Nothing can prevent a bright star to shine despite rainy or cloudy days. Similarly, nothing could prevent Frederic Nullathemby to shine despite being faced with obstacles. Today, as a proud young man, Frederic has brought various changes at social level. Applauded for his multiple initiatives, he makes the young generation discover his passion for social engagement.
Recently, the passionate young man was awarded the first runner up of JCI The Young Outstanding Young Persons 2017 (TOYP) and the second runner up of the MCYL Outstanding Volunteer Award in 2016 for Voluntary Social Work, Promotion of Humanitarian and Philanthropic Activities and National Level. He avers that he was not confident to figure in the top three. “I believe that I was an extreme outsider in this competition. The profiles of the other candidates were extremely impressive and I did not believe in my chances in figuring in the Top 3. I left school in 2006 and only managed to start my Degree in 2010, which I completed in 2016. I had a very difficult journey and did not have much time to participate in other competitions or Top-up programs available before. I take this award with much humility and dedicate same to all the people whom I have helped and to those who have been crazy enough to follow me in the events I have created.”
After completing his secondary studies at the St Mary’s College, he immediately started to look for a job due to the financial situation of his family. He worked as a ‘chat moderator’ six days a week for a meager salary of Rs 3,000. “After this difficult working experience, I had an opportunity to join a renowned financial organisation as a trainee and with much determination, climbed the ladder of success over the past 10 years. During my stay in that organisation, I also worked as a part-time insurance seller, cards call centre agent, pickles seller and frequently offered transport services in my car.”
Social engagement
Frederic has been involved in more than 100 social projects and most of them are directed to youth engagement in social work and helping people in need. His signature project remains the construction of a house over a period of nine months for a disabled person and the creation of a unique concept named the “Social Treasure Hunt”. The event aims at engaging more than 100 participants in social work in a limited timeframe of two hours. The third edition was a huge success and was hosted in Sebastopol with the collaboration of ‘Nou Village’. This was a mega hit and really gave visibility to this unique social concept. “As a passionate of social work, I just wanted to bring more fairness, fight injustice and bring hope to all people who have failed and needed a new start in their life. There is unfortunately too much negativity in the media everyday. I just wanted to bring more positivity and value to society. I strongly believe that the solution to all human problems is the effervescence of happiness, joy and love all around us.”
In order to bring change in the community he had to re-invent himself and master things he did not have any notion of before. “I had the unique opportunity to disguise as Captain America in Rose Belle, a clown in St Hilaire, a rocking Pirate in Mare Tabac dancing in the middle of the roads and learning how to host Zumba classes and events all around Mauritius.”
His ambition is to build a solid society of professional volunteers of all ages who will propagate happiness, joy and love all around the country. He really wants to give a second chance to all those who were considered to be failures at a certain point of time. He strongly believes than the greatest inspirational stories are those people who have failed and had the guts to never give up on their dreams. “I am actually designing 12 major projects that will be unveiled gradually over the coming months. I invite the public to follow my page “Frederic Nullathemby” to have an insight on what I am preparing to make Mauritius greater again. Why imitate other countries when we have everything we need in our hands? We need to value our culture, human capital and creativity to make the difference in the world. “
He is likely to be the President of the Rotary Club of Rose Belle for the year 2018 – 2019 and will aspire launching amazing projects that will make a real difference in the country. “I am just passionate enough to work night and day for the betterment of my country. I work with my heart and do not want to compete with anyone, I do not have any hidden agenda, I do not compete for awards or titles and most importantly, I never expect something in return. In social work, you barely receive a thank you and I am fine with it. I do not want anything in return apart a smile. I am just a normal guy with great vision and who holds a golden heart.”

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