties faced to find a school for my son were nerve-wracking and bring painful memories..."</p> <p>"As a parent, my dream is to see my son being accepted as a full-fledged human being ('a part entiere'), despite his differences. This will alleviate the burden of parents like me who suffer from the negative attitudes of society and hurtful looks of the public in the street and other places. I have hope..."&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Azize Bankur&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>(Excerpts reproduced with courtesy &nbsp;and translated from French, &nbsp;from an article in NCRD Newsletter 2012)<br /> &nbsp;</p> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-disqus field--type-disqus-comment field--label-hidden field--item"><drupal-render-placeholder callback="Drupal\disqus\Element\Disqus::displayDisqusComments" arguments="0=%5BBlog%5D%20In%20the%20context%20of%20the%20World%20Autism%20Awareness%20Day%3A%20Cri%20de%20Coeur%20of%20a%20Mother&amp;1=http%3A//;2=node/157029" token="bQYsIaTJwze1gcOKWNFK7efBd2A5bPk-q1tp17flLTA"></drupal-render-placeholder></div> Mon, 08 Apr 2024 09:03:21 +0000 guest 157029 at [Blog] Shame on Biden <span>[Blog] Shame on Biden</span> <span><span lang="" about="/users/matchia" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">Dr Michael Atchia</span></span> <span>jeu 04/04/2024 - 08:33</span> <div class="field field--name-field-main-picture field--type-image field--label-hidden field--item"> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/node_content_picture/public/biden_6.jpg?itok=Z_VpmOpI" width="1280" height="720" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" class="img-responsive" /> </div> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field--item"><p>“Outraged and heartbroken at (7) aid workers deaths” (President of USA, Joe Biden, in the world press).&nbsp;<br /> <br /> What about the 32,000 Palestinians murdered by Israel? &nbsp;Men, women and children. 32,000 and growing? Killed by weapons, plus billions of dollars, provided by the USA!</p> <p>Shame on that President for failing to act. Worse, for supporting Netanyahu, who could soon be recognised as a war criminal, guilty of genocide, as was his infamous predecessor, AH.</p> <p>Weep the country of Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, John Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr.</p> <p><strong>Michael ATCHIA&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>(Former United Nations Programme Director)<br /> 4th April 2024 &nbsp; &nbsp;</strong> &nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;</p> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-disqus field--type-disqus-comment field--label-hidden field--item"><drupal-render-placeholder callback="Drupal\disqus\Element\Disqus::displayDisqusComments" arguments="0=%5BBlog%5D%20Shame%20on%20Biden&amp;1=http%3A//;2=node/156874" token="1UbWfiYCf1fpGPkCqJ_OWDzNNmVIoPXEh6PptP812cg"></drupal-render-placeholder></div> Thu, 04 Apr 2024 04:33:03 +0000 Dr Michael Atchia 156874 at [Blog] Never again the destruction of humanity <span>[Blog] Never again the destruction of humanity </span> <span><span lang="" about="/users/matchia" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">Dr Michael Atchia</span></span> <span>dim 24/03/2024 - 07:48</span> <div class="field field--name-field-main-picture field--type-image field--label-hidden field--item"> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/node_content_picture/public/atchia_3.jpg?itok=av4Y1IJK" width="1280" height="720" alt="" title="Dr Michael Atchia" typeof="foaf:Image" class="img-responsive" /> </div> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field--item"><p>Destruction through Wars, Genocides, Epidemics, Famines, Natural catastrophes, Technology, Nuclear bombs and, soon, Climate change and Global warming.</p> <p>We are a small Planet out of billions of others. Our Planet supports life, especially conscious Human Life. How precious! How unique? We can only be grateful for life. All our actions and words can only respect life, protect life, and enjoy life. No place for destruction.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> Has our real concern ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE AND GLOBAL WARMING made us forget the threat of atomic war AND OTHER CAUSES OF DEATH TO HUMAN BEINGS? Having written on numerous occasions on the nuclear safety issue in the past as well as being the author of the Nuclear Rectangle theory (a major nuclear war world could modify the orbit of planet Earth around the sun), I urge readers to join the world wide campaign of the seventies to BAN THE BOMB, to fight for nuclear safety. It is more than ever necessary today in 2024.</p> <p>At present NINE countries out of 193 countries on Planet Earth possess nuclear weapons (atomic or hydrogen bombs), namely:<br /> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Russia, 6,850 nuclear warheads<br /> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;USA 6,550 warheads<br /> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;France, 300 warheads&nbsp;<br /> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;China, 280 warheads<br /> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;UK 215 warheads<br /> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Pakistan, 145 warheads<br /> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;India, 135 warheads&nbsp;<br /> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Israel, 80 warheads<br /> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;North Korea, 15 warheads</p> <p>With North Korea expanding its nuclear arsenal, other countries are trying to get the bomb (Iran for example?).&nbsp;</p> <p>On the positive side 4 countries including &nbsp;South Africa, that formerly possessed nuclear weapons gave them up. One of the greatest fears today is that a terrorist organisation gets its hands on a nuclear device, some of which are small enough to get into a large lorry.&nbsp;<br /> Radiation is the greatest enemy of life, of all organic living things on Planet Earth. Remember the nuclear accidents at Chernobyl and Fukushima, where radioactive material was released and affected people, animal and plants.</p> <p>In this nuclear world, what is the meaning of 'safe'?