During a press conference on Thursday, social workers deplored the chaotic situation the country is facing when it comes to drug abuse.
Danny Philippe, lead coordinator revealed that the situation is very alarming. “Synthetic drugs are destroying some young people. There is a need for a national prevention scheme. There is no need to wait for the National Commission on Drugs,” he said.
Imran Dhunnoo revealed that from January 2016 to May 2016, they have received 242 requests for treatment and the majority of those people are on brown sugar. “75% of the people are aged between 21-30 years old. The demographics of drug users are changing. In 2015, there have been 103 arrests. From January 2016 to May, 71 people have been arrested.”
Kadress Rungen recalled that no school has been spared. “Many people are seeking treatment. Where is the National Drug Prevention Plan? We urgently need a national plan. There is an urgent need for prevention, rehabilitation, repression and risk reduction. Prevention is better at three levels: family, school and the society. Talks won’t cut it.”

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