Nineteen people from the Mahebourg and Blue Bay area qualified as Mauritius Marine Guides. The graduation ceremony took place on Friday 7th October 2016 at the Preskil Beach Resort in the presence of Minister of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms Alain Wong and Dr Melanie Zimmerman, Charge d’Affaires at the U.S. Embassy of Mauritius. This ceremony took place following six month course provided by the Field Guide Association of Southern Africa, funded by the U.S. Ambassador’s Special Self Help Program 2014-15 and delivered by Mauritian NGO, Eco-Sud under the Lagon Bleu Programme. The course taught the fundamental skills and knowledge needed in order to deliver an eco-tour that provides detailed information about the marine ecosystem and sustainable practices for its use.
The keynote address was delivered by Dr Melanie Zimmerman, Charge d’Affaires at the U.S. Embassy, Mauritius. She spoke encouragingly of the growth of the course from nine participants to the 19 who were graduating. She supports the continued development of the graduates and their careers as responsible eco-guides. She also referred to a speech given by the President of Mauritius, Dr. Ameenah Gurib-Fakim speech on the 5th October at an Oceans reception, for a more hopeful future for our oceans if all actors come together with the common goal of protecting our ocean and also highlighted the importance of making sure everyone is sensitized and aware of their role in attaining this goal.
Further addresses were given by Deputy Permanent Secretary J D P Labonne who spoke on behalf of Premduth Koonjoo, Minister of Ocean Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries, Shipping and Outer Islands and Alain Wong Yen Cheong, Minister of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms and Minister of Environment, Sustainable Development and Disaster and Beach Management.
Minister Wong spoke inspiringly about the threat of climate change, the need for action on a local scale to prevent unsustainable fishing and beach erosion amongst other threats to the environment and the impact that the actions of individuals can have on a global scale. He also spoke of the role of the newly qualified eco-guides in helping to protect the ocean for future generations and the power that lay in their hands to do so.
The event came together as a collaboration between local businesses and international volunteers helping Lagon Bleu and was a huge success.

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