</p> <p>Are we re-assured knowing who in these countries has his finger (or her finger!) on the nuclear trigger? Joe and Vladimir? Narendra and Shehbaz Sharif? &nbsp;Benjamin and Kim Jong-un? Emmanuel and Rishi? Xi Jinping? Can we trust them?</p> <p>ONLY ONE COUNTRY: The United States detonated two ATOMIC BOMBS, on people, in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima (on 6th August) and Nagasaki (on 9th August) in 1945. How many people were killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki?</p> <p>The two bombs killed an estimated 130,000 and 225,000 people respectively, most of whom were civilians. The USA remains the ONLY country to have used nuclear weapons TO DESTROY cities and structures AND INFLICT DEATH, admittedly in an armed conflict, the Second World War. Therefore, a pertinent question for us: ARE NUCLEAR MISSILES AND BOMBS stockpiled by the USA in the CHAGOS?</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; ---------------------------------------------</p> <p>NEVER AGAIN: TO THE DEADLY DESTRUCTION OF HUMANITY, for example through WARS (e.g. during the 30 or so wars of the 20th century, 2 of them World Wars, 100 million people were killed ); GENOCIDES (that of the Nazis on Jews which eliminated 5 million people, that in Rwanda which saw 850,000 people murdered); EPIDEMICS (e.g. such as the Black Death &nbsp;in the middle ages, or the Spanish flu which saw &nbsp;500 million people, one-third of the world's population, infected with this virus, leading to at least 50 million deaths, the Covid19 epidemic, with 19 million infected and 2 million deaths; FAMINES such as the Irish famine of 1845-52, the blockade of Biafra by the Nigerian federal government during the &nbsp;Civil War (1967–1970) resulted in a famine that &nbsp;cost at least a million lives; as we write a real genocide in under way through famine and destruction, &nbsp;imposed by Israel on the 2 million Palestinians of Gaza; NATURAL CATASTROPHIES such as earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones, floods and fires; &nbsp;TECHNOLOGY (e.g. the 1.35 million people who die each year as a result of road traffic crashes; the 250,000 gun deaths worldwide; collectively, substance abuse, namely smoking, alcohol and illicit drug use, which kills 11 million people each year.); NUCLEAR BOMBS &nbsp;(e.g. the 355,000 people who died in 1945 when an atomic bomb was dropped on them).</p> <p>We must pray for the world to control this madness of making and stockpiling nuclear weapons which if used can ONLY BRING death and destruction to the Living Environment, making some parts of the planet inhabitable, (like the BIKINI ATOLL in the PACIFIC on which the USA detonated its first hydrogen bomb, after its inhabitants were moved elsewhere (like the Chagossians), never to return. With the UN, all 192 countries assembled, must watch and indeed control any national leader (such as Putin, such as Netanyahu, such as Biden who if Russia uses nuclear weapons will find it necessary to retaliate, Kim out of unpredictability) who is possibly tempted to use a nuclear device on a nation perceived as an enemy.<br /> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; --------------------------------------&nbsp;<br /> Dr Michael ATCHIA&nbsp;<br /> (Former United Nations Programme Director)<br /> (For Democracy Watch Mauritius)<br /> &nbsp;</p> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-disqus field--type-disqus-comment field--label-hidden field--item"><drupal-render-placeholder callback="Drupal\disqus\Element\Disqus::displayDisqusComments" arguments="0=%5BBlog%5D%20Never%20again%20the%20destruction%20of%20humanity%C2%A0&amp;1=http%3A//;2=node/156509" token="f4EXMU50NNY59h6LiVrNC9_C-n0FvKM2d3jxxSjluBM"></drupal-render-placeholder></div> Sun, 24 Mar 2024 03:48:28 +0000 Dr Michael Atchia 156509 at [Blog] 56 years of Independence and 32 years of Republic: Essential questions and insights <span>[Blog] 56 years of Independence and 32 years of Republic: Essential questions and insights</span> <span><a title="Voir le profil utilisateur." href="/users/guest" lang="" about="/users/guest" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">guest</a></span> <span>ven 22/03/2024 - 08:10</span> <div class="field field--name-field-main-picture field--type-image field--label-hidden field--item"> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/node_content_picture/public/independance_2.jpg?itok=ZWBHpKJR" width="1280" height="720" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" class="img-responsive" /> </div> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field--item"><p>We may have encountered the word ‘independence’ several times last week as we have celebrated our 56th Independence and 32nd Republic this year. However, have we ever asked ourselves what this word means to the different generations of this nation? We cannot expect the same kind of emotion and feeling across different age groups as one may have his/her own experience of independence.&nbsp;</p> <p>Nevertheless, the deep emotions and feelings that were attached to independence, &nbsp;irrespective of whether one was for, or against it, seems to be fading away with the current growing generation. But is the latter to be blamed? The pre-independent generation has witnessed their predecessors being oppressed and flouted by colonialism, and the subjugation of their ancestors started to weigh them down.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> Consequently, their immediate concerns and responses were to get these burdens off their shoulders, and they simply did not want to pass them to their upcoming generations. On the other hand, within the same generation, some were uncertain about independence and even went against it. Perhaps rightly from their perspective as they might have anticipated modern issues concerning equal opportunities and meritocracy.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> Despite their different stance, they were deeply concerned about the question of independence as they knew that this would impact directly on their whole future. Accordingly, the concerns of a nation are contextual, that is, the socio-economic, and political, perception of meritocracy, priorities of the population, and many more aspects are far from being stagnant.