The SBM Bank (Mauritius) Ltd has for some time been setting up technological and innovative initiatives to bring its banking services closer to its clients.
Once more this initiative has enabled the country’s second largest banking institution to get some international kudos for its approach. Since the beginning of the year, two reputed international financial magazines have commended the approach of the SBM.
The latest award received by the SBM was conferred by the International Banker magazine during the International Banker Banking Awards 2016. This leading specialised publication rewards financial institutions which have excelled in implementing new thresholds of performance and extend the level of their performance within the financial sector. SBM Bank (Mauritius) Ltd has been awarded in two categories: Best Innovation in Retail Banking – Mauritius and Best Private Bank Mauritius 2016.
These two awards strengthen the bank’s position within the local and regional financial landscape. Every year, readers of the International Banker magazine submit the names of banks which in their opinion are the best performers, regardless of their size. The magazine will then develop a ranking based on numerous factors, including the impact of the bank in the market where it is implemented.
“The SBM has been appointed twice since the beginning of this year. The first time was in April by the Banker Africa magazine and the second one during the International Banker Banking Awards 2016. These awards bear testimony to the strength of the strategies we have rolled out and represent a source of pride and encouragement for the bank and its employees,” Mr Nayen Koomar Ballah, chairman of the board of directors of SBM Bank (Mauritius) Ltd.
He added that: “These awards have further comforted the SBM in its choice of innovating and offering new services to its clients. The SBM has recently introduced MOOV by SBM. This high-tech service is an alternative to traditional point of sales. A few days ago, we have launched, jointly with Air Mauritius and VISA, the credit card named Sky-Smiles. This card is the first VISA Rewards card and also, the first jointly-issued card in Mauritius.”

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