Dr Hiteshini Jugessur, a committed scientist, has made the atypical journey from science to social activism and teaching yoga and meditation. A devoted Art of Living Facilitator, she shares with News on Sunday some of the basic tools to live a stress free life, abundant in love and happiness.
How does a scientist make the atypical journey to yoga and meditation? “There is no conflict at all. I wanted to give more to the community. Way back in 1999, I was on an internship with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) in Karachi, Pakistan. I was looking at the health services provided to women living in the slums of Karachi. When I returned to Canada, I started working in a women’s centre in Montreal. It always bothered me that although we were able to provide frontline services to women in difficulty and solve their problems, there was still so much pain and suffering. I could do nothing about it. I wanted to find a way to heal their sufferings and bring solace and peace into their lives. That took me on the spiritual journey. I discovered the Art of Living”, she shares.
She confesses that she was herself on a quest to find peace. “I was searching. I was quite stressed. I wanted to get rid of that stress. I wanted to be happy. I came across the Art of Living through friends. Since then, I have been volunteering”.
Dr. Hiteshini Jugessur reinforces the general feeling that “the personal development programs delivered by the Art of Living combine the mystical and the modern to help the person to create a life of purpose, joy and confidence”. “It is a very practical way. It works for everybody. We all want to experience peace, love and happiness. The programs we teach are very easy to learn. They are practical yet very deep. In fact, they are based on ancient knowledge. Our programs are applicable to everybody, regardless of cast, creed or religion.”
When we asked Dr. Jugessur about the fact that people tread on different paths with the ultimate purpose of finding happiness but they end up being more miserable, she replied that “people do realize that they need something but they simply do not know where to go. They are seeking happiness outside of themselves”. She adds: “Some take to drinking while others experiment with drugs, in fact, anything that involves the senses”. She insists that these are actually not the solution at all, almost regretting that “many of us are simply not taught how to handle anger and grief, for instance.”
But what is so special about the programs proposed by the Art of Living Foundation? “We teach breathing techniques which releases the physical and emotional stresses from the system and harmonizes your biorhythm. The technique aligns your body and mind with nature and brings you back to yourself, in the peaceful state in which you were originally born.”
How do those who live in conflict areas cope with their precarious situation? “From 2010 to 2012, I was in Central Africa, a high conflict zone. We were implementing a program for the UN Peace-Keeping Mission living in those extremely stressful conditions. Many suffered from what is known as “post- traumatic stress disorder”( PTSD). I have also taught specialized programs to war veterans coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan. Meditation and our breathing techniques can help immensely with PTSD. When the trauma is so strong, any small incident can revive it. This could lead to hyper-vigilance, anger, insomnia, depression, all of which could have disastrous consequences”.
Dr Jugessur highly recommends the Sudarshan Kriya program. She explains that Sudarshan Kriya incorporates specific natural rhythms of the breath which harmonize the body, mind and emotions. “This unique breathing technique eliminates stress, fatigue and negative emotions such as anger, frustration and depression, leaving you calm yet energized, focused yet relaxed. It is such a powerful tool that acts on the whole nervous system. It brings about a renewal from within”.
Speaking about extreme situations both within the family and on the socio-economic front, Dr. Jugessur explains: “When the family breaks down, some are so desperate that they attempt and eventually commit suicide. Similarly, helpless farmers in Maharashtra, India commit suicide because of their irreversible situation: huge debts and crop failures”.
Do all these various programs address all sectors? “Yes”, says a confident Dr. Jugessur. “I just spent two months in Zimbabwe where unemployment has reached alarming proportions, 94% to be precise. Uncertainty persists while business leaders are stressed. We gave the people there coping strategies.”
Asked about her assessment of the situation in Mauritius, Dr. Jugessur states that she was appalled to notice a recrudescence of violence and stress. “As people struggle there is bound to be more tension. For instance, I am surprised to see so much road-rage here, something which was unimaginable years ago.”.
As regards the use of synthetic drugs, she says: “They want relief from pain, from anxiety, they wish to numb the pain. We have specialized programs for relieving those suffering from alcohol and drug addiction. Right now we are contacting places where we can offer such programs”.
Asked to express her views on the situation of the family in today’s world, Dr. Jugessur says that numerous problems are “family break-up related”. “When this unit breaks down, often children don’t know how to cope. This is a global phenomenon. Many do not know how to handle situation where they feel hopeless and that nobody cares for them.”
On the chapter of youth, Dr Jugessur feels that young ones need to be given the soft skills. “We must re-inculcate human values and introduce this aspect in our education system. We need to broaden our education and look at it in a more holistic way. Creative skills need to be brought out of the youth. We should strike the right balance between the left and right hemisphere of the brain. We should bring back confidence in the youth. They should be told how brilliant they are and that they deserve success in life”.
Referring to the Sudarshan Kriya program, Dr. Jugessur explains that this program helps to enhance these qualities, namely confidence and perseverance. “We can bring the level of creativity to such an extent that it can bring out dynamism within these young ones. As such, they will discover their true potential.”
For Dr. Hiteshini Jugessur, “happiness is the bottom line”. “Whatever material progress you make in life may not necessarily make you happy. The founder of the Art of Living Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has the vision to create a happy, stress-free and violence-free world. He is a humanitarian leader, spiritual teacher and ambassador of peace. Through this scheme, we can uplift the individual and show him or her the path towards real happiness”.
Dr. Jugessur has numerous projects, within the Art of Living Foundation (Mauritius). “We intend to be more involved with youth. We see so much violence globally. What happens in any corner of the world can affect us here. Our main responsibility is to bring about peaceful and happy nations. We bring harmony and love. Unless we do that, we are heading towards disaster”.
“It all depends on how we handle our own mind and emotions. When we are stressed we only think about ourselves. We don’t connect with others. There is a need to bring back human values in society and create harmony in diversity. Violence arises when there is a build-up of stress. We must learn the techniques that help us relieve this situation.”

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