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> Thus, the immediate concerns of our current growing generation may be found within the different aspects mentioned rather than being independent. It does not necessarily imply that independence is being taken for granted, but it is quite evident that the emotions and feelings sparked by today’s struggles are washing away effortlessly the emotions and feelings one may attach to independence. Congruently, the question of whether the growing generation is to be blamed for their non-attachment is to some extent irrelevant, but not completely.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> What is relevant in this case is, well undeniably, our independent and Republic state. Emotions and feelings may vary across generations but it is the duty of our current ‘nation builders’ to give the opportunity to our youngsters to develop a good understanding of our history and the importance of being an independent and Republic nation.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> ‘Nation builders’ do not necessarily imply selected citizens, for example educators only, it may include parents or grandparents who are inculcating essential values in their children. Very often the latters rightly associate independence to freedom, a very simple answer to the question of independence. Unsurprisingly, a very usual immediate counterargument is to question the cost of this freedom. This pattern of arguments and counterarguments is very similar to the pre- and post-independent times, and many youngsters are still questioning the relevance and importance of our independence. We should not close our eyes on this fact.<br /> <br /> Furthermore, many students still asked whether we would not have been better off, in terms of a strong currency, nationality, meritocracy, and opportunity to study and work abroad, if we were dependent on a rich nation. Many have their gazes directed towards our neighbours of Réunion island. &nbsp;Now, what does one reply to this argument? A small attempt is made in the following matter.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> As we may be aware the relatively bad socio-economic conditions during pre-independence convinced many international economists and colonial decision-makers, who were considerably short of ideas of how to fish the country out of that undesirable state, that the future was dull.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> The famous British economist and Nobel prize winner, Professor James Meade, went to the extent of prophesying that Mauritius’ development projects were poor. Moreover, despite the precious natural resources of many African countries, the British were ready to give them their independence, as they did not want to sustain anymore their many colonies across the globe.&nbsp;</p> <p>Accordingly, Mauritius was of no exemption from their policy of giving away independence, or in other words, their policy of getting rid of nations which were seemingly no more beneficial to them. In addition, Mauritius did not possess precious natural resources for them to continuously plunder as they did in many African colonies. In that vein, Mauritius had become a burden on them and they did not want to further invest in any kind of development. The illiteracy rate and standard of living of the people demonstrated their lack of effort and interest in the Mauritian population.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> Was Britain not a rich country after several centuries of plundering the resources of others? Was Mauritius not part of the United Kingdom, and why there was so much disparities between the British and Mauritian populations. It should be noted that they had left many African countries in pitiful states during colonialism. As a result, independence was an inevitable response for more than fifty per cent of the Mauritian population.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> At a very young stage of our post-independence, the then leaders and policy makers have rightly identified that our precious resource is our human resources and have banked every effort on enhancing these resources by providing free secondary education and free health services. That was a direct response to the apparent inadequacy of the British colony on the island, or to their unwillingness to improve the fate of the people. That philosophy of recognising and developing the human potential, which the British lacked pitifully, propelled the country into a nascent developing state in the mid-80s.&nbsp;</p> <p>Moreover, from a nascent developing state to a developing state, the citizens have benefitted from the diverse economic activities, and have consequently raised their standard of living. The diversification of the economy was made possible due to ideas flourishing in the free and independent minds of our people. &nbsp;With independence, the child of a labourer could dream of becoming a teacher, doctor or lawyer, whereas, in the colonial era, the same child would be most probably destined to become a labourer.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> Nevertheless, despite independence, we cannot pretend to be living a fairy tale. For example, it required protest from students in 1975 to trigger the movement for free secondary education, where many were injured during their encounter with the police force, and it was eventually achieved in January 1977 after the general election of 1976.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> Similarly, many think that some fundamental democratic rights were quite hindered during the post-independent era, but not necessarily flouted. In addition to this, unfortunately, the rampant challenges and issues concerning our modern society made our youngsters question or shed doubts on our independence. Questions about food securities, meritocracy, unemployment of graduates who have studied fields which are not yet introduced, depression of our currency, drug addiction, climate change and environmental issues, energy crisis, creation of new economic pillars and cost of living are among many others which are haunting our nation. One may pertinently ask whether we are independent if we are dependent on more than 60% of importation for our consummation. As a consequence, this demands a lot of sacrifice, in terms of finance and priorities, from the population.