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Retour aux Chagos : Theresa May annonce une «written ministerial statement»

La séance parlementaire à la House of Commons à Londres, qui a débuté à 16 heures [mauriciennes] mercredi 16 novembre, a été marquée par une déclaration de la Première ministre britannique Theresa May sur le dossier Chagos.


À 16 h 03, le leader du Labour Party et chef de l’Opposition Jeremy Corbyn a interpellé Theresa May : 

Jeremy Corbyn : Mr Speaker, it appears from press reports that the Chagos islanders that were expelled from their homes over 40 years ago are going to suffer another injustice today with the denial of their right of return...
Theresa May : There will be a written ministerial statement that will be in the House later today. So, everybody will be able to see the position that the Government is taking on that particular issue.

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