The Prime Minister, Sir Anerood Jugnauth, handed over the title deeds for a plot of land for residential purposes at Khoyratty and Mon Gout to the 115 planters of ex-Riche Terre Land settlement on Wednesday.
The allocation of the land to the planters is in line with government’s commitment to redress “the unfair treatment and inadequate compensation” that was given to them in the wake of the Tianli – Jin fei project at Riche Terre. It is also an additional compensation as part of government’s endeavour to give due consideration to repeated representations made in respect of request for full compensation “in a spirit of fairness and on compassionate grounds” given their displacement from Riche Terre.
In his address, Sir Anerood Jugnauth expressed concerns with regards to the plight of the 115 planters which he said, have been deprived of their land without a fair compensation so far. According to him, this action of government is clear testimony to the particular attention being given to these planters so as to compensate them in a fair manner. He further appealed to the beneficiaries to use the land judiciously.
The two sites, respectively at Khoyratty and Mon Gout, which cover a total land area of 9 hectares (22 Arpents) were acquired from Terragri Limited in May 2016 under the Government-MSPA agreement on 2000 Arpents Scheme. The two plots have been subdivided into smaller lots, that is 85 at Khoyratty and 36 at Mon Gout, each of an average extent of 10 perches, which have been released for residential development including associated amenities.

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