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> Sacrifice is a word which has been resounding through different generations. &nbsp;We should not forget the sacrifices of our ancestors, the pain on their whipped bodies may well have been forgiven but not forgotten. The sacrifices of our grandparents and parents who have woken up early and worked with all their might and dedication to give us a better future. The sacrifices of our current working population are contributing to our economic growth and to the well-being of the whole population.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> We should also not forget that the job and services provided by one may be the needs of the other, that is, it is impossible to live in isolation and we would always be dependent on each other.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> So how can we, as citizens of this country, pay tribute to all these hardworking and dedicated generations? Some citizens have the opportunity to be decorated during Independence and Republic Day, but what about those working in anonymity? Are their contributions not essential? One way we have been doing it but fail to recognise it is when we are performing the national anthem in front of our waving flag. It is important to understand that the emotions and feelings attached to the national anthem and flag should be the same emotions and feelings attached when thinking of the hard work, sacrifices and dedication of the different generations. &nbsp;Hence, it is a way to pay tribute and to show gratitude, despite all the challenges and issues we are facing. One may also argue that these challenges and issues are not exotic to our nation, as many nations are facing them.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> To conclude, struggles may not end but what is important is that we are a nation that has been resilient through times, and hard times were never an excuse to give up. Easy was never promised but standing strong was inborn. Long live our Republic.<br /> <br /> <strong>Mouvish Jhummun&nbsp;<br /> Educator&nbsp;</strong></p> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-disqus field--type-disqus-comment field--label-hidden field--item"><drupal-render-placeholder callback="Drupal\disqus\Element\Disqus::displayDisqusComments" arguments="0=%5BBlog%5D%2056%20years%20of%20Independence%20and%2032%20years%20of%20Republic%3A%20Essential%20questions%20and%20insights&amp;1=http%3A//;2=node/156433" token="KNl7GC0INPsCzXKkSIABE4bv-CLpvIDQOZIZhztyYfQ"></drupal-render-placeholder></div> Fri, 22 Mar 2024 04:10:50 +0000 guest 156433 at [Blog] In the context of the International Women's Day: The problem of gender inequality <span>[Blog] In the context of the International Women&#039;s Day: The problem of gender inequality</span> <span><a title="Voir le profil utilisateur." href="/users/guest" lang="" about="/users/guest" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">guest</a></span> <span>dim 17/03/2024 - 10:21</span> <div class="field field--name-field-main-picture field--type-image field--label-hidden field--item"> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/node_content_picture/public/gender_thumb.jpg?itok=zHqVCxyp" width="1280" height="720" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" class="img-responsive" /> </div> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field--item"><p>There is no doubt that the root cause of gender inequality is the pervasive ideology of patriarchy and the concatenative system of social relationships which establish the predominance of men over women. This process starts right from the moment a child is born. A male child becomes a matter of pride for the family. Its birth is celebrated as a boon and a blessing, as it implies the continuation of the lineage and the perpetuation of the group's values and traditions. All this gives rise to a differential treatment depending on whether the baby is a boy or a girl. In the case of the former, the reaction of the medical personnel itself is different and the mother herself, having internalized the inordinate importance given by society to the birth of a male child, exudes a sense of pride.</p> <p>As pointed out by Simone de Beauvoir in her classic book, The Second Sex, the mother treats the infantile male organ of the child “with remarkable complacency” and instils “pride in his manhood.” As a result, the male child is “persuaded that much is demanded of boys because they are superior….”.</p> <p>The differential treatment continues in the process of socialization. Girls are taught to adopt patterns of behaviour and attitudes which are socially defined as feminine and boys are made to learn to behave in ways that are socially defined as masculine, which is often akin to aggressiveness, overbearingness, hiding of emotions and denial of signs of weaknesses. To paraphrase Simone de&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Beauvoir, we can say, “one is not born with toxic masculinity; one acquires toxic masculinity”.</p> <p>Any deviance from the norms is sanctioned by informal agencies of social control. Childhood games, too,&nbsp;&nbsp;play a role in shaping differential identity. In the past, in Mauritius, girls used to play soft games like "zouzou menaz", "la marelle" or "kook kasiet" whereas boys turned to competitive games of marbles, "boule kaskot", football, etc. With information technology, however, there is now a levelling in terms of games, but it is not necessarily so as far as household chores are concerned. It is usually the girls who are called to help with domestic tasks, while boys are free to roam around and hobnob with friends. Not long ago, they used to be assigned the roles of chaperones to sisters, thus spying on the latter's circle of relationships.</p> <p>This male supremacism is reinforced by traditional beliefs and values which are imparted since childhood, and many of them legitimize the subordinate role of women. According to certain beliefs, “a woman must be always obedient to her husband, however undeserving of respect” (U.S Jha &amp; P. Pujari, 1998). The Joganah brothers of former Group Latanier express it moanfully in "Krapo Kriyer" as follows : "mo mama li esklav papa...”. As Kate Millet puts it “patriarchy has God on its side”. This machoist ideology, unfortunately, permeates society at all levels.&nbsp;</p> <p>It is not a surprise that there is a spillover in different spheres (education, work, politics, social life, etc.) That ideology is so entrenched that in periods of military conflicts, rape of women becomes a weapon of war. They fall prey to male chauvinism and aggressiveness.</p> <p>However, it is the private sphere which bears mostly the brunt of patriarchy. This is due to the power inequalities between men and women. As a result, this has led to what sociologist Dworkin has called "the sexual colonization of women's bodies” that makes men think that it is their “natural right to have physical possession of women…”. It is not a surprise,&nbsp;&nbsp;therefore, that sometimes a simple request to the men to use condoms or inability or unwillingness to have sex on particular occasions or refusal to give in to unorthodox or uncomfortable practices results quite often in blows, wounds and sexual violence. This can take the form of marital rape which, unfortunately,&nbsp;&nbsp;has not yet been criminalised in Mauritius just as no amendments have been brought to the legislation which provides for lenient&nbsp;punishment in cases of crimes of passion. One can also mention here the discriminatory indictment of sex workers for so-called male solicitation, when in reality the solicitation is induced by male demand.</p> <p>Finally,&nbsp;&nbsp;the very intimate act itself is male-dominated as pointed out by Catherine MacKinnon: “Sexual intercourse is imposed on women in a coercive and unequal way, creating a continuum of victimization where women have few positive sexual experiences.”</p> <p>A transformational change is needed at the level of mindset as well as at societal and institutional levels.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Azize Bankur</strong></p> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-disqus field--type-disqus-comment field--label-hidden field--item"><drupal-render-placeholder callback="Drupal\disqus\Element\Disqus::displayDisqusComments" arguments="0=%5BBlog%5D%20In%20the%20context%20of%20the%20International%20Women%27s%20Day%3A%20The%20problem%20of%20gender%20inequality&amp;1=http%3A//;2=node/156274" token="HPrrYJlrnAwbGZvotqfU-nXlGn7MLVan9u5yKH1wuqQ"></drupal-render-placeholder></div> Sun, 17 Mar 2024 06:21:25 +0000 guest 156274 at [Blog] Budget proposal <span>[Blog] Budget proposal</span> <span><span lang="" about="/users/matchia" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">Dr Michael Atchia</span></span> <span>lun 11/03/2024 - 09:21</span> <div class="field field--name-field-main-picture field--type-image field--label-hidden field--item"> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/node_content_picture/public/budget_thumb.jpg?itok=5iQSfrZ4" width="1280" height="720" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" class="img-responsive" /> </div> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field--item"><p>We, as a small country, have no control over world commodity supplies and their prices. We buy or go without.&nbsp;&nbsp;Or produce it, if we can, provided we can gather the necessary technology, tools and raw materials.</p> <p><strong>TAKE THE ISSUE OF PETROL PRICES.</strong></p> <p>People rumble, and protest when they- rightly so- do not understand what is happening. And more importantly, they do not know what can be done to reverse a&nbsp;negative situation. From land, lagoons and the open seas (our 1 million of Mauritian EEZ), we can&nbsp;ensure a large degree of food security, especially of basics such as rice, flour, dairy produce, meat, fruit and, not to be neglected, medical products.&nbsp;And, of course, full energy self-sufficiency.&nbsp;From the current 20% of our needs in food produced locally in 2023&nbsp;to 60- 80% within 10 years.&nbsp;Let’s work hard for it: Government, private sector, citizens,&nbsp;for achieving energy and food self-sufficiency, soon.</p> <p>Added to that the obvious action:&nbsp;buy what we produce&nbsp;(aste ‘Made in Moris’),&nbsp;produce what we need and most importantly,&nbsp;reduce waste, all of which citizens can do.</p> <p><strong>TAKE THE ISSUE OF PETROL PRICES.</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p>We import 100% of all the petrol we use, hence totally dependent on SUPPLIERS in Asia and the Middle East. In any case, the price of fossil fuels will go on increasing till 2050, and then be simply unavailable to small buyers like us when petrol, a non-renewable resource, runs out. An answer, of course, is to set up now a fleet of electric vehicles, running out of solar energy-driven ‘filling’ stations, totally independent of imported petrol and diesel. For cooking&nbsp;gas (which we import entirely) we can produce gas from biofuels locally, as quite a few countries have done, in particular China.</p> <p>I have for the last several years, from Duval to Padayachy as Ministers of Finance, proposed a plan to make us largely independent of fossil fuels.</p> <p>The Minister of&nbsp;Finance Padayachy in 2023 made an important positive move to encourage the import of electric and&nbsp;hybrid vehicles with&nbsp;provision for importation of&nbsp;these&nbsp;duty-free&nbsp;and&nbsp;a subvention of Rs 200,000 per vehicle.&nbsp;Today, most manufacturers such as&nbsp;Nissan, Renault, Ford, Toyota, Hyundai, Kia, BMW, Jaquar, Mahindra, Peugeot, Chevrolet, Citroën, Fiat, Honda, Volkswagen, Mitsubishi, Mercedes-Benz, produce reliable electric vehicles.</p> <p>Without fuel and with electric power cuts (large part of our electricity from CEB is produced by fuel generators), there will be no transport, no work, no schooling, no supplies of food, no bread, no ambulance services,&nbsp;reduced police&nbsp;fire and other services, no flights, no port activities etc. The country is at a standstill. I have witnessed 2 countries in Africa (Nigeria and Zimbabwe) which suddenly found themselves without fuel. The country came to a standstill and&nbsp;riots broke out at filling stations and elsewhere. "Gouverner c’est prevoir",&nbsp;so let us plan to avoid such a disaster.</p> <p>The Objective for the FUTURE remains: make MAURITIUS a country independent of imported petrol. We must turn to ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGIES, such as electric vehicles and hydrogen technology, still being developed. This is how we will survive when petrol becomes scarce, at an exorbitant price, which it will be so in a not too distant future.</p> <p>A fleet of electric vehicles + the metro, extended Mauritius-wide, will ensure our mobility when petrol becomes too expensive or is not available. For motorists, it will be a drastic reduction in&nbsp;his/her&nbsp;“petrol”&nbsp;bill. A fleet of electric vehicles can reduce the costs of running the vehicle almost to zero. A new proposal is to impose on ALL Filling Stations the installation of solar panels, batteries and charging booths for electric vehicles, free of charge (or at minimal cost) since the batteries will be recharged using solar energy.</p> <p>Also, the availability of the new technology to transform/convert petrol vehicles into hybrid/electric ones.</p> <p>When batteries will be more efficient and cheaper, we can assemble electric vehicles here, including (using the latest technology) converting old second-hand petrol vehicles into electric ones. Also, as from right now, ALL DUTY FREE vehicles authorized for civil servants would have to be electric cars.</p> <p>An increase of 20%, then 50%,&nbsp;of customs duties on all petrol and diesel vehicles imported in 2024, with advance notice to importers of further increases in the next budgets, with a date limit for banning them completely (UK has announced a ban on gas-powered cars&nbsp;&nbsp;by 2030 and hybrids by 2035;&nbsp;USA by 2025). When&nbsp;for us in Mauritius, an isolated small island state?</p> <p>As well as societal changes&nbsp;such as reducing travel by reorganization work place and schooling for adults and children to go to work and school on foot/bicycle&nbsp;in the locality where they live, + huge increase in online study and work outputs.</p> <p>On energy production, we are calling for major incentives and grants to accelerate the transition to renewable energy on a large scale (i.e. the combination of solar/wind/geothermal and biofuels). A transition which has started slowly in Mauritius and urgently needs incentives to accelerate.</p> <p>The latest report of the IPCC is categorical: we must all do all we can to combat climate change. Since petrol vehicles contribute a major part of carbon gasses into the atmosphere, the key action is the replacement of petrol vehicles with electric ones.</p> <p><strong>Dr Michael ATCHIA</strong></p> <p><strong>(Past Programme Director with the United&nbsp;&nbsp;Nations Environment Programme, UNEP)</strong></p> <p><strong>Member Democracy Watch Mauritius.</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-disqus field--type-disqus-comment field--label-hidden field--item"><drupal-render-placeholder callback="Drupal\disqus\Element\Disqus::displayDisqusComments" arguments="0=%5BBlog%5D%20Budget%20proposal&amp;1=http%3A//;2=node/156075" token="SsYdyW2KcZ1zD9XxKhFwtmXypKNPaET6XsP7xvWwDf4"></drupal-render-placeholder></div> Mon, 11 Mar 2024 05:21:33 +0000 Dr Michael Atchia 156075 at [Blog] The Legacy of Lord Shiva: From shared beliefs to collective memory <span>[Blog] The Legacy of Lord Shiva: From shared beliefs to collective memory</span> <span><a title="Voir le profil utilisateur." href="/users/guest" lang="" about="/users/guest" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">guest</a></span> <span>ven 08/03/2024 - 15:37</span> <div class="field field--name-field-main-picture field--type-image field--label-hidden field--item"> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/node_content_picture/public/shiva_thumb.jpg?itok=o8fIKYbS" width="1280" height="720" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" class="img-responsive" /> </div> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field--item"><p><strong>[Blog] By Dr Shubhankar Mishra,&nbsp;Deputy Secretary General at the World Hindi Secretariat in Mauritius.</strong></p> <p>Mythology and history have always been significant in our lives, capturing our imaginations and inspiring us in many ways. As children, we were fascinated by stories of powerful gods and goddesses with incredible abilities drawn from sources such as Hindu and Greek mythologies. However, studying history in school often felt monotonous and uninspiring as we were expected to memorize tedious facts and dates. Despite their differences, mythology and history offer invaluable life lessons that are essential to our growth and development. The American science fiction writer Robert Heinlein once said, "A generation that ignores history has no past and no future." Therefore, it is essential that we recognize the importance of mythology and history in our lives and pay attention to their valuable lessons.</p> <p>Lord Shiva and Shaivism as a way of worship</p> <p>There are many extensive works written in Sanskrit that can provide valuable insights and knowledge about Lord Shiva and Shaivism, a tradition that worships Shiva. The 'Shiva Purana' and Kalidasa's 'Kumarasambhavam' are two must-reads, among others for anyone, who wants to deepen their understanding of Hinduism. The 'Shiva Purana' offers reliable insights into Lord Shiva, Shaivism, and the cosmos. On the other hand, 'Kumarasambhavam', the great Sanskrit poet Kalidasa's masterpiece, emphasizes the significance of Lord Shiva's son Kumara (Kartikeya).</p> <p>Versatility of Shiva and Parvati</p> <p>The legend of Lord Shiva has been a powerful source of inspiration for generations, and its historical significance has been thoroughly documented in a multitude of texts throughout history. The tale of Lord Shiva has left an indelible mark on humanity, and its impact is undeniable.</p> <p>Lord Shiva's wisdom is an invaluable source of knowledge and insight that has been revered for generations. His teachings embody the ideal of self-creation and have been a guiding light for countless individuals throughout history. Traditional beliefs hold that Shiva is the origin of Vedic and tantric knowledge, making him a powerful symbol of wisdom. In Tamil temples, he appears as ‘Dakshinamurti’, an educator who imparts wisdom to sages while seated under a banyan tree facing south. Shiva's timeless wisdom has been a source of enlightenment and guidance for generations, making him an iconic figure of wisdom that continues to inspire and influence people to this day.</p> <p>Shiva and Parvati are two of the most important deities in Hinduism. Various names, such as Shambhu, Shankara, Mahesha, and Mahadeva, characterize Shiva. He has multiple forms, each unique and inspiring; for example, in one form, he appears serene with his wife, Parvati. In another form, he manifests as the cosmic dancer Nataraja, symbolizing the universe's eternal cycle of creation and destruction. At times, he is depicted as a naked ascetic, a beggar, a yogi, or even the androgynous union of Shiva and Parvati in a single body, half-male and half-female, i.e. ‘Ardhanarishwar’ in Sanskrit.</p> <p>On the other hand, Parvati, the beloved consort of Shiva, also embodies many forms, including Uma, Sati, Parvati, Durga, and Kali, and is sometimes paired with Shakti, the embodiment of power. Goddess Parvati has ten divine forms, also known as ‘Dashamahavidyas’. Kali is the first of these goddesses and controls time. Tara is the second and created the embryo from which the universe evolved in the form of a cosmic egg. Parvati also took on other forms, such as the dark, demon-fighting goddess Kali and Gauri, the goddess of life. After settling down with Shiva and having kids, she took on the form of Ambika, the goddess of marriage and family. The divine couple with his sons and their trusty vehicle, the bull Nandi, are believed to reside on Mount Kailasa in the Himalayas.</p> <p>Exploring the Majesty of Lord Shiva in Literature</p> <p>In the rich Indian literature and scriptures, there's a tale of Parvati, who was born as a maiden of the mountain and set her sights on winning over the mighty god Shiva. Despite her tireless efforts, Shiva paid no attention to her. Meanwhile, the gods were suffering at the hands of an invincible demon, and they sought the help of the supreme god. The god declared that the son of Shiva and Parvati would be the one to save them. The gods sent Kama, the god of love, to unite the two. However, Kama's charm only agitated Shiva, who turned him to ashes.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> But Parvati did not lose hope and redoubled her efforts to win over Shiva. One day, a young hermit approached her and criticized her for wasting her efforts on the uncouth Shiva. However, Parvati stood her ground and proved that the hermit was, in fact, Shiva in disguise. She convinced him to approach the elders, and Shiva and Parvati were finally united in holy matrimony. This led to the most beautiful scene in the universe - the marriage of Shiv and Shakti.&nbsp;</p> <p>This story demonstrates the power of persistence, determination, and love, proving that no obstacle is insurmountable when these virtues are embraced with conviction.</p> <p>The deities Parvati and Shiva are well-known for their versatility and diverse representations in Indian art and culture. The ‘Nataraja’ is the first representation of Shiva in Indian art, which portrays him with a crescent moon on his head, a damaru in one hand, and a trident in the other. He wears a serpent around his neck and rides on the bull Nandi. Each of these objects has a specific symbolic meaning. The crescent moon on Shiva's head represents his mind, the damru symbolizes the universe's constant expansion and contraction, and the serpent around his neck signifies awareness. The trident represents the three states of consciousness and the three gunas. The holy river Ganga flowing from Shiva's hair signifies knowledge, and his third eye represents the importance of balancing desire and transcendence.</p> <p>Discovering History: &nbsp;The Legacy of Lord Shiva</p> <p>Unravelling the history and mythology of ancient civilizations can be a fascinating and mind-opening experience. The Pashupati seal, also known as the Mahayogi or Proto-Śiva seal, is a remarkable artefact that was discovered in Mohenjo-Daro, a significant urban site of the Indus Valley civilization, now in Pakistan, during excavations carried out in 1928-29, when the region was under British rule. The seal portrays a man in a yogic posture, surrounded by wild animals, wearing horns on his head and bangles on his hands. This groundbreaking discovery has generated much interest among historians and archaeologists, promising to shed light on India's captivating ancient history and mythology, providing valuable insights into our past. It is widely believed that history is often intertwined with mythology, and this seal stands as a testament to the incredible stories passed down through generations.</p> <p>Famous Temples of Lord Shiva: India and Abroad</p> <p>Temples are found everywhere in India; the same goes for Mauritius, where these can be seen at the entrance of almost every house. India has an impressive number of temples, estimated at around 649,000, spread throughout the country, which are of immense architectural value. Tamil Nadu holds the distinction of being the ‘temple state’ with the highest number of temples in India, closely followed by Maharashtra. These temples are a true testament to India's rich cultural heritage and serve as a source of inspiration for architects and design enthusiasts worldwide.</p> <p>The prominent 12 Jyotirlinga temples are located throughout India, from north to south and east to west, and are worth visiting to experience the divine energy of Lord Shiva. These temples include Somnath in Gir, Gujarat, and Mallikarjuna in Srisailam, Andhra Pradesh. Other temples are Mahakaleshwar in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh; Omkareshwar in Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh; Baidyanath Dham in Deoghar, Jharkhand, Bhima Shankar in Maharashtra, Ramanathaswamy in Rameshwaram, Tamil Nadu, Nageshwar in Dwarka, Gujarat, Kashi Vishwanath in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, Trimbakeshwar in Nasik, Maharashtra, Kedarnath in Rudra Prayag, Uttarakhand, and Grishneshwar in Aurangabad, Maharashtra. One cannot miss visiting these temples, if one genuinely wants to explore and experience the spiritual richness of India's Hindu culture and heritage.</p> <p>There are various renowned temples worldwide that are devoted to Lord Shiva, including the Sagar Shiv Temple in Mauritius, the Katas Raj Temples in Pakistan, the Shiva Temple in Muscat, Oman, the Shiva Shakti temple in Moscow, Russia, and the Prambanan Temple in Indonesia, among many others. Nepal's most famous Hindu temple is the Pashupatinath Temple, located on the banks of the Bagmati River on the outskirts of Kathmandu. This temple is dedicated to Shiva in his form as Pashupati, who is regarded as the protector of animals. The Pashupatinath Mandir in Nepal has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1979.</p> <p>Maha Shivaratri Celebrations: In India and Around the World</p> <p>Maha Shivaratri is a festival dedicated to the veneration of Lord Shiva, one of the most esteemed deities in Hinduism. This festival has many legends and holds great significance for devotees. It is a time for devotees to reflect on themselves, show their devotion, and offer their reverence towards Lord Shiva.</p> <p>As per Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva tied the knot with Maa Shakti (Parvati), his divine consort, on a particular night celebrated as 'The Maha Shivaratri - Night of Lord Shiva,' to commemorate their divine union. Lord Shiva represents mindfulness or Purusha, while Maa Parvati represents nature or Prakriti. The union of these two entities leads to creation.</p> <p>According to one legend, Lord Shiva took on the form of Lord Rudra, with the grace of Lord Brahma, during the midnight of Maha Shivaratri, when the universe was being created. It is also believed that on this particular night, Lord Shiva performed his cosmic dance of creation, preservation, and destruction after hearing the news of his consort, Maa Sati's immolation. This celestial dance is known as Rudra Tandav among his worshippers.&nbsp;</p> <p>In another legend, Goddess Parvati asked Lord Shiva which day he liked the most, and Lord Shiva replied that it was the new moon day, which falls on the 14th day of Phalgun month. This news spread throughout the universe, and since then, Maha Shivaratri has been celebrated on this day.<br /> Another interesting story from the 'Vishnu Puran' highlights Lord Shiva's supremacy. Although not directly related to Maha Shivaratri, the legend tells how Lord Shiva consumed a deadly poison called 'halahal-kaalkoot' to save the world during the Samudra Manthan. In this story, a pot of poison emerged from the ocean while the gods and demons churned a mountain for the immortal drink 'Amrit' (Nectar). The poison was so potent that it posed a threat to the world, and everyone was terrified. They all approached Lord Shiva for help, and to save the world, Shiva drank the poison. However, instead of swallowing it, he held it in his throat. As a result, his throat turned blue, and he got the name 'Nilakantha,' which means the one with a blue throat.</p> <p>The festival of Maha Shivaratri is associated with timeless legends that offer valuable lessons even today. It serves as a reminder of the significance of self-sacrifice, devotion, and compassion. This festival is believed to bring the perfect companion and true love.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> On this auspicious day, devotees offer flowers, sandalwood, and incense to Lord Shiva, one of the most revered deities in Hinduism. These offerings are believed to please the lord, who blesses his devotees with marital happiness and bliss.</p> <p>Maha Shivaratri is celebrated not only in India but also in many countries worldwide. It is observed with equal reverence and enthusiasm. The festival has been celebrated in Mauritius for decades to honour Lord Shiva. In Mauritius, Ganga Talao comes alive with vibrant processions and activities. Devotees carry elaborately decorated Kanwar made of bamboo and colourful paper streamers to Ganga Talao during the festival. In 1972, the holy water from the Ganges River in India was poured into Ganga Talao to establish a symbolic connection between the two. According to legend, Lord Shiva and his wife Parvati landed on the island and formed the lake by dropping drops of sacred Ganges water.</p> <p>Ganga Talao is now one of the most significant Hindu pilgrimages outside of India, and devotees worldwide revere it. The journey to Ganga Talao is arduous, but the pilgrims are undeterred. They fast and pray for forgiveness during the festival, a time of spiritual reflection and contemplation. The Kanwar are immersed in the lake's sacred waters to seek blessings from Lord Shiva. The tradition of carrying Kanwar is deeply rooted in Hindu mythology and is a beautiful way for devotees to express their love and respect for their god.</p> <p>Similarly, In Nepal, the Pashupatinath Temple is one of the holiest shrines of Lord Shiva, where devotees offer prayers for marital happiness and bliss.</p> <p>The Maha Shivaratri festival is celebrated by people from diverse communities, including Jains and Buddhists, who consider Lord Shiva an important spiritual figure.</p> <p>Salutation to the Lord Shiva: Om Namah Shivaya</p> <p>Maha Shivaratri is a beautiful festival that allows us to connect with our deepest selves and experience the blessings of Lord Shiva. It is an auspicious occasion for anyone seeking peace, harmony, and the perfect companion in life. Let us embrace the positive energy of Maha Shivaratri and allow it to instil a sense of strength and determination within us.</p> <p>Shivāste Panthānah Santu! Om Namah Shivāya !!</p> <p>May the divine grace of Lord Shiva and Parvati bless you with unwavering determination, resilience and courage to achieve your goals and overcome any challenges that come your way.</p> <p>****<br /> The author is an Indian government official currently serving as Deputy Secretary General at the World Hindi Secretariat in Mauritius. Prior to this, he held the position of Joint Director in the Ministry of Education, Government of India. He is an accomplished author of several books on language, culture, and education and a recipient of the prestigious 'Children's Book Trust' Prize of India. The views expressed are personal.<br /> &nbsp;</p> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-disqus field--type-disqus-comment field--label-hidden field--item"><drupal-render-placeholder callback="Drupal\disqus\Element\Disqus::displayDisqusComments" arguments="0=%5BBlog%5D%20The%20Legacy%20of%20Lord%20Shiva%3A%20From%20shared%20beliefs%20to%20collective%20memory&amp;1=http%3A//;2=node/155993" token="64e56W6Sns1EbRB9hYl4nS6yRZSEZmHZjfRKMABy0gA"></drupal-render-placeholder></div> Fri, 08 Mar 2024 11:37:06 +0000 guest 155993 at